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Everything posted by gamecreator

  1. With what looks like maybe 4 or 5 active people so far (I haven't checked Discord yet), it shouldn't be too chaotic for each person to take 1 task of the handful made available.
  2. I can model and texture props but I buy or find for free advanced models. I can also modify models, alter textures and rig and animate characters (at a decent level). Pretty sure we can find anything we need for free. For example, if we go the space game route, here are the free, downloadable ships available on sketchfab: https://sketchfab.com/search?features=downloadable&q=spaceship&sort_by=-pertinence&type=models The above having been said, it would be nice if someone on the team was a proper artist.
  3. I was just about to post similar. We don't have a large enough group to step on too many toes. We just need to compartmentalize things. People work on their own Lua scripts, one person can work on the map (or it can be switched off every week if more people want to work on it), one person can create/gather/convert models, another can gather music/sounds (which we can save for close to the end). I think more importantly we should figure out who wants to do what and then assign//take tasks based on that. I can do either the map, models or music/sounds. Or more than one if I need to pick up some slack. Admittedly I'm not an artist so if someone is more graphically skilled, I'm good with them doing any of this.
  4. True. It's valuable to allow multiple programmers. I wonder if that could be made to work for the space game, maybe one person doing the player, another doing enemy ships, another doing planets.
  5. You will need to purchase it separately. I believe there was talk of a possible discount for Leadwerks owners.
  6. I'll post here the suggestions I posted in the status update. What I like about these is that all of these can start simple but can be expanded, given time. Top-down space shooting game - We could start by just exploring space and fighting other ships. Can be expanded to visit planets, upgrade your ship, including more ship styles, etc. Third person, low-poly, world exploration/monster fighting - Run around in a world and kill monsters. Lots of possibilities beyond that. 2.5D platformer - Mario-style platformer but could be any theme Racing - We could start the racing game in anticipation of Josh re-releasing vehicles Fighting - Street Fighter-style These are in order of my preference, first being the top. Thinking further, we could also do a simpler version of Worms, where players just shoot at each other turn after turn.
  7. Hey, welcome! The question is answered on the forums (but I know it's not always easy to find what you're looking for). If you're talking about the properties tab on the right, you can drag that back in from the right side of your window (pull it back left from the right edge). If you're talking about the texture/material/model/etc. windows that may now be offscreen, I believe the solution to that was to delete your configuration file; Leadwerks.cfg in My Documents/Leadwerks.
  8. Those commands may also be Lua (though I'm curious why they would be) but I'm pretty sure the actual Steam SDK is only C, like for commands that send and receive packets (SendP2PPacket & ReadP2PPacket) and deal with lobbies.
  9. I created this a few years ago. Maybe it will help you. https://www.leadwerks.com/community/topic/9663-introduction-to-steam-code-in-leadwerks/
  10. Good thought but how can you tell that it's supposed to be documented (I'm not sure how to tell either)? There are some functions that are intentionally undocumented because they're not official/supported. They're functions Josh may use for his work and so he makes it unofficially available to people but you use them at your own risk. Not to say of course that some functions aren't undocumented; I just don't know how to tell which is which.
  11. I updated a project that was current before this: 85 files updated (most of this was Leadwerks returning the Grass, Plants and Trees folders and their contents after I already deleted them). I hope Turbo will be smarter about this. But despite that, thank you for the update. I look forward to the bug fixes.
  12. Have you already tried to set the quality? https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_World_SetWaterQuality
  13. This seems like you either need to share a simpler version of your project with the community to look at or send your project to Josh. Just one word of advice though: make sure you use physics commands with phsyics entities. I'm surprised you said Move worked because I think that's supposed to be SetVelocity. The occasional SetPosition should be fine and shouldn't break your collision. This was much easier when the Entity documentation had a separate physics category. ?
  14. That slope/height trick is something that I never really put to proper use and definitely helps speed things up.
  15. What is the fastest world creation pipeline for Leadwerks right now? I'm talking about vast lands, forests, etc. like the below (from Skyrim). There are a lot of tools that create these, to one extent or another. Some other engines have things like SpeedTree incorporated and/or have world creation tools that integrate with their editor, often purchasable from their asset store. Admittedly, I'm not too familiar with the various tools available online and all I know to do with Leadwerks is to import a heightmap and then start manually placing textures and trees and rocks and whatnot, which seems to me like a dated method with so many useful tools around. In a perfect world, you could generate a random world based on some parameters in some program like World Creator, import it into Leadwerks, make modifications as you see fit (like making space for towns and whatnot) and off you go. Now I'm pretty sure World Creator doesn't just magically create a world like those in the above pictures for you. But I'd like to get as close as possible to waste as little time as possible placing pieces one by one (or groups at a time). By the way, I purchased a ton of assets back in the day from Pure3D and others so I'd love to put them to good use. So, does anyone have a productive pipeline they like for creating worlds with Leadwerks?
  16. Generally, I'm reading the opposite, to the extent that some people say it's outright better: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7959573/declaring-variables-inside-loops-good-practice-or-bad-practice https://stackoverflow.com/questions/982963/is-there-any-overhead-to-declaring-a-variable-within-a-loop-c/982999 The only exception I read (in just some quick searches) was if the constructor and/or destructor did some work, which may be the case for Vec3.
  17. Are you sure about this? I was under the impression (I could be wrong) that compilers optimized things like this. For example, pretty sure if you write code like x = y + 2 + 5, it will optimize it to x = y + 7.
  18. As is typically asked, is there any chance of a summary, especially of any LE4 or Turbo release estimates? I'm sure Turbo is still a "when it's ready" release but can't hurt to ask.
  19. I was under the impression that instancing is the default. Meaning, if you load goblin.mdl to model1 and then the same to model2, model2 will automatically be an instance. And you need to use the copy function to force separate copies.
  20. You can use this function to get a list of entities that are visible: https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=API-Reference_Object_World_ForEachVisibleEntityDo
  21. I'll try it for you if you'd like.
  22. You could give your friend and your other computer the project folders (Materials, Models, Maps, Fonts, Shaders, Scripts, etc.) then remove them one by one to isolate the problem (assuming it works with all of them there). And of course make sure the EXE folder contains everything it should.
  23. For C, you can enable a console which prints out useful information, like when things load (and fail to load). Does Lua have an equivalent? The only other thing I was thinking of earlier was that your project might not include the steam_appid.txt with the proper app ID. But I don't know if that would crash your game if you're not using the Steam SDK.
  24. Make sure OpenAL is installed on the other computers. If it isn't, the program will immediately crash on startup.
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