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Blog Comments posted by reepblue

  1. 1 hour ago, Alienhead said:

    Do you have any plans on releasing a LUA version?

    The code will remain C++ but in the future I plan to expose the more useful classes to Lua. The idea is that you can still have your game component code as Lua while the backend stuff is C++. 

    I'm not sure how to manage/distribute something like this as I would be required to build the executables for all platforms on every release. 

    • Like 1
  2. What a wild six years this has been. I remember the first build being a. bunch of boxes in a blue void and look where it is now. Congrats on the release and it should only get better from here. Thank you for having me as part of the process through out the years! 

    Now I'm gonna harass tell all my friends about how they should be using this instead of whatever they are currently using. :D 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, Josh said:

    So you are saying that if I was to choose one way to do this, you are usually loading mesh colliders (static), not convex hulls? 

    I mean, I mostly need this to make concave collision meshes for things like door frames, tubes, and things like my button base model which are normally static objects. The convex hulls make what should be simple busy. 


  4. Wait, could it be possible to have this done as an editor addon? As an end user, I could probably write this if I know the needed functions are exposed.

    I need it to do the following.

    1. Load a model (OBJ, MDL, etc) from anywhere on the computer.
    2. Set a "Target Model" for the new collider to be applied to.
    3. Generate a collider from the polymesh. 
    4. Save the collider to the disk and set the target model to it.
    5. Disregard the OBJ. 

    It's a little hacky, but it's much better than generating a throw way collider, importing a model just for the collider, and then renaming files so the game model loads the manual made collider. I only would need this for tubes and such. I also would need to know if I have the ability to edit the model file itself and not the current instance. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Josh said:

    You can open an OBJ file in the asset editor and create a convex hull from that, then save it to the file you want.

    I prefer that step is skipped. Also a "Load/Set Collider" option is missing. I don't want to rename/replace files because it seems like I'm "hacking" the system. 

  6. 20 hours ago, klepto2 said:

    What errors do you get? I only got problems, when i tried to link libs which where not exported for the correct project configuration.

    It's only one library and I have everything as a premake script. I was getting errors which at the time thought were related to the runtime setting, but now looking back at it, the library and project files were not a perfect match. I think I need to look at this again. 

  7. 3 hours ago, klepto2 said:

    The original design of scintilla on win32 is based on dll usage,  but I have decided to use the lib approach because this will make it much easier to make it crossplatform, and it is much easier to debug. Nevertheless this will not limit you to create a DLL plugin using scintilla. If I think about it it is much better than the original scintilla way, as you don’t need any 3rd party dlls and you can create a shared lib for Linux or macOS the same way on all platforms.

    If you have any insight in getting static libraries to link with Ultra Engine, let me know. I couldn't seem to get it to work due to how the engine is compiled.

  8. @JoshI was able to beat it! :D

    Here's a few tips.

    1) There's a file called [uid]_CycloneMod.json. If you were to copy that file, modify it as below and resave it as [uid]_bastardplatforms.json, the map will be accessible from the menu!

        "author": "Josh",
        "maps": {
            "TemplateAddon": {
                "filepath": "Maps/bastardplatforms.map"
        "name": "BastardPlatforms"

    This uses the SAME system as the chapter selection. You can also have a custom image for your addon. Here's an example with one of the chapter scripts showcasing images and multiple maps.

        "name": "Crash Courses 00-08",
        "author": "Reep Softworks",
            "Crash Course 00 + 01":
                "id": 0,
                "filepath": "Maps/lvl0.map",
                "imagepath": "Materials/GUI/Chapters/chaptericon_lvl0.tex",
            "Crash Course 02 + 03":
                "id": 1,
                "filepath": "Maps/lvl1.map",
                "imagepath": "Materials/GUI/Chapters/chaptericon_lvl1.tex"
            "Crash Course 04 + 05":
                "id": 2,
                "filepath": "Maps/lvl2.map",
                "imagepath": "Materials/GUI/Chapters/chaptericon_lvl2.tex"
            "Crash Course 06 + 07":
                "id": 3,
                "filepath": "Maps/lvl3.map",
                "imagepath": "Materials/GUI/Chapters/chaptericon_lvl3.tex"
            "Crash Course 08":
                "id": 4,
                "filepath": "Maps/lvl4.map",
                "imagepath": "Materials/GUI/Chapters/chaptericon_lvl4.tex"

    It's best practice not to use spaces with map names. This is so your map can be loaded with the map command within developer console. But spaces should work with chapter scripts. I also combined everything to get around the censor, 🙄


    2) If you add flash chambers to your map, the player will respawn when they die instead of a hard reload. I made an example map showcasing these - but for some reason didn't include it. You can refer to example_lvl7.map for the time being. Also with an exit flash chamber, the map will automatically fade out and kick the player back to the menu if there's no more maps in the queue.

    3) I didn't need the slope to get onto the first platform.

    4) Make sure you add your bumpers. Any tool brush with the collision set to projected will do the trick!

    5) This answers your question. Make a new script and attach it to the brush you want this effect. 

    function Script:Start()
    	self.entity:SetCollisionType(19) -- COLLISIONTYPE_CLEANSER
    	self.entity:SetKeyValue("force_cyclone_placement", "1")

    I might write a few guides on my Steam page this weekend. Right now, I just wanted to see what curiosity alone would bring. :)

    • Like 1
  9. I just hope this time that you don't put game scripts and assets in the Core Template like you did in Leadwerks. Also you will still allow us to mute warnings that our project is out of date or make it less intrusive.

    When I create a project from a blank template, I should only get files needed to run the app successfully. I don't want Monster Lua scripts or Tree models if I'm making a tic-tac-toe game.

    Besides my early years with Leadwerks, I did manual version controlling. 

  10. 6 hours ago, aiaf said:

    -game options: game restart required for settings to take effect, maybe have a small text about this

    Settings take effect upon hitting "Apply Settings" minus changing the window mode which already has a disclaimer. I booted up my dev machine to ensure I didn't comment it out!


    If something else isn't applying, let me know what setting that is and I'll take a look at it!


    6 hours ago, aiaf said:

    -the voice tutorial  icon: pressing e to start the voice was not obvious to me , maybe having some notification about e key ? , like in half life

    This was brought up at the 11th hour. The full game does this and does it well. The issue is that the first demo map has two boxes and a completely new tutorial system would need to be written just for that room which would have needed to be battle tested. I talked to others about what hint was more important and the Cyclone placement had a small lead over the Interact key. Also, most of my audience would probably try "E" on their first try coming from Portal. 

    Also, I didn't want to overwhelm my players with hints nor treat them they were stupid.


    6 hours ago, aiaf said:

    -putting the cyclone on a vertical wall close to ground does no generate force to repulse the player, i would have expected that to work but maybe is by design

    Cyclone's push force react on condition. They never push you if you're grounded or in a tight area. It just makes the experience less annoying. I might need to better communicate this but not sure how yet.


    6 hours ago, aiaf said:

    - {BUG] When jumping with the cube attached, the cube can get stuck under the floor you jumping to

    I can look into it, but I don't see this as a big deal if you can just release the box.


    6 hours ago, aiaf said:

    Had to find a windows machine to try the demo (no windows machine in my house), please for the final release consider linux version.

    Cyclone runs great using Proton 7.0.1 or newer. I play it on my Steam Deck all the time!

    Granted, as a Linux user I understand that you may want a native build. I had a build in the early days but got a lot of weird results with my actors. I was also using a VM to compile my code. With FMOD and updated Steamworks as part of the build, it'll be more of a nightmare to get working while Proton gives me the game running on Linux for free. 

    I'll look into it after release. 


    If it sounds like I'm being defensive, I'm not! I do appreciate the feedback! Again, I'm using the demo as a light release for the Early Access release. So, it's Early Access to Early Access. 🤪


    Thanks for playing!

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