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Everything posted by L B

  1. This was more of a technical demonstration of LE (mostly for the new users on this forum ), but I intend to populate it with various non-playing characters that will speak in text.
  2. You still get impressed by Leadwerks, even after a long time use. (Sorry for the quality, still processing).
  3. I am wondering the exact same thing, just got back to the LE scene as well. I think it isn't a priority at the moment. I might do one in C# soon based on the Wiki page on GMF structure.
  4. Dare you use another thread in C#. We'll talk then. I don't understand why I lose so much speed and get so much stuttering with no reason.
  5. http://www.nevercenter.com/silo/ Simple, efficient, good results.
  6. L B

    C# SVN

    If I get back to LE, I hope I'll get a commit account there. ;P I'd feel insulted if not.
  7. L B


  8. L B

    Everything in its place

    When I install an OS (in order): Chrome Live Messenger Notepad++ Visual C# MySQL FileZilla TuneUp (recommended) iTunes MapleStory (yes, I know.) 9 programs for me.
  9. L B

    Firefox Explorer

    Consistency is a word you do not want to put on your resume if you intend to work at Microsoft. Seriously though, their whole line of products lacks any bit of consistency. It's extremely deceiving, and I feel your hate (although I cannot get away from Chrome).
  10. Cannot be more explicit than my title. v2.32. Not posting this as a bug report because I think I am probably the one doing something wrong.
  11. EDIT: public class Point { private float x; public float X { get { return x; } set { x = value; reorganize(); } private float y; public float Y { get { return y; } set { y = value; reorganize(); } }
  12. Because they have a pointer as a reference. Stupid and lazy decision of mine. Feel free to make a "Pointerized" abstract class and reorganize my inheritance.
  13. L B

    Vehicles in C#

    Please refer to Klepto2 or Tyler for updates on C# now. The source has been released if you want to fix it yourself.
  14. L B

    C# Source

    http://localhostr.com/files/d1f5ed/Leadwerks%20Source.zip Enjoy NOTE: This source might lack the picks, callbacks and delegates. In this case, I leave it up to Tyler and Klepto to fix it and add them in. Hopefully someone will take on the development.
  15. L B

    Vehicles in C#

    Apparently this function has been renamed. I'll have to look into it. I'm really not into Leadwerks development at the moment, so I'll just post the source for you to adapt it.
  16. Why don't you try (right click task bar, "Properties..." Check: Use small icons Combine: Never combine, show labels You should get the classic feel you're looking for.
  17. L B

    C# 4.0

    Just thought I'd share the link: New Features in C# 4.0 Including optional parameters (will be useful for the C#LE wrapper): public void Initialize(int width = 800, int height = 600, int depth = 32, int hertz = 60, int flags = (int)BufferType.Color) { ... } Named parameters (useful for users) Graphics.Initialize(1024, 768, hertz : 75); Dynamic objects, with calls and methods calculated at runtime: dynamic test = GetDynamicObject(...); test.NotDefined(2); Will work even though the type of "test" is not determined. A Runtime Exception will be thrown if the method does not exist. Looking forward to this new version
  18. I could as well. I simply lost some interest, but mostly a lot of time to give to Leadwerks development. Klepto has proposed to do it, I will send him the source tonight. Then hopefully, he will send me his modifications and I'll be able to publish V.1.21.
  19. Sorry, not much time on my hands.
  20. Your download seems to have corrupted. You are supposed to have a "Leadwerks.dll".
  21. Lumooja, let's please not start a language war. There are many of these around the internet, if you feel like it.
  22. L B

    Playing with physics...

    Mmm... cheese road. *Drools* Sorry, can't help, so I say useless things.
  23. I will implement the buffer features you requested by 1.3. However, I cannot do anything about the conflicting classes, unless you want it to be called "Leadwerks.LeadwerksBuffer". Just use the namespace prefix in the designated contexts.
  24. There would be a /CSharp directory if the headers were officially supported. That might be coming soon.
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