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  1. I create material from water1_0.tex, i material editor i pick the water shader. After creation material, i create brush with material. i see artefact's on brush. Help!
  2. First post here in a couple years... Unfortunately, not a good thing. I have an interest in Leadwerks again, but unfortunately, I no longer have access to the Steam account I purchased it with, or the email tied to that account. I've tried contacting Steam support and they have given me no response. So I'm asking you guys for help. Is there anything I can do about this? I've lost a $200 value (I had the Professional Edition DLC), and I really want to use Leadwerks for my next project. Anybody have any suggestions or ways to help? (JOSH READ THIS PART) I still have my original purchase receipt for both Leadwerks and the Professional Edition DLC. If there is any way you can get me a copy of Leadwerks if I show them to you, (or help at all), I'd be infinitely grateful. Thank you. I hope everyone has a great rest of their day.
  3. When I start Leadwerks and open the script editor, the title area is off the screen:
  4. **Operating system or device - Leadwerks Version:** Windows 7 Pro x64 Leadwerks 4.2 Beta BuildID:1479910 **Issue description** (what happened, and what was expected): -Issue: Models added to the terrain vegetation layer do not show up in game. The same model used for vegitation will reflect if manually dragged into the world. [*]-What was expected Models to show reflection in the water. **Steps to reproduce:** Create scene. Add terrain Add skybox Add models to vegetation layer Run Game **Link to minimal example project** No project just an images: **EDIT** So It seems that the game defaults to a medium water quality instead of high. :/
  5. Hi All I admit I am a newbie to Leadwerks so apologies if my question is trivial. I have tried searching the Forums for an answer. I have the Pro version of Leadwerks and am using it mostly as a learning tool. I do have some long term aspirations for a research project that may require the use of the engine. I have therefore only dabbled and am learning Lua script from a recently purchased book at the same time. I am finding the engine very versatile and great fun. I have been working through Jon Theunissen's excellent Youtube tutorials on Lua scripting. When I make a small map I want to drop the FPSPlayer into the scene to test it. I generally start a new project from the project manager. When I drop the FPSPlayer from the Assets/prefab/player folder onto the scene and press the Run button to test, I do get the walking sound but no movement. I have checked the FPSPlayer is present in the Scene/Models tab and the script is set to 'FPSPlayer.lua' Something is obviously working since I do get the walking sound but I cannot move or rotate the camera. What am I doing wrong?. Again apologies for such a trivial question but I am stuck. Thanks in advance
  6. Hi. Do you have plans to implement Matchmaking in Leadwerks Game Launcher? It would be great if we could publish small multiplayer games in the Workshop.
  7. Hello, I purchased leadwerks a while back and really enjoy using it. I was looking through the site and i’m not sure if there is still a non-steam version of leadwerks. I am working on a game for a school project and do not have access to steam at school. Is there a way I could obtain leadwerks without having steam installed?
  8. I dont have and huge amounths of LUA scripting knowlege, but i understand the basics, i read all the LUA tutorials on the leadworks site. What im trying to do is create a single base room where the player starts, there is one exit, and after that exit using prefabs to randomly generate the rest of the map. Is this possible? Ive read forums on it(on this website, couldnt find one that helped, at the end of this post ill link some of the forums i read, i read all the ocmments as well), i just cant seem to figure it out and its killing me, ive been working on it for 16 hours straight. So if anyone is willing to help me out i would appreciate it. I dont even know how to start other than making prefabs with clear entrances and exits. a:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/52/entry-882-lets-make-a-game-procedual-content-creation-part-01/ b:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12430-procedural-generation/ c:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/12063-procedural-generated-levels-using-prefabs/ d:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8168-procedural-generation-possible/
  9. I downloaded the Saturn tutorial project yesterday to see how the project was holding up after all this time. After some bug fixing and adjusting some of the scenery ingame, I came to the conclusion I really liked the parcours part of the scene. So I thought lets just turn it in to a run and jump game real quick and add it to the winter games tournament. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=616857680
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_sv3eim_cM In the above Youtube link you can see my Blog entry as a video. Its a Blender timelapse of an Ingame device that lets you travel quickly on long distances.
  11. When i try an publish a standalone or to steam i get (Windows exception access violation) any help anyone?
  12. When you create a material in the editor, changing the scale does not update the material editor or anything in editor that uses the material. Windows, Beta version
  13. I highly encourage some one who wants to make a bit of extra money on the side to spend some time creating a course for Leadwerks on www.udemy.com I am sure that every single one of the people who buy this engine would love a full blown course for the engine as well, to make sure they get the most out of their learning experience. I know I would. So please consider it, I would be the first one to purchase it. Teach LUA scripting and the over all API of Leadwerks in general in the course, that would be fantastic!
  14. Hello I was making an UFO camera attached to a model which is attached to an modified fps player. the fps player model does not rotate.(neither anything) So : my problem is that i cant make the PlayerModel facing the direction it walks, i already tried keydown : a, etc. -> setrotation (does not work for me, only in x axis in all 3 variables that it needs) and some other things that are not necessary So anyone got a solve?
  15. Hello forum, I am trying to make my camera move along some 3D points that also store rotation How can I make the movement smooth like in a spline? I don't know much about splines but found this for leadwerks 2: How can I do sth. like that on Leadwerks 3? thanks for your help! yours Max Aigner
  16. ... if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then return end zombiesleft= 0 zombieskilled = 0 roundssurvived = 0 zombiesextrahealth = 0 ... this is in the main.lua script function Script:NewRound() roundssurvived= roundssurvived +1 local a = (roundssurvived*.1) + roundssurvived self.maxEnemies= self.maxEnemies + Math:Round(a) end this is in an script attached to a pivot in the scene. The title is misleading in parts, i havent tried local variables yet but it would be nosense. "...: 41 : attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'currentround' (a nil value)" I get this error, am very confused since the calculation below this line that I implemented today worked.
  17. hi everyone, I have just tried to implement an DLL into lua with the loadlib command. http://www.lua.org/pil/8.2.html#C-packages they say it should work but it does not Main.lua path = "c:\\windows\\system32\\user32.dll" local GetSystemMetrics = assert(loadlib(path, "GetSystemMetrics")) Error: "Script Error: Attempt to call global 'loadlib' (a nil value) Is there a way of enabling this? It would increase the possibilities of Leadwerks and Lua a Lot and it would allow us to make better leadwerks projects so that leadwerks can get more famous and bought more often!!
  18. Hi! When I used Entity:Move child entities of model wont work. 3D model is moving but Leadwerks stuff like pivots, cameras etc. won't move. I discovered it on that script: Script.object = "" --entity "Starship" Script.pivot = "" --entity "CameraPos" Script.uppoint = "" --entity "FowardPivot" Script.backpoint = "" --entity "BackPivot" Script.camera = "" --entity "Camera" function Script:Start() end function Script:UpdateWorld() objectrot = Vec3() if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then self.object:Move(self.uppoint:GetPosition()) end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then local oldrotation = Vec3() local newrotation = Vec3() oldrotation = self.object:GetRotation() newrotation = oldrotation+Vec3(0,0,0.7) self.object:SetRotation(newrotation) objectrot = newrotation end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then local oldrotation = Vec3() local newrotation = Vec3() oldrotation = self.object:GetRotation() newrotation = oldrotation+Vec3(0,0,-0.7) self.object:SetRotation(newrotation) objectrot = newrotation end end The Script.uppoint = "" --entity "FowardPivot" is a child of Script.object = "" --entity "Starship" . When i try to move with "W" pivot should go with spaceship but it won't.
  19. Hello. When I started creating anything on Linux I discovered that bug. When you run a game window appears, sounds are playing but screen isn't updating (when I walked I heard it saw the window but nothing happened). I used sample projects, and my own.
  20. Will GeoVox work with Leadwerks?
  21. 5 years ago I wanted to learn programming. Still don't know how they make a script for a game. I mean i know how to make make up a website with HTML and CSS. But i guess that is something totally different. A lot of people say that programming is pretty easy once you know the basics. Like Variables Loops and something new I've learned Tables. i mean u can tell me what a Loop is but i will never shake this out of my head >>> --Create a window window = Window:Create() --Create a rendering context context = Context:Create(window) --While loop while window:KeyHit(Key.Escape)==false do --Set the drawing color and clear the screen context:SetColor(0,0,0) context:Clear() --Set the drawing color and blend mode context:SetColor(1,1,1) context:SetBlendMode(Blend.Alpha) --Draw some text onscreen context:DrawText("PRESS ESCAPE TO END THE PROGRAM.",2,2) --Update the screen context:Sync() end So my point is. Are there any specific ways to learn programming or replace programming in some way for people that are struggling with this problem. This is something that should not make someone give up their idea because he or she can not write a code. thanks for reading, Jefferey Oertel 2D/3D Artist
  22. Hi. I installed a Leadwerks on a Linux Mint 17.1 Cinamon and my game didn't run. Leadwerks don't showing any errors. The console log: Executing "\media\thekkubas\Dev2\Leadwerks\Jube\Jube"... Process Complete. Nothing more. I don't know what can I do. I tried open an app on wine. It runned.
  23. Hi. i'm new to Leadwerks and I started scrpiting in lua. When i try to make basic controller i discovered that bug (or my mistake). Here is one of scripts which i (try to) make. Script.player = "" --entity "Player" function Script:Start() end function Script:Update() if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then print("D Pressed") right() end end function Script:right() ppos = self.player:GetPosition() self.player:SetPosition(ppos+Vec3(3,0,0)) end When it launched i didn't get any console replys about pressed D and my character didn't move. At the end sorry for my English. That text could have errors.
  24. I would want to see things like "r" for rotating an model or "s" for scaling with the mouse other than just pressing a thing in the toolbar, a little bit like in blender so the overall is more smooth. I dont know if this was posted already or if you can access things like that in the settings.
  25. "To give you an idea of the character interaction, this special feature will highlight a few parts of a minor subquest. [...] All of you who’ve played a role-playing game are familiar with the standard retrieve item-receive reward type of quest. There’s nothing wrong with those, and as a matter of fact, they are very useful for introducing a player into a universe. Unfortunately, typically those quests are implemented as “Hi how are you – if you get me this sword, I’ll give you 500 coins”, and that’s it. [...] " (not by me, credits go to larian studios) -> http://www.larian.com/Site/english/divinity/special_02.html That is what I have been thinking about, too . In my game which I have no name for at the moment I will implement very complex Interaction inside the world , and also with the Npcs . I know this might seem to be a huge project, but I am very into this so I am going to make a pre alpha in january 2016.
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