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Everything posted by Benton

  1. You got a LE3 application built for Mac running on Android?
  2. So now it's 'this year' and not 'this summer'?
  3. Good way to go with the point entities. I can't wait! Are we going to see a release at the end of July or the end of August...or in-between?
  4. Not bad iOS game. When I find my iDevice I will have to give it a go. What did you make it with?
  5. You will also lose the possibility of more time
  6. Benton

    Getting Fun Now...

    The concept behind this is nothing new. It is quite common, Unity, ShiVa, Gamestart, all of the engines with an IDE have this now. It is not a new, breakthrough feature.
  7. Networking on mobile is currently possible, but most people who play games on mobile are so-called "casual gamers" and play games to kill 5 minutes, not to sit down for 10 minutes to find someone online to play with. At its current state networking on mobile is not really a good idea.
  8. I shall manage this by using Leadwerks3D
  9. You could also do this in Blender, using the remesh modifier.
  10. You have memory problems remembering your STD's? Joking joking...
  11. I love how the developer asks the community questions, and gets help, It really is a good way for us to give back to the hard working developer, and strengthens the community. This is the first time I have ever seen this, this community is the tightest one I have ever seen.
  12. Yeh cuz Desktops really are the future of game development....:|
  13. Benton

    LE3 Lua

    Take my money/IOU Dont forget docs. The most forgotten but useful thing for software. Make sure they are really detailed. Let Leadwerks 3 be known for really good docs!
  14. I like that. But make it so if the upgraded license is $1000 then make it 2000 sales. So if you sell 2000 copies of games at $0.99 you made enough money to cover the cost of upgrading. I wish the free Unity had all the feature that pro has (minus a couple) but you could only make, say, $2000 with the free version before you upgrade. That way both parties win.
  15. Agreed. But if he prices it like Unity Pro I'm outta here...
  16. Josh if I can afford to upgrade to LE3 you will have two customers. Any idea on how much it will cost to upgrade from LE2?
  17. Sweet...now where is our volumetric particles and soft particles?
  18. yeah I would also like to see a blender-like viewport, we can switch from that to 4 views if we want.
  19. Benton

    LE3 Lua

    *crams the promise of money down Josh's throat* You take IOU's right?
  20. Haha you have Hammer open It looks beast. Stuff like Unity looks good at first glance, but it can be slow and really weird at times. This looks simple yet fast and powerful.
  21. By the time I am out of collage and in the industry, I will probably developing on one of them. I mean, Blender, for instance, has been known to work on a phone.
  22. So our phones become real Personal Computers, we can bring them around wherever. Go to the library, pop your phone/PC into a screen-mouse-keyboard dock and away you go.
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