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Blog Comments posted by Pancakes

  1. Does Leadwerks even need $10 million to be a great engine that gets more customers?


    I think that with a few key improvements and a small number of paid devs. That with a clever plan, Leadwerks can acheive greater market penetration without any of that venture capital. I said the same thing to Blade3d developers.


    They need to get Leadwerks inside of the schools. Get interns to help add new features. Teach new students how to use Leadwerks for game development. When they graduate at least some of them will remain loyal to Leadwerks...why wouldn't they. It's flippin ninja. And josh is a swashbucklin pirate. So everybody's happy!


    Anyways. Like I said. A clever plan will go much farther in today's age of open source + commercial strategic partnerships look at google, look at blender etc. To do things the AOL way is so 1990. Big, big, big. Sell, sell, sell.


    Instead, just make it great. And then cleverly get other people to help you make it greater in a mutually benefitial manner.

  2. Josh I think you have evaluated the situation very clearly. I was a Blade3d user and I LOVED that software. And I hate what happened with it and the founders (husband and wife) were devastated by the impartial hand of a CEO who did not share their understanding, vision, or the value of the software that had developed. Blade3d was brilliantedly designed editor that was far far ahead of its time. But the investors treated it like **** when it didn't bring the the money exactly when they wanted it to.


    I would hate for something like that to happen to Leadwerks. So I think your strategy of maintaining a healthy degree of independence is the RIGHT idea. It will give you the flexibility to adapt to new situations whenever you want. And honestly I don't think you really need a lot of new programmers, just 2-3 fellow geniuses should do. :)


    If you ask me, all Leadwerks needs is water, sky, cinematics, and flowgraphs. I'm the noobiest guy amongst us and that's the only added noob friendly stuff I need. You might want to make sure you aren't making a super redefined editor for no reason. Flowgraphs alone could bring in the crymod crowd who are ready to try their hand at actually owning the porgrams they code into their engine.


    Were you familiar wtih Blade's editor. I think that is a good editor to emulate eventually. But also, don't forget about that blender plugin hahahaha :)


    Alright, thanks for making such a great engine. I wouldn't have known what to do wtihout Leadwerks since Blade3d was destroyed from the inside the way it was.


    oh yeah, go ahead and make that 3.0 beta pre-purchase available I will buy it right now as long as I can afford it that is :)

  3. But but wait guys. Maybe it's not so bad. As long as they give the option to download the game that you purchase it might be worth it.


    For instance let's say an indie company releases a game OnLive for $5.00. Each month they update their game with new content for another $5.00 after that. Like buying a magazaine. If you love the game and want to see what happens next you'd keep buying it all the while being able to play it in social settings with your friends like on your ipad or android or something I guess.


    Then when you get home from college and you want to play completely lag free you just download to your main PC and keep it there.


    I don't think the executives at OnLive have to figure that out is more like the developers who are releasing their games. And it could be a simpler pricing model and cheaper too. Cuz Josh's suggestion of 20-$50 a month would take a lot of kids out the market right there. Who might get birthday money or a small allowance from mom and dad.


    I'm not thinking to critically on this though tbh


    /devil's advocate

  4. or the camera itself could be an object with it's own set of specialized components... OR there can be a director object which accepts every camera in the scene as a component this way you can save several camera presets or have cameras for cinematics set up but you'll only have to connect the player object to the director as opposed to having several different camera components connected to a single player object... Or!


    lol there are so many ways of setting it up good luck man :)

  5. This is just... what can I say?




    So in other words. You could have a controller component, a sound archives compononent, and animation component, a mesh/model component, a special collision/physics component, and then save these all as a single prefab called, BasicCharacterComponent?


    Is that how it works?


    Then you drag drop the prefab into your scene and just edit the parameters of each component in order to define your entity?

  6. I think the main thing chaffing some of the older base is the way Leadwerks communicates it's news. I like the kinder cuddlier Josh since the old forums, but I think PR still needs a little love. The same way you once gave people special mod status. You should also give your base customers special support status as well. A special Leadwerks council that can advise you more on the bugs. And I think they are better release testers than most of the rest of us are anyway.


    I want to see you be able to keep Pixel Perfect and Red O as enthusiastic about Leadwerks as they SHOULD be. ;)

  7. What's funny is that I grew up in Mississippi (The Dark Ages)


    And I never knew what it meant to be a game dev. So I put it out of my head all through school. Even through college. When I was in college I found this program called RPG Maker. And I was like, "Oh yeah?" And from there I found blender and I have been fiddling ever since. I have had no art or programming background. I went to school for political science.


    I always saw games as the finest of arts. But most people around me think of them as just toys or a waste of time. I suppose that's how the older generation felt about rock and roll back in the day. Or professional sports. Or the television. Or the automobile. I could go on and on. :D

  8. I'm not intelligent enough to handle Ubuntu. The programs that I must have are Blender, Renoise, 3dCoat, Leadwerks SDK, Paint.NET, and 3dCoat and REALPLAYER!!!!!!! Realplayer lets you download music and movies off of almost any site like youtube - it doesn't work with Hulu though.


    And also some web browser probably Google Chrome

  9. Josh have you taken a look at Visual3d.Net skies and water?


    They have one of the BEST skies I've ever seen. Please take a look at it. There are a lot more options to the sky than what you can see on the surface. I can take screenshots if you want to see what I mean.

  10. .....no



    I'm a ex-crysis modder, that doesn't make me an expert. But I don't see a very big difference between CryEngine2 and Leadwerks right now. Also Visual3d.Net has Infinite Terrains and spherical worlds and universes coming soon. Does this not surpass Unreal and CryEngine3? Unity is "comparable" I wouldn't say it surpasses them.


    Leadwerks, is more open to programmers and is rapidly developing so I would say Leadwerks which is already in my opinion on par with CryEngine2 as it is can find several niches to surpass CE3 'right out of the box'. And because it's more open to developers than a free CE3, I think programmers will be able to add even more functionality themselves which is part of the reason I think Leadwerks has the ability to surpass CE3 depending upon the fervor of the community.

  11. it sounds good, but still Leadwerks is a better deal provided it gets a few crucial additional features


    They really are picking a fine time to do this. At exactly the moment when Leadwerks and Visual3d.net and Unity are getting to a point where they are comparable and even capable of surpassing Unreal and CryEngine is certain respects and in Leadwerks' case all respects.


    My guess is it's free to use but you must pay a $25,000+ royalty per commercial release.

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