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Parallax shader


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Super easy to use. You just slap it on a material and slap that material on an object. You gotta have a heightmap. I make mine on Materialize, which is free. Makes simple, wimpy flat planes look more complex than they are. Haven't tested it for any FPS drop or with decals or anything. Should be fun to mess with, though.




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57 minutes ago, havenphillip said:

That decal looks like it's working. So far so good. Hadn't seen you in a while, Yue, I was worried.

I've heard of AMD but I'm not sure what that means, exactly. It's parallax, though. It shouldn't be too expensive to run.

AMD as in the vendor of the card. With my RX480, not everything works like it should.

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Cyclone - Ultra Game System - Component PreprocessorTex2TGA - Darkness Awaits Template (Leadwerks)

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Added an edge texture which I made in GIMP. It looks remarkably good in-game even with texture settings set to low and standing right up to it. I'm working right now on fixing the color change to offset the loss of brightness by adding the map.

It was pretty easy to make. In GIMP I opened the diffuse texture, then went to Filters/Distorts/Emboss, and set the elevation to 90 so the edges were evenly dispersed.

easy to code, too. You just mix it with the diffuse:


     vec4 edge = texture(texture4,texcoords0.xy);

     edge = mix(edge,outcolor,1.0-edge_amount);


    fragData0 = outcolor;
    fragData0 *= edge;


Zoom in on this I'm fining it ridiculous how close I can get to this texture without it looking like a pixelated mess. Might be worth it to include an edge texture generator in LE5.


edge examples.jpg

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1 hour ago, ?Yue? said:

A question, with what do you create the texture of protuberance? ( the blue texture ). 

I see that you don't have the same result if I use the texture that is created in leadwerks. 

I use Materialize. It's free. 3 tutorials you should have it mastered. 



I used a slightly different diffuse texture when I made the normal map (protuberance), which I doctored in GIMP to exaggerate the contrast and then discarded. So it makes sense that the LE normal map wouldn't work the same. See how this one is brighter?


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Here's another version I built for speed. I took out a lot of the bells and whistles. I was also doing a bunch of pointless calculations in the matrix. It's a little faster but unfortunately it requires sacrifices. Would be nice if Josh could find us a few FPS points somewhere so stuff like this could be used more widely. LE would look amazing.



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I was looking inside the leadwerks shaders directory and I see shaders of parallax and tessellation.

My question is what's the difference between these and the one you've exposed here.  I don't know much about shaders. But it is curious to see that you always have something to learn.




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Honestly I'm just learning that as I go. But as Josh mentioned, this shader is technically "parallax occlusion" (POM), or maybe "steep parallax." Pretty much all I know is it requires an extra matrix-to-eye calculation and the way I understand it it uses the z coordinate of the "eye" to produce a perception of depth like a raycast.

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Ok last one all nice and tidy so you can delete all the above if you prefer. I put in the regular and economy versions and two textures to mess with just as examples. I left out the cobblestone texture, though. The regular parallax has the edge texture in it uncommented in case you want to check it out. It looks good but it cuts the FPS in half. The economy version is an attempt to get max speed without making it look too bad, and it really doesn't look too bad at all unless you compare it to the other one, but it's clearly the more workable option.




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