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  1. reepblue's post in Possible to ceate 2D game in Ultra ? was marked as the answer   
    You can, But why would you? 
    Honestly, I think 2D games are best targeting the cheapest hardware you can find and making something cool with SDL2 or something. Ultra Engine is ment for high performance games and applications.
  2. reepblue's post in Can't delete models anymore. was marked as the answer   
    Pulled an update just now, and now it works. 🤷
  3. reepblue's post in Component GetEntity() is null within Start function. was marked as the answer   
    This is why:
    shared_ptr<T> AddComponent(const bool start = true) { auto o = GetComponent<T>(); if (o) return o; o = std::make_shared<T>(); std::shared_ptr<Component> c = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Component>(o); if (c == NULL) RuntimeError("Type must be a Component."); //c->entity = As<Entity>().get(); if (start) c->Start(); m_components.push_back(c); //c->entity = this; c->entityptr = As<Entity>(); auto world = GetWorld(); if (world) { world->entitieswithnewcomponents.insert(As<Entity>()); InternalRecordCollisions(true); } return o; } Assign the entity pointer before calling start! Actually make the start function call the LAST thing it does before returning!
  4. reepblue's post in Color Error In default example. was marked as the answer   
    Nevermind, the shaders didn't copy over properly from the client. It lied and told me everything was up to date.
  5. reepblue's post in Image Mouse Gui on Leadwerks? was marked as the answer   
    Oh yeah, I think that's broken. I wouldn't count on it being fixed unfortunately.
    TBH, I wouldn't worry about it. I wanted to do a lot of things for my game, but I ended up not pursuing it because I couldn't figure it out. Don't let a minor detail get in the way of things.
  6. reepblue's post in vstudio 2022 was marked as the answer   
    I build my game with the latest tools and IDE just fine. Just make sure you're building for Win32.
  7. reepblue's post in Leadwerk Linux (Ubuntu) was marked as the answer   
    Due to library conflicts, the editor is only supported with 16.04. Games however can be ran on 18.04 but it takes work. Others have ran into the issue you are having and I suggest you have a look at the Linux board.
    IMO, there is no need to run or test games on Linux if you are using Lua. With C++ it's different as you need to write code that GCC will accept as it can be more stubborn and lacks some features compared to MSVC.
    Although very cool, I don't see developing games with Leadwerks for Linux is worth it at this time. Your game night be totally unbootable when you're game actually ships. The editor is also gimped compared to it's Windows version.
    I suggest just using Leadwerks on Windows. The new engine has less dependencies so it should be better.
  8. reepblue's post in Material with transparency was marked as the answer   
    The eye lashes needs to be its own material with the correct blend mode.
  9. reepblue's post in Animation not importing was marked as the answer   
    That tells me the Armature isn't assigned to the mesh properly. Check your modifiers and bones to make sure that's set up properly. Without the blend file, we can't really help you much further.
  10. reepblue's post in Phantom Lights was marked as the answer   
    This way a probably an undo bug. I would try reloading the map and if you can't reload the map due to an error, at least it's a very simple scene.
  11. reepblue's post in Questions about land in LE was marked as the answer   
    Try to use R16 and import it with the terrain editor. Then place your rocks with the vegetation system.
  12. reepblue's post in Weighted Button powered by physics was marked as the answer   
    It's a start, might need adjusting later but this is great for VR push buttons.
    function Script:Start() self.entity:SetMass(1) self.entity:SetGravityMode(false) local position=self.entity:GetPosition(true) self.joint=Joint:Slider(position.x,position.y,position.z,0,-20,0,self.entity,nil) self.joint:EnableLimits() self.joint:SetLimits(0,1) -- The lower the number, the shorter distance. self.joint:SetSpring(1000,1000,self.entity:GetMass()) end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.joint:GetAngle() >= 0.1 then System:Print(self.joint:GetAngle()) end end  
  13. reepblue's post in Render from a second world was marked as the answer   
    I don't think this is possible as I believe with Leadwerks, only one world at a time can be rendered.
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