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Editor is freezing


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I left the Steam and standalone running for an hours while I went to lunch. Came back and everything was normal.

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I've experienced this as well, it happens after as short as a few minutes with the focus on another window. Sometimes trying to minimize and maximize the editor window will wake it up, sometimes it seems to do it on its own after a bit of time.

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I've had this happen aswell, happens sometimes when i've been at another app for a while, can't make it consistently happen tho. I'm on Win11 which might be a factor. there was an update this week and i might have seen it happen in another app, tho im not sure.

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I can confirm the same thing, when I am coding in visual Code, and I go back to the editor it is frozen, it does not respond anywhere, I have to restart it.

When it happens to me I make a video.




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17 hours ago, Josh said:

Is this only happening with the Steam build? Has anyone experienced this with the standalone?

I only used the standalone and never had a crash, I can try using the Steam version and see if I have the issue. 

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When the application is dormant, SteamAPI_RunCallbacks() does not get called for however long it is sitting there. If this is a Steam-exclusive problem then I am thinking maybe this function performs actions based on time elapsed, so it is called after a long pause it performs some kind of tasks that take a long time, causing the program to stop responding.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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The latest build on Steam adds a timer that ticks once every second. This causes the program to not sit idly for long periods of time, and will cause the Steam_runcallbacks function to be called periodically.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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