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Rekindled Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rekindled Phoenix

  1. I think my favorite was the post-process RAIN SHADER. I wish Leadwerks had something like that! ...or a blend shader which would be easier to achieve.
  2. That is awesome. Keep us updated on the custom controls!
  3. So... is this a contest? I could pull this off in one evening.
  4. So I've tried freeing the entity that checks the callback from LE and Windows memory and found that it delays the crash by about 10-30 seconds. Without removing the object, the application will crash after about 5 seconds, no matter what Garbage Collector settings are assigned to the object. It seems to crash out of the bounds of the App Domain. Whether the OpenGL Window Handle (Leadwerks) is crashing, or whether it's .Net Memory Management causing the issue, I still can't figure it out. Anyone else get collision working yet?
  5. I remember a couple months ago when we were given a simple chat system tied to a 3D environment where worlds and entities were sync'd. It used an enhanced networking class from what I remember. Are we going to get an updated networking class in the future? Approximately what version will this release be scheduled for? (I really appreciate all of the updates Josh has added in the last few months, btw)
  6. I'm using the C# Headers, which uses the Framework effects. When I turn on Ambient Occlusion, the water gets way more distorted. You may be able to tell the difference in the caustics and horizon. Is it supposed to be this distorted regularly? Can anyone verify this, and why?
  7. I'm just curious EnablerBr, are you using the C# Wrapper from this forum: C# Headers, or your own?
  8. Rick couldn't have said what I was going to type any better. I'm glad the newest C# users will be able to use these enhancements. Took MS long enough.
  9. Sounds like a good temporary alternative. Let me know when you've found a solution, it still crashes my game even with error handling. I'm still trying to figure what's causing the problem. EDIT: I can't get the method for FreeEntityCallback to work at all. Try catches seem to be useless as the Engine throws a System.ExecutionEngineException, which isn't caught for some reason.
  10. @Klepto I used the same code from the original wrapper classes. Do you see anything wrong with my DLL declared function posted above? (Will post an example later for debugging) When calling the DLL's SetEntityCallback, the function only works when you set the type as a regular EntityCallback delegate. There are at least 6 other callbacks in the wrapper that can't be used! Why?? Can anyone else get callbacks to work without crashing their app?
  11. That would be most helpful. Thank you Ubu. I looked in the old wrapper and found this as the only callback / event handler. Would this help? [DllImport(LEADWERKS_DLL, EntryPoint = "SetEntityCallback", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] public static extern void SetEntityCallback(IntPtr _entity, EntityCallback callback, int id); A separate boolean with a synclock surrounding it tells my render loop to display "Collisions Yay!". I get random crashes, after a series of them are displayed though, mostly when I'm not currently colliding with anything... EDIT: Added my code (VB) Dim KeepCallback As New EntityCallback(AddressOf test) SetEntityCallback(Player.Pointer, KeepCallback, EntityCallbackType.Collision) '//System.GC.KeepAlive(KeepCallback) After the first collision there's a timespan of a couple seconds with or without collisions, then the app crashes. *Investigating whyyyyyyy* Oh, and don't forget the function "FreeEntityCallback" !!
  12. Would TylerH be able to handle this? It should be pretty easy right?
  13. I would love to see some kind of tutorial specific to ropes and joint related entities.
  14. I remember a while back seeing the Aquatica Engine. There's several examples using DirectX and Shader Model 1-3. Maybe something similar to this? Although, Josh's Hydrax video looks like a better implementation.
  15. Nice music, I may use this for a demo.
  16. The delegates are included, so what is the best way to capture the collision events using the new Headers? Without the Headers using TylerH's old wrapper, I'd call SetEntityCallback like this: SetEntityCallback(box1, New EntityCallback(AddressOf DoSomething), ENTITYCALLBACK_COLLISION) With the new Headers, do I create something like this? If so, how do I tell Leadwerks to invoke the delegate without the SetEntityCallback function? //C# (translated, may be incorrect) EntityCollisionCallback del = new EntityCollisionCallback(CollisionHappened); public void CollisionHappened(System.IntPtr _entity1, System.IntPtr _entity2, Leadwerks.Vector3 _position, Leadwerks.Vector3 _normal, float force) { DrawText(_entity1, 300, 300); } EDIT: VB removed I can't find the 'SetEntityCallback' function in the Core namespace. Where did it go?
  17. Stating your personal opinion elsewhere is great, but why bother saying this in the C# forum? It has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
  18. @Revan FYI, it is already been released for the community, just for Leadwerks license owners. You can find the files in the C# Programming forums.
  19. *raises hand* Some game developing communities do have language elitists. I'm glad Leadwerks isn't one of them. I seem to be the only other VB.Net programmer using the C# Wrapper. This community hasn't shown any negativity towards my choice of language. A .Net API gets compiled all the same to me. Glad to see another VB.Net developer on board.
  20. Yaaay a suggestion forum! Finally having raycasting functions that work is AWESOME!!!
  21. (With all the excitement dwelling around mobile and console development, I'd thought I'd ask) As far as I know, the XNA Game Studio is just Visual Studio with a toolset to export directly to the console of choice. So, If almost any DirectX C#/VB project can be ported to the game console... Is it possible to take the Console / WinApp running the Leadwerks OpenGL Window, and port it to my XBox360? Has anyone used XNA before and would know the best way to pull this off?
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