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Rekindled Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rekindled Phoenix

  1. How would I go about 'unproject'ing a particular type of object (let's say AI_Node), and draw a line between all of the same types of objects? for a demonstration I need to show a nav-mesh, written in Lua, viewed within the Sandbox editor. Is it possible to only execute certain lua functions when viewed within the sandbox editor? As an alternate solution, checking whether in debug mode might work.
  2. That demo looks beautiful Lumooja. I would love to have your water in LE 2.x and 3.0!
  3. Klepto2 may be working on something related to this using Leadwerks.Net
  4. My apologies, it is 'csharp' Updated first post
  5. I've added a new repository link on the first post of this thread. The same credentials can be used to access the files.
  6. What do you mean Lazlo?? If something is bothering you, post it on the forum! Let your grievances be heard by all. Some users on the forum quietly download and use the software provided, because it's there. The community is grateful for your efforts even if they do not express it. So that new users aren't left out, I'm half-tempted to just host the files myself... Anyone can message me regarding issues with the wrapper
  7. great work Josh. Looking forward to every step closer to LE3
  8. You do not login to the website itself. Have you tried importing the files via TortoiseSVN? Once installed, right-click any windows explorer folder and click "SVN Checkout" URL of the repository is the URL above, along with credentials you will need to download. If the version of the libraries ever changes, right-click the folder and select "SVN Update". The files will be updated accordingly.
  9. Credits to Lazlo (and several others) for creating this updated API for .Net developers using Leadwerks. Currently, only version .Net 4 is supported, and Visual Studio 2010 is the recommended IDE. Events, Inherited objects, and several other developer optimizations included. New repository link! SVN Repository http://www.assembla.com/spaces/leadwerks/ https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/leadwerks-csharp/ Credentials leadwerks.csharp / collaboration Issues regarding the use of these libraries, add a post in this thread For all other issues related to Leadwerks development for .Net in general, add a new thread I would highly recommend TortoiseSVN To view how to use it Click Here This is not ZioRed's library, which does not support events / entity inheritance and is a direct copy of the Leaderks API. Find that here.
  10. This doesn't seem to work appropriately. Amusingly it says this in the comment field for the function. TestCube.PointAt(Target, 1); The command worked in the previous headers, so I'm guessing it's a datatype definition that is off. Maybe change the Axis parameter to a float instead of an int? On a side note, the function freaks out when the object is greater than a certain distance away... how do I fix this? EDIT: Cycled through the axis values and decided just to invert the angle to get the partially results
  11. Something to keep in mind for the future, Klepto2 has been working on some 2D graphics API for C# development that may benefit your GUI / HUD. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/16/entry-638-back-in-leadwerks-net-development/
  12. If you listen to the L4D2 developer commentary, there was a shared folder that was full of complete gore (purely for texturing models). After several artists loosing their lunch, they decided to use potato skins and other references that weren't made of people.
  13. So to accomplish this, modify a shader, then update a material object, applied to a mesh object? Haha, yes. It's an awesome game.
  14. The problem is finding someone who has the original files. lol. Hopefully someone on the forums will. *posts on homepage sidebar*
  15. What would be the best way, using Leadwerks to accomplish this? Is it possible with the current engine? This is clearly hypothetical, and thought it would make for an interesting topic. Rendering Wounds in L4D2 (Warning: grotesque images of dismembered zombies follow this link)
  16. I recently came across this page Clou[d] Website demonstration Would it be possible for use in LE 2.x or 3?
  17. I appreciate your reply Josh. *Going to take a look at tree[d] now...*
  18. So I did what was requested, and the trees are even more defunct than before. The leaves disappear if more than 20 LE units away, and the billboards are just brighter. This is extremely frustrating, as there is no place to download the original files. There are other people in the community that would like to have access to the files again, once they are fixed. Michael, could you just modify the beech trees and post a zip here?
  19. I guess I didn't understand that I could modify the DDS files, instead of the original texture files. Going to try it when I get home tonight.
  20. So, what would be the best solution for fixing this image glitch, without having the original resources?
  21. The trees I'm having trouble with are from the European Nature pack you gave us. (which was generous of you, btw) And those now files are gone! Leadwerks Post Here (Beech Trees) Could you update the mipmaps? The Spruce trees that are included with the editor (not using them currently), are found in the free Arctic level and on the left of this image.
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