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Posts posted by cassius

  1. You can build terain in the le editor and add models and lighting and physics. Modeling is done in a 3d app such as Blender(free) . You can design levels in 3d world studio or caligraphy shop(free)and load them into the editor. Then you can hit game mode and move around in your level. I use Blitzmax for programming but many use c++ which is free.

  2. I dont know what blender is like as a game engine but I have been learning to use it for months and am beginning to like it, but I still can't figure how to get a texture onto a model. I have to go into ac3d to do the texture.So how about a tut on that?

  3. As a hobbyist my motives are different to commercial developers. They need a team, a plan or design and a structure.I chose adventure game partly because I can make it up as I go along. I get ideas for puzzles when in bed or at the supermarket or anywhere.I have been known to get up in the night to try something out.

  4. I am doing an adventure game, or rather a send up of an adventure game with the accent on comedy. Trying to do the lot,both proggamming and artwork. In the last few months my artworkhas improved more than my programming.

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