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Everything posted by nick.ace

  1. I usually stay out of the betas, but I'm curious about certain fixes and want to make sure they work correctly, but this beta has caused all sorts of performance issues for me. @MarkusR I've been having similar issues, maybe it's due to the character controller though? I noticed my games got a lot slower and I just have 3-4 character controllers right now. I noticed that another map without a character controller didn't really slowdown. @DerRidda For me the performance while the editor isn't running is about the same (sometimes it dives randomly when the editor is running though). The last update at around 10 PM for some reason slowed down my entire editor for some reason so now I can barely edit anything on my big 2k map (although maybe I should restart my computer). But I'm pretty sure Josh just updated the FPSPlayer.lua script, so maybe I need to restart . Anyway, I initially commented that my project slowed down to about half speed (about 20-25 fps from 30-40 fps, my game's pretty heavy), and actually I don't really notice a difference with the latest update. I can't really share my project, but it seems that others are maybe having similar issues? Anyway, just tossing out stats and stuff to maybe help isolate the issue!
  2. I maybe see a little difference, but it's not too substantial. I just tested the default vs beta again, and I get about half the framerate in the beta.
  3. I'm sorry I was busy. Is it made of CSG shapes or is it one imported mesh?
  4. Is the checkbox checked for Navigation AI (under the physics tab for the base)? What type of physics shape are you using? If you are using a polymesh, then the navigation will not generate.
  5. Can you post a screenshot or something? We can't really see what the issue is. Does the character have a mass larger than 0?
  6. In practice, it is impossible. There are too many variables that can influence what gets loaded. What if you have the user input a file path for instance (i.e. modded content)? And of course, you can have a custom filename that's name is based on different variables. That's also impossible to parse out. Like soldier2m.fbx could be the second male character that's a soldier. There are three variables right there. There needs to be some manual process involved for selecting runtime loading. I guess you could always give the person the option of either the traditional route (macklebee's suggestion) or the automated option (Imchasinyou), then you get rid of both issues and everybody wins!
  7. I agree, I think this would be a great idea. I also find it hard sometimes to search through things, and new topics sometimes get buried by the end of the day.
  8. One way is to keep an empty string variable (i.e. "") and then use this command to draw text after you render: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/context/contextdrawtext-r731
  9. When releasing a vehicle entity, the program will crash. This includes the parent entity (self.vehicle) and the vehicle entity (self.vehicle). The vehicle prefab in the Workshop exhibits this (although it doesn't actually get rid of the vehicle).
  10. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/10495-easy-character-creation-tutorial/
  11. 3D objects are normally only 1-sided. Blender displays backfaces by default I think, so it may look 2-sided in blender, but it's really not. There are a few ways to fix this: 1. In Blender, copy/paste the cylinder and then flip the copy (I don't know how, but there should be a command) 2. The material you use you can specify to be 2-sided in the material editor (the downside to this is that the backfaces are affected by the front faces, so lighting will very off)
  12. At this time, no, you cannot. You can only go from .fbx to .mdl.
  13. Well, if you apply the script to the pivot, then it would work. It really depends though. A lot of times it's just easier to import it into a modelling program and change the axes there.
  14. Kind of. You can parent the object to a pivot. So basically, you create a pivot, and drag the object onto it in the Scene tab. Then you can control the pivot's movement, which will control the object.
  15. @HeadClot88 If you get around to making characters, I can write code for you. I have a lot of game code that I can adapt to make it generic.
  16. That's the thing though, it's not supposed to be an entity. It's actually part of a brush? (idk if I'm using the right terminology). Anyway, all of those CSG shapes aren't actually entities. You can also edit the terrain in the editor, but that's not an entity. It's just a little misleading since you can attach a script to it and do things like that, but you can't use standard entity commands.
  17. @MarkusR The point DerRidda was making above is that the CSG gets collapsed at runtime. Basically what this means is that it doesn't behave like an entity, but more or less part of the terrain. It then becomes inaccessible at that point.
  18. I was parenting the CSG object to a pivot and then accessing the child of the pivot in the code.
  19. I wish Josh would place a link to the wiki under the Community tab. It's sort of hidden from everyone, but it has a bunch of useful stuff.
  20. I think you are a little confused between animation and character controller movement. Animation is the movement of bones where are controller movement is the character actually moving somewhere. They are independent of each other. Controller movement is controlled with this command: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetinput-r706 The FPSPlayer.lua file shows pretty well how to do the controller movement. Animation is controlled with this command: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetanimationframe-r141 Animation is generally pretty simple in that you just set a frame (i.e. use Time:Millisecs() or something to change the frame) and pick and animation.
  21. Did you model that character yourself? The topology and normal mapping looks great! I'm very interesting in seeing where this game goes!
  22. Ah ok, I didn't know that. Thanks for the help! I guess this thread can be deleted then.
  23. Haha, np. You can change the mass distributions in the editor. Go to View->Show Physics and then click on the monster truck. You'll see an orange box around it, and under the Physics tab under the Scene tab, you can edit the size of the box as well as the mass.
  24. Whenever I try to get the position of a CSG cyclinder, the game crashes. If I replace it with another object, it runs fine.
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