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Blog Comments posted by aiaf

  1. Well , editor started, i can run a tutorial.

    But when i press import it crashes.
    Also when it starts cant open the previous project that actually exist on disk, so there is no projects in the window.

    Failed to load project "/home/alex/Documents/Leadwerks/Projects\fgfdgfgfdg.werk".


    My game works ok.

    I could even remove this build options:

    -no-pie -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1


  2. This is great, cool graphics and great atmosphere

    First I dont know how to draw weapon :) , r key doesnt work , i search around and didnt find any to pick up.

    You can dodge the skeletons by just running around , maybe they should be more dangerous.

    I would have expected to be able to close the door back , it just closes by itself when taking range from it.


    This should receive the best free leadwerks game award  :) Congrats!

    • Like 1

    What Makes a Good Brand Name?

     Maybe some fixes from turbo will arrive in le 4 or external libs upgrades.Anyway really like the new name, i will bash with that name any poor soul i know that are stuck with unity :)

    Besides cars, c++, speed this name make me remember turbo cweing gum from the 90s that had cool cars stickers.

  3. Hidden traps and different paths to go forward

    Then some kind of time travel mechanic, time travel in future play the game by choosing a path for some seconds then go back in time where you started.

    Now you know where some of the traps are, this probably needs some kind of limitation to not use all time.

    • Upvote 1
  4. This templates could work, to attract people in and show off what the engine can do.

    After people are in and start learning i think next problem is the graphics assets.Unless they have friends good at this it will be a problem.Here i think to have more procedural generation in the line of the vegetation system.Generic things like clouds or better water.


    I think people should not be underestimated, i became a programmer because of a book i read in childhood about basic describing a simple adventure game with source code

  5. A few times i verified the same reference got passed through a couple of classes in the place where was needed.

    Once i verified how the reference counting works for Emitters.Had problems in certain edge cases i was deleting NULL pointers.Or creating multiple Emitters on MouseHit.


    Also for something like this:

    if (Object::GetAddress(console->ast->GetAsteroids()[i]) == Object::GetAddress(pickinfo.entity)) {
        currentIndex = i;


    I usually use Entity SetKeyValue for identifying things, for asteroids i was lazy doing like above.

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