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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I have the command reference open by default when I start my browser.
  2. Like I said, I really doubt that that will happen. This has been requested by others starting at least more than 18 months ago. So I just wouldn't count on it.
  3. Updates in general? or do you mean with the lua editor. and thanks.
  4. This has been requested from day 1, so I doubt that will happen anytime soon. You can use external editors, but executable the engine needs to be setup manually.
  5. only certain youtube links are accepted for auto embedding.
  6. Setting a collisiontype isn't enough. You also need to set a collision shape. See this tutorial: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/shapes-and-physics-r10
  7. Graphics card is supported so that can't be the issue. http://www.amd-news.com/cn_2011-42/en/a6-apu-vs-core-i3.html Do you have the latest GPU driver updates?
  8. Which graphics card is it? The dv7 from HP is available with several graphics cards. press Windows Key + R In the Open box, type "dxdiag" (without the quotation marks), and then click OK. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool opens. Click the Display tab. On the Display tab, information about your graphics card is shown in the Devicesection. You can see the name of your card, as well as how much video memory it has.
  9. oftopic: yeah those code reformats are annoying. It happens all over the forum. If you toggle the editing mode and then paste your code, it will note lose indention
  10. Also note that Ubuntu is currently the only officially supported Linux OS. I think others are using Linux Mint as well, but if you have a bug it will not be looked at.
  11. When you but it on steam you van download it for all available platforms. You do not however get a sepparate key for the Ubuntu download center.
  12. Welcome to Leadwerks. Have fun developing your game. Be sure to check out the documentation and don't hesitate to ask on the forum. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation
  13. I believe the unity store takes about 30%. And like Guppy said: in this case you would have to pay a cut to both steam as well as Leadwerks, so that percentage might be higher. But that is just speculation. Steam simply doesn't support users to upload payed items for a software package so atm and its probably not something that will happen this year.
  14. No problem, but Rick actually stated the problem perfectly.
  15. 1. What are you saying here? If a person 'buys' something then that person has money. Okay, so what is your point exactly? 2. How is that any different then with other webshops? You still need an internet connection to download them. Even with the steam store you can simple be ofline once you have downloaded the files.
  16. It is not out yet. I spend some time setting up the webshop as well as finishing the gui scaling, which can be quite nasty for some elements. I think it will be ready within 4 weeks. I do not work on this fulltime as I have a job as well as my own projects that I work on. Thanks for the feedback Rick. You can set the font and color for individual gui element. Text can be wrapped in both width and height if desired. label:SetColor(Vec4()) label:SetFont(fontpath, size)
  17. Lua and C++ example here: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/tutorials_legacy/_/introduction-to-animation-r14
  18. Leadwerks had a website store once but it barely got any sales and was removed for that reason. Payed items via steam workshop are simply not possible with Steam atm. This is not something Josh can do and lies purely in the hands of Steam. The most important factors for me are how a user gets the downloaded items. If it happens the same way the current workshop works, then it is of no use. I want people to freely use and edit the things that they purchase. Currently there is no other solution then using your own webshop, which is what I am going for right now.
  19. I have seen this happening before. If you are following the entire tutorial serie, then at one point you changed the following line in the fpsplayer.lua to this. (around line 290) --Use the object, whatever it may be usableentity.script:Use(self.entity) The reason why it probably no longer works: When Leadwerks has an official update that changes the FPSplayer.lua, it replaces your lua file with the new one. That means that all your changes so far, are now gone (You can access the backup which is in the same folder). If an update has been pushed by Leadwerks that changes the script (somewhere last month the player script has been updated), then the line looks as follows: --Use the object, whatever it may be usableentity.script:Use() It is a quite annoying so I am going to switch to a separate FPSplayer script in order to prevent this problem from happening again.
  20. @gamecreator: try this: https://github.com/Aggror/LeadwerksRenderFramework
  21. Yes. I honestly never considered making it for C++ as there is NoesisGUI. I figured people would go for that.
  22. everything can be created by Script. For instance when you create a new button you can do some of the following things. myButton = FG_Button:Create() myButton:SetPosition(10, 20) myButton:SetScale(200, 60) myButton:SetStyle(style) myButton:SetText("button text") myButton:SetTransparency(0-1) myButton:SetColor myButton:SetNormalImage(image) myButton:SetHoverImage(image) myButton:SetClickColor(image) myButton:OnHoverEvent myButton:OnClickEvent myButton:OnDownEvent myButton:Active(true/false) myButton:Enabled(true/false) myButton:Destroy()
  23. I am not that far away from releasing the beta version for FlowGUI. Before I do so I want to see what the communities wishes are regarding GUI. Currently FlowGUI supports the following: buttons checkboxes radio buttons sliders labels text areas GUIStyles If you want to see something that isn't on the list, please leave a comment below. I can't make any promises but It will give me a nice indication on what you you guys want.
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