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Blog Comments posted by shadmar

  1. BuildMipmaps() now correctly builds mipmaps for cubemaps as far as I can tell smile.png


    This means that I can now on the fly build cubemaps with correct mipmap level in lua!


    If this stays in, I can do an update to the substance shader stuff using generated local corrected cubemaps.

  2. Another thing, 2xMSAA is faster than the lowest setting on FXAA

    So if you are going to do AA as fast as possible, I'd do in this order.


    1. Nothing = fastest

    2. 2 x MSAA = fastest AA doable

    3. FXAA, 10-39 setting on FXAA are all faster than 4 x MSAA

    4. 2 x MSAA + FXAA, best looking for highest fps.

    5. 4,8,16,32 x MSAA looks good but slows down quite fast.

    • Upvote 5
  3. if the metallic map is all black it will not do a metallic reflection, but rather a surface plastic like reflection with no colordepth.

    if you look under misc folder there is an billiard ball material as an example of this.


    You are suppose to supply textures for all cases, under the default folder there is 2x2 pixel textures for black/white/gray if you don't have one.


    For next iteration of this shader, environment mapping will be automatic.

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