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Everything posted by AggrorJorn

  1. I had this problem to. Even after updating the project, this problem existed. Restarting the editor solved it eventually.
  2. Maybe a matrix index? Oftopic to your problem: Shadmar created these effects for C++. https://github.com/Aggror/LeadwerksRenderFramework
  3. If you have terrain then it can take quite some time.
  4. Tutorial #20: Using the items in your inventory. Source code will be updated later today when I get home.
  5. Command reference and user guide are a good place to start.
  6. Can you elaborate a little on what you are trying to achieve?
  7. I thought I had added this to the docs a few weeks ago, but as it turns out there are 2 places that talk about the flowgraph editor. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/object-scripts-r631 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/flowgraph-editor-r17
  8. Updated the docs function Script:RandomValue()--arg return math.random(1,5) end Also check out here:
  9. I second this. My main project exists out of 3.8 GB of sound and that is just speach and not even music. I think ogg support is something that should be part of the core leadwerks functionality.
  10. AggrorJorn


    I have rewritten FlowGUI entirely with panels, buttons, checkboxes, sliders, text areas, textboxes and dropdownlists. I am waiting for the Steam workshop to accept payed items though. Depending on its popularity I want to expand it even further.
  11. Are you opt in to the beta? So if you create a new project (lua?) and try to run it, it immediatly freezes and crashes?
  12. Tutorial 19: Displaying the picked up bottle and handling keyboard input.
  13. This is what happens in the beta: You create items or duplicate items. As soon as you make them a child of some other entity, it looks like everything is okay. However, save your scene and reopen it. Your child items are now no longer in your scene. That is also the reason the scripts are failing. Those entities are actually nil.
  14. Tutorial 18: Picking up a model for the inventory:
  15. Any chance you are subscribed to workshop items? That process happens in the background but can still cause leadwerks to freeze.
  16. There doesn't seem to be an option for it in the editor. Seems like something we need to request. In the mean time you can edit the .mat file in notepad. Simply remove the line containing the shadow shader.
  17. I have added them to the documentation, although I do not know what the xbuttons are. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/key/key-r629
  18. I am working on adding these to the docs. I am checking with Josh which ones are official and which are not, so I am just adding the ones that Josh gave the green light for. So far added: virtual int GetLightQuality() virtual Vec3 GetGravity() virtual void SetGravity(const float x, const float y, const float z); SetLightQuality example added
  19. No need to be embarrassed, those window controls are very sensitive. It has happened several times to me as well.
  20. It has happened to me that the window is hidden in the sides of the script editor. If you move your mouse closely to the edges of the editor, you can find it again.
  21. Just tested the buttons on the side of my mouse, but they don't trigger it.
  22. Some mouses have extra buttons on the side, maybe that is what they are. These 2 pages are now updated: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowmousedown-r456 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/window/windowmousehit-r457
  23. Like shadmar said, you are create two windows. Remove this line: //Create a window window = Leadwerks::Window::Create("hi?");
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