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Rocks and Stones released

Michael Betke



After a busy week we are happy to announce the release of our first environment model pack "Rocks and Stones 1.0". It's a huge pack with over 300 MB download size.

Beside the 21 rocky and stony models I included all baked AO (Ambient Occlusion) textures, Photoshop and 3ds max (2010) files to this pack so it's easy to do new textures based on them.the models themselfs are made with Mudbox and weight around 6 million polygones before baking the normalmap from them.

All textures got unique 2048px skin mehes which can be downscaled if needed. Get the models from our enviornment shop for only 22,-€ on www.pure3d.de again!




Don't miss the cataloge: http://pure3d.de/english-version/pure3d-gameart-division/pdf/Rocks_n_Stones_v1.pdf

There is a small "Making-Off" located in the forums: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1575-pure%C2%B3d-game-development-division/page__st__20__gopid__15675entry15675



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These are very nice. One thing I think would be handy for level design is a cluster of large rocks you could distribute on cliff faces. Of course you can easily make something like that with these models.

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The huge versions are suitable for this kind or cliff distribution.

I'll see how they work out in my next project and update them eventually.


Some prefab and scale functionality would handy too so you could make a bunch of scaled and arranged rocks and distribute them along the cliffs. But thats a LE 3.0 feature too I hope. ;-p

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