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Everything posted by nick.ace

  1. Could you post the .mat file? You can literally copy/paste the .mat file, it's only a few lines long. Sometimes you have to play with some of the settings. I just want to see what settings you are using overall.
  2. material.mat:SetSortMode(false) Material isn't an entity, so you can't get the material. For this though: local material = self.pai:GetMaterial() material:SetSortMode(false) You may need to use this instead (I'm currently away from my computer): http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/model/modelgetsurface-r344 So, you grab the Surface of the entity, and then get the Material. Something like this: local surface=self.pai:GetSurface(0) local material=self.pai:GetMaterial() material:SetSortMode(false) Also, does your model have 1 material attached to it or multiple materials? Basically, a surface is, well, as surface. It's the class that handles the actual geometry. In Leadwerks, the surface is instantiated, so a change in a surface will change all of the entities with that surface (this improves performance but prevents some customization). Each surface can have a material assigned to it.
  3. It looks like you are using Alpha blending, is this correct? What I meant by alphamask is that the shader should be an alphamask shader under the shader tab. So, http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/material-editor-r8 Under the Properties tab, you set the blend mode to Solid. Under the shaders tab, you pick an alphamask shader or the one I gave you.
  4. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/ Don't use self.pai.material, use self.pai.mat. You're getting an error because the field is mat and not material. You can also use GetMaterial instead if you wanted to.
  5. Can you post the project file or a video of what you doing? Also, backup files of the map get saved in case this happens. I forget where they are located.
  6. Well, the 3D models are kind of dark, so it's hard to tell. A few general suggestions: Open the model in the model-editor. Press the Calculate Normals button under tools or something like that. Then use the Angular Threshold option. This gets the model to not be black (if it actually is black). For the leaves, make sure the compression of the leaves Texture is DXT5 or Uncompressed. Then, for the leaves Material, select the alphamask shader. There are a few to pick from. This will cause the leaves to have transparency in the textures. You could also use this shader instead. This makes the leaves sway. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/471-animated-vegetation-shader/
  7. How are you switching projects? You need to go to the Project Manager first to switch projects, THEN load up the map. From the bottom of the editor viewport, drag up the bottom. A console is hidden there. You can then see what exactly is being loaded and if there are issues. If you are doing this, can you look in your project's folder in the Map folder? See what's in there.
  8. That's because you need to load up the map for your project. Whenever you switch projects, you need to load the map you want to edit. There can be multiple maps per project, so this is why it works like this. Go to File->Open and then select your project's map.
  9. Oh, I though maybe he disabled it or something because I can't add comments. But that would make sense given that you are a Developer and I'm a Member
  10. I just looked at the script and found the error. I think Gonan is right, you may want to go to the beta build. I'm really sure why it was broken to begin with those. Anyway here is the issue (at about line 387): if fire then if self.carryingEntity then local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() else if self.suspendfire~=true then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo==0 and self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic==true then self.suspendfire=true end self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Fire() end end end This should be started with "if fire then." Instead, you replace it with this: if self.carryingEntity then if window:MouseHit(1) then local dir = Transform:Vector(0,0,self.throwforce,self.camera,nil) self.carryingEntity:AddForce(dir) self:DropEntityCarrying() end end if fire then if self.suspendfire~=true then if self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].clipammo==0 and self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex].automatic==true then self.suspendfire=true end self.weapons[self.currentweaponindex]:Fire() end end I think the code was meant to be simplified. The "fire" variable only turns to true with a not-nil weapon (so a weapon). So, here you don't need the fire variable, and it will work without a weapon.
  11. I think it would be beneficial to allow users to add comments in the Documentation. Sometimes I feel that important points aren't always covered by the descriptions.
  12. I don't really know the specifics of the LE encryption, so I can't say. That being said, I would probably think that SP would offer better protection due to everything being in one .exe (and the fact that this whole product is basically dedicated to encryption). You are right though, it might not really provide much help, especially since hardware scraping is possible no matter what type of encryption is used.
  13. I'm still having issues even with this basic approach. I'm using SmartPacker Pro X Every time I launch a very basic game with that (just the player prefab and a small terrain), it crashes right after it starts up. I sent a message to SmartPacker Pro though. Maybe they have some suggestions or something. They don't have a forum, which is really annoying because there is basically no documentation or anything. Thanks for all the help though josk!
  14. If this is based on that other thread, please just ignore it. Posting constructive criticism and possible bugs are always welcome! Anyway, back to the thread. YouGroove is right in that the first place I would look is the mipmapping and texture compression settings. In your project, you should be able to see the .tex files (like one for your texture above). Double-click on that texture and you should see compression settings and a mip-mapping checkbox. Mip-mapping to be an issue so you should disable it, but it's hard to tell with that screenshot. Change the compression to uncompressed and see if this changes the results. If neither work, could you post the map in question?
  15. That's strange. Good thing you checked though. I actually haven't used any characters from there since I usually by props and stuff from them. I know what you mean though. I just tried it out as well. For just skeletons, I can't seem to import animations at all, which seems weird to me. The autopistol prefab in LE though uses just bones and can be imported.
  16. Thanks for the info. Did you test on an app that uses App.lua? I tried in on a smaller project (pretty much empty) without the double encryption, and I was receiving an error about not being able to find App.lua. It makes me wonder if the Lua files, or the .dll files from the same directory of the .exe, are not being taken into account.
  17. While I do think that this was too harsh of a comment, I also do see catch22's point (as is evidenced in my first post). Like I said in that post, it's fine to be critical, but when all you do is try to bash the engine, it gets tiresome for everyone. Honestly, Ameshi, if you have this many issues with the engine, then why are you still using it (or thinking of using it)? Of course, Leadwerks isn't perfect, but many of his responses to the engine have been, quite frankly, rather rude. Josh puts in a lot of effort into this product, and he's created pretty much by himself a very impressive and unique engine. You are totally wrong if you think that Josh is trying to shortchange his users (like with the planned features or lack of features). I don't like everything about Leadwerks either, but I like it more than other engines, so that's why I use it. If I didn't then I would just go to another engine with more stuff that I'm looking for.
  18. Yeah, you need to download the free version of Unity though in order to use the asset store. It works like this: -You use a just like a blank project -You download the asset in a Unity package file (from within the Asset Store window in Unity) -Then you extract the package/import it in Unity -And then all of the .fbx files and textures and stuff are available in your project's folder It's actually much simpler than I made it out to be. Be careful about purchasing vegetation though because sometimes they use prefabs for the tree editor, which can't be imported. You can see exactly what files are included with each asset on the asset's page, so this is also pretty convenient. Sometimes you might want to look to see what the .fbx file looks like, since some artists group many objects into on file, which makes it tedious to edit.
  19. Has anyone successfully used Smart Packer Pro to package an LE 3.3 app? I'm having a lot of trouble getting my game to run. I don't know if my game being all Lua is contributing to this. If not, has anyone gotten it to work with earlier versions of Leadwerks? What settings did you use?
  20. Excellent post! I know what I'm going to be doing in the next few days...
  21. Ah I see. It may be a bug. Could you possibly upload the mesh and the script for it or make a video of it? If you don't want to that's fine, but it's hard at this point to guess what might be causing it. If it is indeed a bug, I'm sure Josh would want to look at it too.
  22. You aren't supposed to be using polymeshes for moving objects. They are more for environmental objects that don't need to be moved. Was that what you were trying to do? In fact, I don't think they have any physics properties to them, and they might be causing the crashes. I'm a little confused by this. Do you mean a displacement map (texture)? I don't think there is such a thing as a displacement mesh in Leadwerks, but I could be wrong. The displacement map on the other hand causes a lot of confusion because it sounds like it should displace the terrain, but it actually has different purpose. It is sort of a mask texture that allows you to have nonlinear blending. If I'm not answering your question correctly, could you maybe post an example project/map?
  23. The issue for me at least is that when you first open the editor and DON'T open up and files (so start the Script Editor from the toolbar), the recent files don't show up. When you open up the first file, then the recent files show.
  24. The shape should look like that though. Convex hulls basically engulf the whole mesh and only use convex angles to construct the shape.
  25. Very nice! You may want to change your title though. Droid is a registered trademark. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droid_(robot)
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