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Posts posted by cassius

  1. Has anyone given any thought to this? If you write a long game the user may not want to finish it in one session,in which case you would have to consider how to do a save and restore of the game position and the status of objects etc.

  2. Sometimes when my player collides with a model placed near a wall the player goes thru the model and thru the wall and drops out of the level. It is an interior level designed in 3dws. Wall thickness is 32. Would making wall thickness 64 improve this occasional occurence? Thanks.

  3. I had this problem with physics in 2.3 after a clean update, but in my case physics is now working fine ,. I checked the controller code in the editor controller lua file and made my controller code the same.This made no difference at first but when I changed the phy file for a table model from convex hull to a box shape all my physics started to work well. Its a mystery. My controller has a mass of 10.0.

    EDIT: Reducing controller mass to 7.0 made little difference it still works ok.( I use Bmax)

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