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Everything posted by dennis

  1. Nice shad, you are amazing
  2. Welcome back joachim. @admin, I thought our LE2 serial would be converted to use with the android upgrade and LE3 upgrade... at least mine was.
  3. No, I had to buy it too. but we get discount
  4. no... You won't get the LE3 upgrade for free. you need to buy that first for 199$ after purchasing that you are able to buy thee other 2 for 99$ each
  5. I'm aiming on realism but yet also not! I want to find an balance in it. by thinking at the story my team and me have written... the trick is to let it appear like it is possible in a far feature.
  6. You also were talking about that you are not sure that the weapons you used are exported correctly. but I will try to make some code for it
  7. I have an working weapon for you! I attached it here: http://downloads.tbhproductions.com/yougroove.zip have fun
  8. It isn't easy but I dreamed tonight and the answer came to my mind. I thought it was done becore with LE2 not sure though. But the diea is the same. I thought something like: setparent or entity. (Bone name):setparent
  9. I had a concept for it. But the answer is already given here. Will look it up when I return home. Working on my galaxy S3 isn't easy when searching up code and making code haha
  10. You can attach entity's to an specified point on the model right. If you give the model 2 pivots. On at the handle and the other at the fron (in case of gun / rifle) than you can attach it to the hand of any character
  11. Thanks mike... but that part of the game runs at 120 FPS. no idea why but that model doesn't use much power. but I will look at it, seems really interesting
  12. YEAH!!! I had that problem too. so this is a great suggestion !
  13. Those are a few buildings You see there.... that is just 1/1000 part of the actual map, which is like 4095 X 4095 as you saw. same as the small scrollbar
  14. dennis

    Open to the Public

    Cool! will leadwerks 3.1 been sold too ? or will it become like an update for current Leadwerks 3 users?
  15. There are multiple textures... why doesn't the editor use the textures assigned in the model itself?
  16. I have roughly 2000 items I need to process, and if they are all untextured I have some big problem. the importing is really fast but with no textures there is an little issue haha
  17. Okay thanks, but this isn't working for me because I have multiple textures per model. so I want to import the model with all his textures as it was in LE2. all this annoying work for just importing some models is just useless time waste.
  18. Hey all, I recently bought LE3 and I have an hard time to import all my assets used in LE2... I dug up the old FBX files. and added all files inside an directory. I opened up the engine and it started converting for me. after a few minutes, I wanted to add some of the models (which are mdl now) but they appear untextured... Why is that ? how can I fix this ? Cheers
  19. Omg, I didn't found out that!! AWESOME
  20. Hey, A Gui system will be perfect for an engine like this. such as: sliders, checkboxes, buttons etc... Cheers
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