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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    Quick code tip

    Easy to do. I'll add it tonight when I sync some changes. I agree, Entity.Children[int/string] is better.
  2. Your terrain editor should always be the Leadwerks Editor itself (included). It's gorgeous, fast, and produces compatible format.
  3. L B

    Quick code tip

    You may want to remove the two "GetChilds" too.
  4. L B

    C# SVN

    Probably bringing an old argument back, but a public SVN really is horrible for pirating Leadwerks. :/
  5. They're not official, but they're awesome. Trust the C# headers
  6. L B

    Quick code tip

    Just thought of it, and since I'm not in the C# dev scene at the moment, thought maybe someone who has access to the source could make this available. Add the following in Entity.cs: public Entity this[int index] { get { return new Entity(Core.GetChild(this.Pointer, index)); } } public Entity this[string name] { get { return new Entity(Core.FindChild(this.Pointer, name)); } } Lets you do awesome things for parented entities. Let's say you load an apple parented to a tree in your scene. You can access it this way: myScene["MyTree"]["MyApple"].DoSomething(); //By name or myScene["MyTree"][0].DoSomething(); //By index Enjoy?
  7. Of the views I got: Do you actually have that glitch or do you not?
  8. I understand Near Medium Far are good settings for a medium-ranged game, but in an open environment like mine, "Far" looks ridiculous. You see big trees and houses popping while you walk. Maybe a "Farther" (lol) setting could fix this. Or, a way to change the distances of these 3 settings, this way removing another loop check.
  9. +1, for this and ALL possible Get accessors Josh could think of. We seriously are lacking many. For instance, get if a framework effect is enabled. I know I can store it myself in an additional variable, but it's just slopping coding IMHO.
  10. How come so many +s and no official reply? This seems not so hard to implement and useful (+1 by the way)
  11. I've always had this problem with LE, didn't bother to post about it until now, and it's still far from being crucial. In any case, when I use full-screen mode and press print-screen, the saved buffer is simply black. That would be my Graphics(); code: Graphics(1440, 900, 32, 60, 0); Any idea?
  12. L B

    Component prefabs

    +1. Wait +2.
  13. Wow, awesome effect. Looking great on my 9600 GT too.
  14. You're an incredible modeler. These are... incredible!
  15. These slop angles are incredibly low, no wonder you are getting this look. The slope delimitation is supposed to separate areas, not paint them.
  16. *Drools over the possibility of multiple waterplanes.*
  17. Haha got Twitted. Thanks Josh.
  18. Leadwerks: So hot it sets your motherboard on fire.
  19. Good stuff. You guys have come a long way I might come back to C# dev eventually, who knows.
  20. I barely ever need this feature, except for components that I would consider should be "static" (Atmosphere, Directional Light, Skybox, Waterplane). With my scene, I have more than 3000 objects and it's starting to get troublesome for browsing.
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