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  1. Dreikblack's post in Can't build after last update in beta steam branch was marked as the answer   
    After VS update i managed to build a projects
  2. Dreikblack's post in Render crash if reCreateWorld same world was marked as the answer   
    This issue seems to be gone with Vulkan
  3. Dreikblack's post in [C++] Editor doesn't show components was marked as the answer   
    Works for me with original .json from top post. Try to create new component via editor with + button

    btw maybe some letter is not latin? Like Cyrillic 'C' instead of English one in folder and file name.
  4. Dreikblack's post in Quake models in Editor was marked as the answer   
    Resolved this issue with Josh help via AddMod(quakepath) which "adds another folder and makes the engine think that folder is in the current dir"
  5. Dreikblack's post in Brush and Face SetMaterial() does not work? was marked as the answer   
    Now in 1.03 it works for brush and face

  6. Dreikblack's post in Help changing font color was marked as the answer   
    widget->SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1, WIDGETCOLOR_FOREGROUND);
  7. Dreikblack's post in Ultra App Kit - table was marked as the answer   
    Edit button just for having 2 buttons in a menu:

    add  shared_ptr<Panel> contextMenu; to ListView.h
    In ListView.cpp update Initialize method:
    bool ListView::Initialize(const int x, const int y, const int width, const int height, shared_ptr<Widget> parent, shared_ptr<ListViewData> header, int columnCount) { bool isInit = Widget::Initialize("", x, y, width, height, parent, 0); itemSize = iVec2(width, getItemHeight()); ListView::columnCount = columnCount; initBlockCount += (columnCount * 2); ListView::header = header; contextMenu = CreatePanel(0, 0, 100, 40, gui->root); contextMenu->Hide(); auto editButton = CreateButton("Edit", 0, 0, 100, 20, contextMenu);//just for an example, no function auto removeButton = CreateButton("Remove", 0, 20, 100, 20, contextMenu); ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, removeButton, RemoveCallback, Self()->As<ListView>()); return isInit; } and MouseDown method:
    void ListView::MouseDown(const MouseButton button, const int x, const int y) { contextMenu->Hide(); if (x >= 0 and y >= getItemHeight() and x < size.x and y < size.y) { int itemId = y / getItemHeight() - 1; if (itemId >= 0 and itemId < items.size()) { selectedItemId = itemId; Redraw(); if (button == MOUSE_LEFT) { if (pickItemListener) { pickItemListener(Event(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, Self(), selectedItemId)); } } else if (button == MOUSE_RIGHT) { contextMenu->Show(); contextMenu->SetShape(iVec2(x, y), contextMenu->GetSize()); } } } } Also add this function to same class:
    bool RemoveCallback(const Event& ev, shared_ptr<Object> extra) { auto listView = extra->As<ListView>(); listView->removeSelectedItem(); listView->contextMenu->Hide(); return true; }  
  8. Dreikblack's post in Ultra Engine Client closes it self before full start (Windows 11) was marked as the answer   
    Tried newer version from here - https://github.com/UltraEngine/ultraengine.github.io/raw/main/files/UltraClient.exe and it worked . Found in a patch notes.
    Probably main link should be updated? - https://ultraengine.github.io/files/UltraClient.exe
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