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Everything posted by dennis

  1. Hello all, I written a small LUA script. but it isn't working yet. can someone tell me whats wrong? require("scripts/class") require("scripts/constants/collision_const") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.model:SetKey("collisiontype", COLLISION_SCENE) end light1 = CreatePointLight(10) light1:SetColor(Vec4(255, 233, 172, 255)) light1:SetShadowmapSize(512) EntityColor(light1, Vec4(0.56)) light1:SetPosition(Vec3(-0.72,10.05,26.95)) I was thinking, to make it a function so I could load all it's parameters inside the game when loading the scene like: function modellighting() light1 = CreatePointLight(10) light1:SetColor(Vec4(255, 233, 172, 255)) light1:SetShadowmapSize(512) EntityColor(light1, Vec4(0.56)) light1:SetPosition(Vec3(-0.72,10.05,26.95)) end any other possibility's ? Like to hear them, the reason I chose to let the model creates light itself. is because it will costs less time to generate all physics but just only loading the model. cheers
  2. @naughty alien, thanks... but how to do this in LUA?? is there another way ? but it helps, when I look very clear and concentrated to it. some LUA code pops up in my brains. cheers
  3. okay thanks, but what part of the script do I need to use for it ?
  4. Hello all, I'm just losing my mind,.. I'm freaking out here. Didn't know how hard it could be to let a light flicker. Can someone please help me to let a simple point light flicker ? My computer is losing control over gravity if you know what I mean (for the ones who don't know: it can fly by now) Cheers
  5. Indeed, I just graduaded from military school, do I need to get rid of those ?
  6. a few weeks ago I found a article which said that console sales go down because, the PC is upcoming, as a superior
  7. that's true. but why don't they open the market then ? they will earn lots of money with it
  8. whaha! you are a good person too marley it's just I like these forums
  9. depends on what you like to use, for inside terrains I'm using FPS creator X9, export maps and import in LE when I want to create outside terrain's I'd like to use LE's built in editor. when you are using 3rd party tools you always will have a scaling problem. LE built in tools won't have those problems. and please notice that LE textures needs to be in the format DDS and models in GMF the material files need to contain extension .mat for a window my material file will contain: texture0="abstract::b_win01_d2.dds" clamp0=0,0,0 texture1="abstract::b_win01_d2dot3.dds" clamp1=0,0,0 blend=1 depthmask=1 depthtest=1 overlay=0 zsort=0 cullface=1 castshadows=1 specular=1.00000000 bumpscale=1.00000000 gloss=0.500000000 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader="abstract::refraction.vert" for a normal object it will be more like texture0="abstract::wood02_d.dds" texture1="abstract::wood02_ddot3.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag"
  10. did you made material files? also included all the textures? made a lua file? maybe use UU3D to convert it also already tried the modelviewer app? I hope this will work out for you! the genmat for creating the material files is also in the tools folder.
  11. Did anyone ever mentioned you that you are amazing!?
  12. thanks it loads the image now, but won't show it, why? I used: SetBlend(1) img = LoadTexture("abstract::tbh.dds") DrawImage(img,0,0,800,600) SetBlend(0) Flip(0) And img = LoadTexture("abstract::tbh.dds") DrawImage(img,0,0,800,600) Flip(0) How can I show up my image? at least the background is changed colors from gray to black
  13. Hello all, How can I load a image before I start a scene? already have this: img = LoadTexture("abstract::tbh.dds") DrawImage(img, 0, 0, 1440, 900) scene = LoadScene("abstract::bannedisland_1.2.sbx") Collisions(COLLISION_PROP,COLLISION_SCENE,1) can I do this before: While Key(KEY_ESCAPE) ==0 do end or do I need to do it within the while... ? cheers!
  14. I'm using the following properties --> screenshot format like Hope that is good or, not. still not fixed the reason that it's that big, it's a whole scene.
  15. I know thanks, but the fact that is a export from the above image, so why wouldn't it work ?
  16. dennis

    Viewport Navigation

    BIG HERO NAMED JOSH! when I buy LE3 does it support my already at 50 - 80% done, game made in LE2.x? cheers
  17. I think it's a hoax, it's not even possible, I think
  18. Hello all, When I export a map from FPS creator (for indoor maps) it will export to DBO. I downloaded the DBO import / export plugin from UU3D website. when I open it up, it will show all textures (super HD and such) but now I want to export it to: - *.X - *.GMF - *.OBJ to just test if everything is working correctly, and even do a slight few changes. the problem now is that when I press up the export button... it won't export the textures. it will just give a white model. how can I change this to get it textured? it are 200 textures (most of them used more than once) and it's really big. I already tried to open it up in UU3D as exported model. but it give names as: texturebank_scifi_walls_w_d_1_c.dds so I changed a few textures to be in that format, but still won't work... I can post up screenshots if someone doesn't know the problem... but please whalp me. Have a nice Sunday! cheers!
  19. it should be possible, the problem is since browsers are updating the support for it will be patched out, as I heard. anyhow it is possible. just add a mime type to your web server, open up visual studio or something. and use the: 1) WPF Browser application 2) Silverlight application. they will both allow you to call local content but the user needs to activate it first by clicking accept. and also needs to use IE at least by using WPF browser app. for silverlight it just will work fine though. hope I could help you out by this.
  20. woow sounds awesome, I'll should give it a try, the worst part is one of my developers's (the one with the best computer) computer has crashed AAHHHHH! he is also the guy who is following the university for media and design @Brent Taylor So, they will use Adobe after effect and premiere pro for it (for example) just for the creation. someone have found a article for this? as in best software to use? or a openGL article? Cheers
  21. aha, you mean as in a database sync with a encrypted connection ? (whaha I followed CISCO CCNA Network accedemy - graduaded) anyway, I get it
  22. okay, but how will it appear in the material files ?
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