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  1. GorzenDev

    Custom Widgets

    Remember that a widget's behaviour is dictated by the script that is attached to it. Well its that simple just use a custom script for your widget and your done. I will show you how to create a simple ColorLabel. First copy the default Label.lua script and rename it to Colorlabel.lua Now lets make some changes in your Colorlabel.lua so open it up. We will add 2 variables to the script called bordercolor and textcolor they will be of type Vec4(). Script.bordercolor = Vec4(0.2,0.2,0.2,1) Script.textcolor = Vec4(0.7,0.7,0.7,1) Now lets change the draw function to use our color variables. function Script:Draw(x,y,width,height) local gui = self.widget:GetGUI() local pos = self.widget:GetPosition(true) local sz = self.widget:GetSize(true) local scale = gui:GetScale() local text = self.widget:GetText() local indent=4 if self.border==true then --set border color gui:SetColor(self.bordercolor.r, self.bordercolor.g, self.bordercolor.b, self.bordercolor.a) gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,1) end --set text color gui:SetColor(self.textcolor.r,self.textcolor.g,self.textcolor.b,self.textcolor.a) if text~="" then local style=0 if self.align=="Left" then style = Text.Left end if self.align=="Center" then style = Text.Center end if self.align=="Right" then style = Text.Right end if self.valign=="Center" then style = style + Text.VCenter end if self.wordwrap==true then style = style + Text.WordWrap end if self.border==true then gui:DrawText(text,pos.x+scale*indent,pos.y+scale*indent,sz.width-scale*indent*2,sz.height-scale*indent*2,style) else gui:DrawText(text,pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,style) end end end Now lets change the label in our UI_Interface class to use our custom script. Theres 2 ways to set a widget's script as i hinted earlier. //option 1 label = Widget::Label("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale *80, guiScale * 20, panel); label->SetScript("Scripts/GUI/Colorlabel.lua"); //option 2 label = Widget::Create("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel, "Scripts/GUI/Colorlabel.lua"); Offcourse option 1 is quite silly when you have option 2 but it works. Now lets set the text color for our newly created custom widget. label->SetObject("textcolor", new Vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); Notice the undocumented SetObject() function which basicly sets variables of type Leadwerks::Object. Theres not much more i can say about custom widgets other than, "Your imagination is the limit". This concludes the tutorial part. I hope it is of some use to anybody.
  2. i am currently creating a tutorial blog where i try to explain as much as i can of what i found out playing with this system. to be honest it all sounds more complex than it actually is. the widget system gives you almost unlimited freedom as to what a GUI element does and how it reacts.
  3. a widget's functionality is always dictated by a lua script even if you dont use lua the widget does. for example a Widget::Button() always uses the script "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" unless you link it to a custom script. so to say it plainly a widget always uses a lua script.
  4. Previously we created a custom class and a basic GUI. Now its time to add some basic widgets to our class and show how to use them. Lets start with a simple Panel that has a Label, a TextField and a Button. // UI_Interface.h Widget* panel = NULL; Widget* label = NULL; Widget* textField = NULL; Widget* button = NULL; // UI_Interface.cpp //create gui //.... // //panel = Widget::Panel(guiScale * 100, guiScale * 100, guiScale * 300, guiScale * 80, gui->GetBase()); panel = Widget::Create("", guiScale * 100, guiScale * 100, guiScale * 300, guiScale * 80, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); //children of panel label = Widget::Label("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale *80, guiScale * 20, panel); textField= Widget::TextField("text", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 35, guiScale * 150, guiScale * 20, panel); button = Widget::Button("button", guiScale * 175, guiScale * 10, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel); btn_Fun = Widget::Button("Fun", guiScale * 175, guiScale * 35, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel); Forget about btn_Fun for now You probably noticed that Widget::Create() is used for the panel. I did this to show you that any widget can be created by referencing the lua script path. Even your own custom widgets, but we will come to that later. Dont forget to release your widgets. //UI_Interface.cpp UI_Interface::~UI_Interface() { btn_Fun->Release(); button->Release(); textField->Release(); label->Release(); panel->Release(); gui->Release(); } Now lets add some functionality. Lets say we want to show our textField input in our label. // UI_Interface.cpp bool UI_Interface::ProcessEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { if (event.source == button) { string text = textField->GetText(); label->SetText(text); return true; } } // return false; } Now we know how to create and catch widget events. But what about those extra widget functions? Lets delve into that now. A widget's behaviour is represented by a lua script, much like how a entity has a script attached or like the c++ Actor class even. It has callbacks to script functions like mouseDown(), mouseUp(), Draw() etc. Checkout any script in the GUI folder for examples. Lets take the Label for example, Open the file "Scripts/GUI/Label.lua". You can see it has no real functionality other then just draw the widget Text. But there's more to it. Lets look at the draw function for Label.lua: function Script:Draw(x,y,width,height) local gui = self.widget:GetGUI() local pos = self.widget:GetPosition(true) local sz = self.widget:GetSize(true) local scale = gui:GetScale() local text = self.widget:GetText() local indent=4 gui:SetColor(0.7,0.7,0.7) if self.border==true then gui:DrawRect(pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,1) end if text~="" then local style=0 if self.align=="Left" then style = Text.Left end if self.align=="Center" then style = Text.Center end if self.align=="Right" then style = Text.Right end if self.valign=="Center" then style = style + Text.VCenter end if self.wordwrap==true then style = style + Text.WordWrap end if self.border==true then gui:DrawText(text,pos.x+scale*indent,pos.y+scale*indent,sz.width-scale*indent*2,sz.height-scale*indent*2,style) else gui:DrawText(text,pos.x,pos.y,sz.width,sz.height,style) end end end There are some variables used like self.border, self.align, self.valign and self.wordwrap. Any variable used in a widget script can be Set/Get. You can find most of these in the Documentation for Widget, although not all are documented like SetObject() and GetObject(). So to set our label style we would do something like this: label = Widget::Label("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale *80, guiScale * 20, panel); label->SetString("align", "Left"); //align horizontal label->SetString("valign", "Center"); //align vertical label->SetBool("wordwrap", false); //wordwrap label->SetBool("border", true); //show border Noticed we used SetString for a string variable and SetBool for a boolean variable. The first argument is always the variable name used in the widget script. Lets give you another example to make it a bit more clear. Open the file "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua" and look at the Draw function. Did you notice the variable "self.style" being used to dictate what type of button this is? Interesting right Do you remember our btn_Fun? Lets set our bnt_Fun's style to a checkbox and see what happens. btn_Fun = Widget::Button("Fun", guiScale * 175, guiScale * 35, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel); btn_Fun->SetString("style", "Checkbox"); And add some functionality. if (event.source == btn_Fun) { if (btn_Fun->GetState()) label->SetText("enabled"); else label->SetText("disabled"); return true; } By now your UI_Interface class should look something like this. UI_Interface.h #pragma once #include "Leadwerks.h" //Forward declare class App; using namespace Leadwerks; class UI_Interface { private: App* app = NULL; // GUI* gui = NULL; // Widget* panel = NULL; Widget* label = NULL; Widget* textField = NULL; Widget* button = NULL; Widget* btn_Fun = NULL; public: UI_Interface(); UI_Interface(App* pApp); ~UI_Interface(); void Process(); bool ProcessEvent(Event event); }; UI_Interface.cpp #include "UI_Interface.h" //Forward declares #include "App.h" UI_Interface::UI_Interface() {} UI_Interface::UI_Interface(App* pApp) { app = pApp; // //create gui gui = GUI::Create(app->context); float guiScale = gui->GetScale(); gui->GetBase()->SetScript("Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); //make the base gui invisible if you want //gui->GetBase()->SetObject("backgroundcolor", new Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); // panel = Widget::Panel(guiScale * 100, guiScale * 100, guiScale * 300, guiScale * 80, gui->GetBase()); panel = Widget::Create("", guiScale * 100, guiScale * 100, guiScale * 300, guiScale * 80, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); // label = Widget::Label("label", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 15, guiScale *80, guiScale * 20, panel); label->SetString("align", "Left"); //align horizontal label->SetString("valign", "Center"); //align vertical label->SetBool("wordwrap", false); //wordwrap label->SetBool("border", true); //show border // textField = Widget::TextField("text", guiScale * 15, guiScale * 35, guiScale * 150, guiScale * 20, panel); button = Widget::Button("button", guiScale * 175, guiScale * 10, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel); // btn_Fun = Widget::Button("Fun", guiScale * 175, guiScale * 35, guiScale * 80, guiScale * 20, panel); btn_Fun->SetString("style", "Checkbox"); } UI_Interface::~UI_Interface() { btn_Fun->Release(); button->Release(); textField->Release(); label->Release(); panel->Release(); gui->Release(); } void UI_Interface::Process() { while (EventQueue::Peek()) { Event event = EventQueue::Wait(); ProcessEvent(event); } } bool UI_Interface::ProcessEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event::WidgetSelect) { //list type widgets } // if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { if (event.source == button) { string text = textField->GetText(); label->SetText(text); return true; } else if (event.source == btn_Fun) { if (btn_Fun->GetState()) label->SetText("enabled"); else label->SetText("disabled"); return true; } } // return false; } Next blog entry we will be focusing on custom widgets
  5. Bare with me im not a very good story teller . I will not be focusing on basic leadwerks usage and assume the reader knows a thing or 2 about leadwerks. So lets start with the basics, Create a window and context. bool App::Start() { window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("GUI Tutorial", 0, 0, 1024, 768); context = Leadwerks::Context::Create(window); return true; } bool App::Loop() { if (window->Closed() || window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) return false; return true; } Now i personally like to use classes for my GUI so thats what we are gonna do. Create a new class called "UI_Interface". UI_Interface.h #pragma once #include "Leadwerks.h" //Forward declare class App; using namespace Leadwerks; class UI_Interface { private: App* app = NULL; // GUI* gui = NULL; public: UI_Interface(); UI_Interface(App* pApp); ~UI_Interface(); void Process(); bool ProcessEvent(Event event); }; UI_Interface.cpp #include "UI_Interface.h" //Forward declares #include "App.h" UI_Interface::UI_Interface() {} UI_Interface::UI_Interface(App* pApp) { } UI_Interface::~UI_Interface() { } void UI_Interface::Process() { while (EventQueue::Peek()) { Event event = EventQueue::Wait(); ProcessEvent(event); } } bool UI_Interface::ProcessEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event::WidgetSelect) { } // if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { } // return false; } now that we have a interface class lets first make sure it is created and called in your main function or app. App.h #pragma once #include "Leadwerks.h" #include "UI_Interface.h" #undef GetFileType using namespace Leadwerks; class App { public: Leadwerks::Window* window; Context* context; World* world; Camera* camera; UI_Interface* ui_Interface = NULL; App(); virtual ~App(); bool Start(); bool Loop(); }; App.cpp #include "App.h" using namespace Leadwerks; App::App() : window(NULL), context(NULL), world(NULL), camera(NULL) {} App::~App() { delete ui_Interface; delete world; delete window; } bool App::Start() { window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("GUI Tutorial", 0, 0, 1024, 768); context = Leadwerks::Context::Create(window); //create GUI ui_Interface = new UI_Interface(this); return true; } bool App::Loop() { if (window->Closed() || window->KeyHit(Key::Escape)) { return false; } context->SetColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); context->Clear(); // ui_Interface->Process(); // Time::Update(); // //world->Update(); // //world->Render(); // context->Sync(); return true; } Now lets create the GUI in the UI_Interface class. UI_Interface::UI_Interface(App* pApp) { app = pApp; // //create gui gui = GUI::Create(app->context); float guiScale = gui->GetScale(); gui->GetBase()->SetScript("Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); //make the base gui invisible if you want //gui->GetBase()->SetObject("backgroundcolor", new Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); } This will result in a window with a panel as background. Next blog entry we will be focusing on adding widgets to the GUI.
  6. your code creates a textarea which is differant from a textfield. a textarea is always multiline. a textfield is just one line. setlayout works as supposed to just dont forget widget->Redraw() after setting layout. also like josh said the basewidget needs a panel script. if you dont want a visible panel you can always use SetObject('backgroundcolor', new Vec4(0,0,0,0)); to make it transparant.
  7. honestly looking at the vanilla TextArea.lua it looks like it should support what you want. try something like below. (not tested it) function Script:AddText(text) self.updateslidersneeded=true local morelines = text:split("\n") local gui=self.widget:GetGUI() local n for n=1,#morelines do self.lines[#self.lines+1] = morelines[n] self.linewidth[#self.lines] = gui:GetTextWidth(morelines[n]) self.maxlinewidth = math.max(self.maxlinewidth,self.linewidth[#self.lines]) end --try something like this self:MouseWheel(#morelines) end
  8. i feel nostalgic looking at this :D. get a huge quake/unreal vibe.
  9. in theorie you could check KeyHit() for each letter you need as you suggested then put each letter into a string and compare that string to your cheat. you obviously would want to put some kind of timer/delay in between each keypress to make sure the typing of the cheat is done in a certain time period else discard the string. pseudo code: self.godMode = false self.lastPress = 0 self.cheatstring = "" local maxPressTime = 5000 --assuming 1000 is 1 second if window:KeyHit(Key.G) then self.cheatstring = self.cheatstring + "g" self.lastPress = Time:GetCurrent() end if window:KeyHit(Key.O) then self.cheatstring = self.cheatstring + "o" self.lastPress = Time:GetCurrent() end if window:KeyHit(Key.D) then self.cheatstring = self.cheatstring + "d" self.lastPress = Time:GetCurrent() end if self.cheatstring.compare("god") then self.godMode = true; end local pressCheck = Time:Getcurrent() - self.lastPress if pressCheck > maxPressTime then self.cheatstring = "" self.lastPress = 0; end
  10. you would need to have the widget point to your script. Widget:Create("text", x, y, w, h, parent, "scriptfile"); that would create a custom widget with your own behaviour. change values in your script with: widget:SetBool("variableName", false) widget:GetBool("variableName") widget:SetFloat("variableName", 0.0) widget:GetFloat("variableName") widget:SetString("variableName", "value") widget:GetString("variableName") there are more Get/Set functions in the documentation: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_Widget_Create alternatively you could do: newbutton = Widget:Button("button",10,10,300,20, gui:GetBase()) newbutton:SetSript("Scripts/GUI/customButton.lua")
  11. josh posted a example chat program. i think you can get your answers there if not tell me and ill show you. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/16341-chat-example/ Hint: local s = interface.textbox:GetText()
  12. whenevver i try to download an attachment people released from blogs i get this error.. Sorry, there is a problem The page you are trying to access is not available for your account. Error code: 2C171/1 whats wrong with my account ? i have the professional edition of leadwerks.
  13. just a suggestion. you could always add a check to your menu for checking if the menu is in starting positon or no game loaded/started. pseudo code would be: --Main.lua if gamemenu:Hidden() or gamemenu:IsStart() then --if gamemenu:Hidden() then --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world world:Update() end --Menu.lua local GameMenu={} GameMenu.startscreen = true --default to true function GameMenu:IsStart() return self.startscreen end function GameMenu:ProcessEvent(event) if event.source == self.newbutton then if self.newbutton:GetText()=="NEW GAME" then if Map:Load("Maps/start.map") then prevmapname = "start" self.newbutton:SetText("RESUME GAME") --disable startscreen when a map is loaded self.startscreen = false end end end end
  14. gui:GetBase():SetObject("backgroundcolor",Vec4(0,0,0,0)) all this does is set the backgroundcolor for the baseWidget to transparant i dont see why this would be any problem to be honest. im not sure but it almost sounds like you only see 1 frame and the context doesnt clear the previous frame. i must admit it sometimes is hard to understand what exactly is your problem. ------ after reading through a unedited Main.lua could this be giving you problems ? if gamemenu:Hidden() then --Update the app timing Time:Update() --Update the world world:Update() end
  15. if i understand you correctly you want NO PAUSE when in mainmenu and PAUSE when a level is loaded? honestly you would need to edit the Menu.lua quite heavily. since the vanilla Menu.lua pauses the Time whenever it Shows (escape key pressed). you would have to do a check on Show if a New Game is not started you would not use Time:Pause() else if a New Game is started you would want to use Time:Pause(). to "hack" your way out of it you could use Time:Resume() and some point. but the best solution would still be to change your Menu.lua to support Time to play when a New Game has not started yet.
  16. i assume you want a pause menu (with map already loaded). just make your background transparant so you can see the world behind it. with SetObject("backgroundcolor",Vec4(r,g,b,a)); otherwise i dont see any possibility to load the actual map as a background. you could simulate this with a simple screenshot as background. or maiby even with a render to texture. (not sure havent tried it)
  17. the free 2015 version would be the express edition. go to: https://www.visualstudio.com/vs/visual-studio-express/ and scroll all the way down for the express editions.
  18. you would need to create a custom button script for that. just take the Button.lua from Scripts/GUI/ and create a copy and edit it. set the new script with either Widget::SetScript() or Widget:Create(). for info on how to change color you could use Panel.lua as a example.
  19. GorzenDev

    Widget Fields

    Finished and added Field functionality meaning its now possible to set the Fields for each widget. for example the style for a button (Push,Link,Checkbox), or backgroundcolor for panels etc. below is a screenshot of the fields in action Next will be finishing support for custom widgets which i already started on as you can see in the screenshot above(colorlabel). At the moment the way to add your custom widgets is a 3 step process. First step is adding the widget name to the config.ini like [DefineTypes] CustomTypeCount=2 name_0=ColorLabel name_1=MultiListView Next is adding a type_file with content like so [Base] name=ColorLabel ;allow other widgets to use this as a parent allowparent=false ;allow addItem islistType=false ;location of the widget script in your leadwerks project - only used while exporting wScript=Scripts/GUI/ColorLabel.lua ;location of the widget script for this editor eScript=ElementTypes/Custom/Editor/editorColorLabel.lua ;default size defWidth=80 defHeight=20 ;amount of 'extras' defined dCount=6 [Define_0] name=align type=String [Define_1] name=valign type=String [Define_2] name=wordwrap type=Bool [Define_3] name=border type=Bool [Define_4] name=bordercolor type=Vec4 [Define_5] name=textcolor type=Vec4 And last but not least you need to edit a copy of your script and disable any EventQueue::Emit events, and add some mouseMove,mousDown,mouseUp events for the editor to interact with the widget. So a custom widget colorlabel would look like this when exported. //GUI Editor Generated #include "MenuClass.h" MenuClass::MenuClass(Context* context) { gui = GUI::Create(context); //Panel Panel = Widget::Create("", 0, 0, 1024, 100, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); Panel->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); //Button Button = Widget::Create("Template", 81, 38, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua"); Button->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); //Button1 Button1 = Widget::Create("Template", 338, 38, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua"); Button1->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); //ColorLabel ColorLabel = Widget::Create("colorlabel", 710, 39, 80, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/ColorLabel.lua"); ColorLabel->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); ColorLabel->SetString("align","Center"); ColorLabel->SetString("valign","Center"); ColorLabel->SetBool("border",true); ColorLabel->SetObject("bordercolor", new Vec3(1,0,0,0)); ColorLabel->SetObject("textcolor", new Vec3(0,0,1,1)); //Panel1 Panel1 = Widget::Create("", 342, 328, 300, 200, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua"); Panel1->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); Panel1->SetObject("backgroundcolor", new Vec3(0.2,0.2,0.2,1)); //Button2 Button2 = Widget::Create("exit", 80, 156, 150, 20, Panel1, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua"); Button2->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); //Button3 Button3 = Widget::Create("options", 77, 98, 150, 20, Panel1, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua"); Button3->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); //Button4 Button4 = Widget::Create("load", 76, 33, 150, 20, Panel1, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua"); Button4->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false); } MenuClass::~MenuClass() { Button4->Release(); Button3->Release(); Button2->Release(); Panel1->Release(); ColorLabel->Release(); Button1->Release(); Button->Release(); Panel->Release(); gui->Release(); } // bool MenuClass::ProcessEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { // } return true; } // bool MenuClass::Update() { return true; }
  20. finished basic exporting to lua or c++ code. the screenshot below results in the following files based on ExportType. Menu.lua --GUI Editor Generated function BuildMenu(context) local Menu = {} local scale = 1 --GUI local gui = GUI:Create(context) gui : SetScale(scale) Menu.gui=gui Menu.context=context --Panel Menu.Panel = Widget:Create("", 0, 0, 1024, 80, gui:GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") Menu.Panel:SetAlignment(true, true, true, false) --Button Menu.Button = Widget:Create("Template", 104, 32, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --Button1 Menu.Button1 = Widget:Create("Template", 409, 33, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button1:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --Button2 Menu.Button2 = Widget:Create("Template", 782, 34, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button2:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --MenuPanel Menu.MenuPanel = Widget:Create("", 250, 249, 500, 300, gui:GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") Menu.MenuPanel:SetAlignment(true, true, true, true) --Button3 Menu.Button3 = Widget:Create("Start", 172, 52, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button3:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --Button4 Menu.Button4 = Widget:Create("Exit", 167, 238, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button4:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --Button5 Menu.Button5 = Widget:Create("Options", 168, 145, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button5:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) --Button6 Menu.Button6 = Widget:Create("adwadwdaw", 169, 98, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Menu.Button6:SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) -- function Menu:Show() self.gui:Show() end -- function Menu:Hidden() return self.gui:Hidden() end -- function Menu:Hide() return self.gui:Hide() end -- function Menu:ProcessEvent(event) if event.id == Event.WindowSize then -- elseif event.id == Event.WidgetAction -- end end -- return Menu end Menu.h //GUI Editor Generated #pragma once #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; class MenuClass { public: GUI* gui; // Widget* Panel; Widget* Button; Widget* Button1; Widget* Button2; Widget* MenuPanel; Widget* Button3; Widget* Button4; Widget* Button5; Widget* Button6; // MenuClass(); ~MenuClass(); // bool ProcessEvent(Event event); bool Update(); }; Menu.cpp //GUI Editor Generated #include "MenuClass.h" MenuClass::MenuClass(Context* context) { gui = GUI::Create(context) //Panel Panel = Widget::Create("", 0, 0, 1024, 80, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") Panel->SetAlignment(true, true, true, false) //Button Button = Widget::Create("Template", 104, 32, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //Button1 Button1 = Widget::Create("Template", 409, 33, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button1->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //Button2 Button2 = Widget::Create("Template", 782, 34, 150, 20, Panel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button2->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //MenuPanel MenuPanel = Widget::Create("", 250, 249, 500, 300, gui->GetBase(), "Scripts/GUI/Panel.lua") MenuPanel->SetAlignment(true, true, true, true) //Button3 Button3 = Widget::Create("Start", 172, 52, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button3->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //Button4 Button4 = Widget::Create("Exit", 167, 238, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button4->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //Button5 Button5 = Widget::Create("Options", 168, 145, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button5->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) //Button6 Button6 = Widget::Create("adwadwdaw", 169, 98, 150, 20, MenuPanel, "Scripts/GUI/Button.lua") Button6->SetAlignment(false, false, false, false) } MenuClass::~MenuClass() { Button6->Release(); Button5->Release(); Button4->Release(); Button3->Release(); MenuPanel->Release(); Button2->Release(); Button1->Release(); Button->Release(); Panel->Release(); gui->Release(); } // bool MenuClass::ProcessEvent(Event event) { if (event.id == Event::WidgetAction) { // } return true; } // bool MenuClass::Update() { return true; } next step will be adding stuff like Widget->SetString(), Widget->SetBool(), Widget->SetObject() and list type Widgets. after that i will be adding support for custom widgets.
  21. added loading and saving of current project for easy access to changes.
  22. have you tried context:Clear() ? undocumented somehow... at the start of your loop. context:Clear() in your case lienzo:Clear()
  23. i am certain the client connects since the prints get done when Message::Connect is received by the server, after that i succesfully send receive and respond to a clientversion check so all is well in the form of connection and communication its just that the address info of the peer returns empty.
  24. i have another question about networking i hope you guys can answer. is there some way to get an ip or some kind of id from a connection for stuff like banning accounts etc ?? i have been trying things like //prints a memory address i assume System::Print("Address?: " + message->peer->driver->GetAddress(message->peer)); //get address info from peer ? Address ip = message->peer->address; //all print empty or 0 System::Print("Connection from: " + to_string(ip.host)); System::Print("name: " + ip.name); System::Print("port: " + to_string(ip.port));
  25. thank you that whas an interesting read and it seems ENet is pretty robust on its own. since all the server channels are sequenced i guess i could just process all received messages whenever they are received. no use in me putting them in a list and process later then.
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