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Rekindled Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rekindled Phoenix

  1. I've been using Blender for a long time now. If you decide that is the right choice for you, feel free to PM me with any modeling questions.
  2. Aggror I think of placing the objects to the previous position, you should use a curve funtion to ease them back into place every frame loop. How does that sound?
  3. I agree with JTimm. but just the erosion back would be a wonderful addition!
  4. The real question is, How is Naughty Alien accomplishing the task of porting LE to Xbox360 and PS3?
  5. +1 Drew_Benton You have laid down an excellent foundation for those who need a head start to networking code. Excellent resources btw. I am in the middle of coding an asynchronous multi-threaded networking server, and what Drew has is all true. My process during the creation of a small server seems to be the following: - Decide different 'opcode' commands based on bytes or relevant data - Create a 'handshake' process exchanging version info and (if necessary) encryption keys - Put safety checks in place for ALL client data (authenticate occasionally) In my code comments, I have the overall communication setup '//Startup Communication// 'Client: Authenticate Handshake 'Server: Map and Object Creation 'Server: Local Vectors '//Communication Loop// 'Client: Keyboard Keys 'Client: Inventory Requests 'Client: Chat Messages 'Server: Local Vector Updates 'Server: Local Inventory Updates 'Server: Local Chat Messages 'Server: Object Updates Here is an article by Tim Sweeney (author of ZZT, my first programming / scripting language) within one of the articles posted above. http://unreal.epicgames.com/Network.htm I'm using .Net, so I have access to API that does a little more than the Leadwerks Networking calls. Plenty can still be done with the given network functions.
  6. How would you accomplish this without using prefabs? What would be step-by-step process in pseudo code? Do you guys think we should incorporate it into the engine, or should we wait until Newton releases the updates?
  7. I've been looking for something like this! thanks for sharing
  8. What would be the best way to get the composite view from the SBX files?
  9. You could also use the framework that comes with the engine (2.3+) to easily add water into your scene. Framework.Effects.Water.Enabled = True I find it alot easier than creating the water plane yourself!
  10. I use Blender. There's to be a plug-in to create fractured sub-objects from your original model. Blender Fracture plug-in And another used in this video... FractrueMe Plug-in I haven't used it yet. Maybe you can create something like this video? Swap the model with the sub-objects on collision? http://vimeo.com/10526000
  11. (I forgot to ask...) Would if be possible to include this in the next update?
  12. I saw your article on drawing with OpenGL routines here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=19 How would that be done using the Framework? Would you know how do include the same library using C# / VB syntax?
  13. I second this request. The RAW file is only a heightmap
  14. Could a moderator move this tread to the Leadwerks Editor forum?
  15. Thanks Master, that sounds like an acceptable alternative. Do you think there would be any lag with constantly updating the UV texture on said mesh? (It's going to be a overview map)
  16. This is going to be an essential asset to some games. An out of the box sky environment will be wonderful Josh
  17. without using OpenGL commands, is there a way to take the entity Texture and rotate, and draw it to the screen? I'm using LE 2.3 (C# Headers)
  18. I am putting together maps for each level. It seems that creating a map of the world may be easier if I just exported the RAW files from the Sandbox. The only problem is, I only see a Heightmap texture, not the composite of everything including the shadow. Is the composite image stored within the RAW file? If so, what image editor / tool would I use to get it? Is there a way to get an 'above view' easily using the sandbox and / or it's SBX files?
  19. Hey thanks This helps alot!
  20. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/gallery/image/1-a-lot-of-trees/ http://www.pure3d.de/gfx/echtzeit/leadwerks_techdemo/pure3d_leadwerks_techdemo_gdc2010_5.jpg I don't think you need SpeedTree...
  21. Vat about Russian accent? (As an actor spoken in english)
  22. Ya I really miss it too. Josh, would it be easy to add it back?
  23. Is that why collision detection crashes the entire application without any exceptions thrown? Do you think that Windows / .Net manages untouched memory that's allocated by LE?
  24. Fluvial Erosion In the 2.28 Leadwerks Sandbox, I used it all the time. Can we have it back?
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