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Everything posted by nick.ace

  1. Ok, this is kind of getting ridiculous. Can you please stop being so critical of the engine? I feel that everything you say is a knock on Leadwerks in some way, and it's not all that constructive. And no, LE2 was never as fully developed as LE3. LE2 had some cool graphical effects currently not present in LE3, but that's about all. LE3 has the potential to have those effects, and even more advanced effects due to OpenGL 4, but that hasn't been the focus this time around. Also, those scenes are totally capable of being rendered in LE3. People this time are more concerned with gameplay because the gameplay features in LE3 heavily expanded what was available in LE2.
  2. You shouldn't be using the beta for learning. In fact, I know a lot of people like to opt into the beta, but you really shouldn't unless you really need a certain feature or want to help test. Anyway, what do you mean that this doesn't work? It looks fine to me. It'll just stay on animation frame 8 the whole time though, so nothing will look like it's animating.
  3. Have you read the license? I have and I even asked a Unity representative about it just to confirm. You are allowed to use assets from their asset store in other engines. They generally come in as .fbx files. You have to be careful though with what you buy, because their are some Unity-specific UV mappings conventions and such (probably related to their materials). http://unity3d.com/legal/as_terms
  4. Yay! Lol I ran out of likes today. I personally was very interested in this product, but I'm happy there's a possibility it may come out.
  5. To add onto Rick's list as well, these are two places I also recommend: -Arteria3D -Unity Asset Store (I know, I know, it's Unity, but I view their asset store as a totally separate service) I just feel that there is a large amount of art that can be readily imported into Leadwerks already, but code isn't as easy to transfer, specifically between engines.
  6. I was under the impression that this evolved into a totally separate product from Leadwerks, but that Josh never had the time to finish it (or the desire to maintain it): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=307414717
  7. For your first question, yeah two bones would be sufficient in this case. Bones can be used for either, but the .fbx file format only supports bones animation, as do most file formats probably. For the second question, I think each part is being locally relocated (so the wheel is being recentered around it's axis and the same with the base). I might be wrong though. The animation thing you had done might also have been messing the placement up a bit, but since you say it may have been this way for other non-animated meshes, then it might be the case that each mesh is being separately reassigned. In terms of how to fix this, I'm not too sure how in Blender. You can reposition the children meshes in code, but that's sort of tedious. Are you parenting the children meshes within Blender? This might cause issues as well. Also, when in doubt, I always use the .fbx exporter in Blender over the .mdl one, because it used to fail when it first came out with certain MakeHuman models (I'm not sure if it got fixed or not, I never really checked).
  8. Well, I think Josh updated the file format or something for the maps to allow for expanded features. The current version might be 32 or something like that. I think it would be helpful though to get more a heads up on this. I knew what was going on because I couldn't enter the beta with my current map, so I had to update it, but I guess it might be possible to miss this error or not have it pop up. Unfortunately, you'll likely have to wait to use that map with the next default branch.
  9. I just tested it as well. The problem is that the Blender file you gave does not use bones. Bones are essential for animation in Leadwerks, and for most 3D animation programs for that matter. If you really want the windmill to work without the need of rigging and such, the nice part is that the wheel is a child of the main meshes, so you could rotate it in code. I'm not sure if you need this model to work or if you are just testing various things right now.
  10. The App.lua script shows how you can do this: if self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape) then return false end So, if the App:Loop() method returns false, then the program will close. In your scenario, when you click a button just return false in the App:Loop() method if that button is pressed and the app will close. The second question can be complicated. I just looked it up on StackOverflow since I wasn't too sure about some of the things: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9033931/memory-leak-c So, the OS releases memory for closed processes that aren't released. IDK if it's properly deallocated in the engine, but you don't really need to worry about this. For your purposes, it doesn't matter.
  11. nick.ace

    Inventory Progress

    That inventory menu looks very professional! Nice job! I think that it's also cool that the game looks like it's still running in the background, so it adds sort of a strategic and immersive element to it (since in real life you don't magically play items in your bag right away).
  12. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11621-hangout-summary/
  13. Well, it sounds like a bug, but try to do release the Sources before changing maps (rather than just stopping). So, if you have a Source called Source1, do: Source1:Release() If that doesn't work, then also release the Sound objects. Finally, if that doesn't work, then this is some massive bug!
  14. Generally speaking, HDR will make colors come out more, meaning that your going to have darker colors as well. Look at the bright_add variable at the top of the fragment shader and try changing that. Overall, just play with different variables and weights, and you'll get different results.
  15. Well, I mean not doing it in Lua but built directly into the engine, like how objects have draw distances now. Obviously, you could hide the entity after a certain distance, but doing it in Lua would be substantially slower, especially for a large amount of entities. Wouldn't it be possible to do it in OpenGL just like OC is done? I don't know how the draw distance stuff is implemented, but ideally something like that.
  16. True, but I'm more talking about models (like buildings and such). I know in LE2, there was automatic billboarding of trees (which was really cool) along with LOD levels as well, but there was also LODs with meshes outside of the vegetation system that was hardware accelerated.
  17. Also, I forgot to bring this up. Will LOD be a priority, or will that be put on the backburner?
  18. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/572-post-process-shaders-shadmar/
  19. I would, but I'm not sure what the license is in this regard. It's not my work.
  20. Yeah, I know, that's why I said priorites vs. non-priorities. Edit: Thanks for changing the title though, I think I was giving the wrong impression with the old title.
  21. To be fair, none of the priorities/non-priorities are set in stone for 2015, but these are just what are supposed to be the focuses. I will admit I was a little disappointed with some parts as well, but I guess everyone can't win. I was really hoping for more features to come out, especially some of the things in the Not Priorities list. Josh gave his reasons for it, but I disagree with a lot of them. Anyway, I forgot to put the CSG stuff on the list. I think it was unspecified, but I'm not sure. So, it might come out next year. I think part of it is that the new goal of Leadwerks is to be the easiest engine to make 3D games, as Josh put it. I was personally drawn to Leadwerks for other reasons, and I'm not quite sure that Leadwerks is really targeting that audience right now. But then again, I'm not the developer of Leadwerks, so this is only my perception.
  22. For those that missed the meeting or couldn't attend, here is a summary of what was said (excluding some of the more ambiguous stuff) during the meeting. I might be a bit biased as to what I remembered, so please correct me if other important points were made! Specifically, I forget what was said about multiplayer. Here are the most important key points imo: 1. Due to the success of the model packs, many more of them will come 2. Leadwerks did really well during the Winter sales (a bunch more business talk blah blah) so there is a possibility other employees will be hired to help Josh 3. The first three planned features of 2015 are vegetation, water (similar to LE2's water plane, so nothing too fancy), and user generated content (so users can sell their own models and scripts, Josh is currently working with Valve on this) 4. A plugin system will very likely not be added to the editor, although .dlls for the engine were encouraged 5. Post-effects will not be done by Josh, at least not in the near future 6. Josh wants more example games/scripts to help people make games more easily Just to summarize: Priorities: -Water -Terrain -User generated content/Steam store -Decals -More scripts and example games Unspecified (or I just forgot what the priority of these were): -Roads (apparently terrain system was built with this in mind) -Reintroduction of projected textures for lights -Extended CSG tools Not priorities: -OGG support -Shader effects -Terrain holes -Plug in system -More accurate transparency effects -Cutscene editor
  23. Haha, welcome back! Today is a good day to come back as some huge developments and future plans have been announced today and in the past month the user base has become a lot larger!
  24. Yeah, it's from the Post Effects Pack on the Steam Workshop. I used a slightly edited version. I'm not sure if it's really HDR though. I would have to look at the code a little more, but it gives a decent approximation.
  25. Are you sure this is what he is doing though? Are you recalculating the paths each physics loop MarkusR?
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