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Everything posted by dennis

  1. Hey all, I think my topic title speaks for itself... Is this possible or not? Cheers.
  2. I also tried that mack. But it appears that 3dws didn't export the model quite good because the scène was like 200kb and the actual scène was big enough to be like 50mb as it exactly was. So tried to export and then import. That just worked fine
  3. Mike. With the 3 cube thingy i meant the following. You can select the whole model, or just an square or segment can you upload an picture of the 3dws interface i dont have an computer here since I'm not at home and didn't bring my laptop because my backpack was alread 30 kg's (60 lbs)
  4. Hey mike, Use units of one. For your problem in tex scale. Select all. Use the second option from that 3 cube thingys and it then allows you to scale down. Select 0.1 or 0.001 Cheers
  5. Export textured to X and open in UU3D. Then it will appear textured Dennis
  6. No problem at all. But you will receive it at this friday due my field operations which I'm taking part at.
  7. @fumanshoo. I will give you the code I'm using for that So you can't run out of keys
  8. mouse = 0 While AppTerminate == 0 do if KeyHit(KEY_K) == 1 then mouse = 1 function FlipHook() MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()) mx=Curve(MouseX()- GraphicsWidth(),3.0/AppSpeed()) my=Curve(MouseY()- GraphicsHeight(),3.0/AppSpeed()) end end Not sure what you exactly want to achieve... with the K key, but I use an GUI button to close it again. but this will hold it on screen. because the mouse = 0 which was declared before main loop. it's not perfect but an start and will definitely work
  9. okay thanks what I wanted to do is that I have sliders and check boxes, those will set an value. I want that value to be returned to the code and updated in the database... And the code fragment I showed will do that but I can not add my own value to it.
  10. heya all when I want to update an value in my database it needs to be done dynamically (by the user) for example. when the value in the database = 1, the user may want to change that to 0 (when he sets the Bloom off) I can do it hard coded by using: for test in db:nrows("UPDATE test SET bloom = 1 WHERE bloom = 0") I already have an placeholder for this which is local bloomval =1 How to do this so the value of bloomval = 1 can be set by the user ? Regards,
  11. No problem for that "menue" thing I'm familiar with those games but in every version the style is different
  12. Okay, can you show an example of what your idea is ?
  13. Really great work pixel. would love to play this game !
  14. Hey, I hope this will help you to draw your menu Graphics(800, 600) fw = CreateFramework() camera = fw.main.camera pausefunc = 0 AppTerminate = 0 while AppTerminate ==0 do if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) == 1 then --sets pause to 1 and opens up the pause screen pausefunc = 1 function FlipHook() --if it applies to 1 the screen gots open if pausefunc == 1 then SetBlend(1) menu = LoadTexture("abstract::menu.dds") DrawImage(menu, X, Y, Width, Height) SetBlend(0) else --add stuff here end end end fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end you need to add your own stuff to this but it's an start... Cheers
  15. but it now works really strange but it does
  16. Thanks for the help I appreciate that but I found the problem, it was an real pain in the ***. but now I'm thinking off I'm stupid lol! I forgot to add: camera = fw.main.camera that line just helped perfectly I mentioned it at the moment when I realized that an camera is needed to give graphical feedback. Thanks guys!
  17. How did you do those custom cursors?
  18. That problem is fixed now but now the main problem which is I can't read the data from that database and use that tp set the bloom for example which was my actual problem. And Last one to actually show that it doesn't show the bloom
  19. Hey guys, I'm using sqlite3 for my game now but I have some small problems with it. as I'm coding: require("Scripts/constants/collision_const") require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") require("Scripts/constants/keycodes") require("Scripts/LinkedList") require("Scripts/filesystem") require("Scripts/math/math") require("scripts/classes/bullet") require("Scripts/hooks") require("Scripts/spline") RegisterAbstractPath("") package.loadlib("lsqlite3.dll", "luaopen_lsqlite3")() local db = sqlite3.open('game.s3db') Graphics(800, 600) fw = CreateFramework() for row in db:nrows("SELECT * FROM graphx") do bloom = SetBloom(row.Bloom) end why doesn't this work? when I open up my script editor, and want to use this value inside it it returns: no such table: graphx and when I use this and open up "engine.exe" it doesn't show up any error but still doesn't work. why? and is there any explanation how to use this inside LE2? I hope someone can help with this. Cheers
  20. dennis


    hophop! I like this I would definitely buy it, I think it will be my Christmas present to myself
  21. okay it works really well. seriously this is an amazing form of programming! I even ordered an book of LUA haha! thanks guys
  22. made an folder. placed all my models and textures in there. ran the converter. placed all the textures in the same named folder inside materials. voila it works
  23. Also didn''t work... but I already fixed it thanks anyway
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