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Rekindled Phoenix

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Everything posted by Rekindled Phoenix

  1. If you haven't been following the recent LE news, Josh has said he will officially support .Net languages. Since Leadwerks.Net is an OO wrapper with inheritance, it will not be compatible with any "official" DLL releases in the future. I am debating the future of Leadwerks.Net, whether it be an abstracted DLL that is compatible with the official files, or stay a completely separate "unofficial" release. For those who use this library, what do you want? I'd prefer responses from those who use Leadwerks.Net over any other wrapper - Layer on top of official libraries (Compatibility!) - Separate download stay unofficial (Flexibility!)
  2. I will probably use Leadwerks.Net for a while, and in time, use the "official" libraries once released. Hahahaha. Nice. Do I get to wear black if I join?
  3. It's not going to happen. The only thing that they might share would the be PInvoke'd methods to access the DLL entry points. It would be pointless just for one class to share similarities. I don't like the library, but that doesn't mean I have to use it. I realize that my opinion does not depict the entire forum either. I know that there are those who like the coding style of a C++ library. I accept the fact that it would cause Josh more strain to write different documentation, etc.
  4. Yaaaaay!! *smashes the download button repeatedly*
  5. download herein asset store: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/185-lenet/ (thinking of posting Leadwerks there...)
  6. *sigh* Damn. It's upsetting that the libraries cannot be in the format that best suits the language, though I understand Josh's reasons. If it's a direct copy of the API, you will want to look at LE.Net, which ZioRed has taken the responsibility of managing. I think Leadwerks.Net will become the "optimized" version, still giving users an option to choose a particular style. At least the language will be officially supported, which is a big plus!
  7. Josh, have you looked at the way Leadwerks.Net is structured? Also, inheritance is a must.
  8. You might be able to use the feature in this blog http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/16/entry-677-part-3-extending-not-only-net/
  9. This is done on purpose. An inheritable strongly-typed library is structured to keep people from calling the standard Leadwerks functions (the dll commands). Lazlo's layout keeps developers from using one class to solve all of their needs. What's wrong with the "using" statement? If there are a few commands you think that should be accessible, post it as a reply to the pinned thread. Leadwerks.Net will never use LE.Net as it's core. They are designed differently. Lazlo's library has layered-inheritance, updated namespaces, and events ZioRed's library is a clean, "TEntity" port of the API. I think we may disagree on the way the libraries should be structured. The dll commands for the importer should be in one maintainable class. Imagine trying to find a command with an incorrect "pInvoke" and scouring though the layers of inherited classes to find such a method.
  10. Windows 7 (64bit) ATI Radeon HD 5700
  11. I agree with the "start simple" concept, yet rarely follow it. Thank you for sharing! EDIT: OMG this is so fun!!!
  12. Thank you for this! When I start to paint the screen glitches out and goes to black with flickering artifacts. Damn, I want to try this!
  13. I think it will be several years before Josh officially accepts C#...
  14. You guys thinking of a parameter with an enum value for the OpenGL version? +1
  15. This is a great idea! Thanks for allowing us to do this. I can see hundreds of developers hitting the refresh button in hopes of seeing their screen-caps.
  16. Lazlo's (and ZioRed's) code has served the community well. I may be content with the available libraries, but the community may not be. If you feel the Leadwerks.Net library is missing something, feel free to reply with a suggestion below! (Can't suggest events and inheritance, since they already are supported.) And remember, the C# libraries for Leadwerks come in two flavors: - Spiced Nutmeg (Leadwerks.Net) - French Vanilla (LE.Net)
  17. Create a variety of bricks with variance in your 3D modeler. Make small segments with several dozen blocks per model. You could also create a LUA script that arranges them for you. It will be a while before prefabs...
  18. I believe Steamworks is like using any another library for networking, achievements, and user updates. The developers are on their own, as if it was any other third-party library. You send commands to their servers using their API to retrieve user information. Running Visual Studio (and Leadwerks) using the Steam Client displays the overlay. It attaches to any child process using an OpenGL / DirectX window, and thus is completely separate from the Leadwerks engine. (picture shown)
  19. Could you explain in layman's terms what's causing the issue? I'm extremely curious.
  20. Yes you can. It is recommended that your libraries be using .Net 4 'Leadwerks.Net' Wrapper can be used to access the Leadwerks engine. (Located HERE) 'LE.Net', is an alternative library, but is only a direct export of the Leadwerks API without events or strongly-typed inheritance. (Located HERE) Add either DLL as a reference to your project. VB.Net can call methods from any managed library using the Microsoft's CLR (Common Language Runtime): C#, Visual C++, and even *shudder* F#. Take any C# example and paste it into this online converter:Developer Tools Converter Leadwerks is a very flexible engine, extensible for scripting both within code, and within the editor. This all depends on your programming style, and whether you wish to learn Lua (which I'd highly recommend). I tend to use a mix of both. I have the most experience on the forums when it comes to VB.Net, and will be more than willing to answer any questions you may have.
  21. That's exactly what Overgrowth was doing, though with each stable build they give the community a new download. I wish LE3 did this!
  22. It's wonderful to see progress with the LE engine.
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