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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. ---Draw Mouse Pointer window:HideMouse() context:SetColor(1,1,1,1) local mousepos = window:GetMousePosition() context:DrawImage(img_mouse, mousepos.x, mousepos.y, 40,40 ) Top secret code ! no sharing !
  2. I found out what was causing it, I had a HUGE rock in the scene, it was scaled to high and clipped everything out .
  3. Thanks for the offer, I ended up replacing the base shaders with new ones from a new project, and it cleared up. ty.
  4. Hmm not sure, I found the billboard png file in the directory and painted it myself.. looks fine, but it just won't compile the color to the pngs upon creation.
  5. I was wondering if someone else may have encountered this same situation, and if so maybe offer a solution to a fix. I have a standard non-alpha masked grass entity, just a solid mesh. I'm getting white, texture-less billboards on the grass entities. Has anyone seen this before?
  6. This just started happening to me, When I drop the camera below a certain height or angle the backdrop and objects clip out of view. No post effect shaders are loaded. Heres 2 shots, normal and camera positioned down a but more. It's happening even within the editor. Any ideas?
  7. I see you got the fonts to fit the tabs, nice.
  8. Aye, I'm building Echo-Server routines directly into each client so it's as simple as toggling, host, client or solo at the start of the game to begin a session.. It's just simple 1-4 player co-play, ENet is more than sufficient for these needs. The problem seems to not be with the packet control as I originally thought, I've traced it back to having multiple surfaces on the player mesh, I moved the character control to a pivot and just parented the character mesh to the pivot and it worked fine. Leadwerks is just awesome, where else could I had coded a complete co-op echo-server in LUA... in just 4 days...
  9. yah that's the first thing I looked at, I ended up * 100 for now until.
  10. I'm working on some multiplayer scripts but have ran into a mystery. The two images below, then editor image shows my character model at X position 1716 In-game : local pos=player.ent:GetPosition() pos.x equals 17.5 as image shows.. whats happening here? My attempt at re-creating Anarchy Online is now on hold !!!
  11. I've got a simple server and client setup, all is good.. the client connects to the server/client as it should. I just cant get a chat or data packet from the connection. Im using this method: message.stream:ReadString() All is I get is a nil value on stream.. The connection is established and the incoming packet was retrieved since it tried to read the stream socket to begin with I've been over the simple chat app Josh posted, thats were the base of this code came from. To test I use this command from the server : server:Broadcast(MESSAGE_CHAT, "testing") But when the client receives this packet it crashes @ message.stream:ReadString() due to stream being a nil value.
  12. Yah I've been over and over that page but my character model isn't a brush nor a none model type.. it's the same geometry as the stuff I want the decal to stick to. I'll try some scales but I doubt that'll work since I still want the zone to hit the map geometry.. thanks anyways.
  13. On the topic of decals still - is there a clear procedure to prevent decals showing on some surfaces? Like say I don't want blood splats showing on my character entity, do I just assign the decal to a collision rule ? a rule that don't effect my character entity.
  14. I love this stuff.. my imagination is already at work playing with these upcoming abilities.
  15. JetBrains/Git - but deactivated it for a few months now.
  16. Somewhere, somehow this got added to my creation script - self.camera:SetMultisampleMode(0). My character creation script is well over 4,000 lines of code now, this was embedded within that block of code.. Might of been a copy/Npaste error or something, Sublime acts up from time to time. That's what was blocking the decals... not even sure where that line of code came from lol. Ty anyways.
  17. What could I had possibly added or changed that would knock out all decals across all maps? The decals appear fine in the editor, but dont show in the game field. Was working fine up until last night when I noticed it, I checked back on a 3 day back up and they were working. I've done a lot of stuff since then and I'm really just searching randomly trying to find what would cause them to not show up at all. Any suggestions ? Also, When I walk over the area the decal should be showing at, I get this on the camera. But goes away when I leave the area.
  18. I've had some people over on Syntaxbomb and IndieDB asking me for a video showing some of the gameplay I'm working on.. Thought I'd share the video here as well since it is a Leadwerks creation. I've got about 40% of the game systems in so far, about 6 maps nearly 75% complete.. So excuse the video if you see some unfinished gaps in the scenery. I got all the post processing turned off in this video, toon shading and ssao .. it was messing with my video capture
  19. Got a question regarding collision types. In the docs it reads ; collisiontype: the entity collision type. This can be any integer between 0 and 99. When reading the chart in the docs the types stop at 8. My question is 9 - 99 can be custom type collisions? if so do I need to declare these somewhere before attempting to use them? For example, say I had a vehicle and I set it's collisiontype to 51. Then I have a projectile type set to 50 that I do not want colliding or registering a collision to type 51. What is the proper way to declare this rule?
  20. Alienhead

    SSR + MSAA

    Really wanting to get my hands on Ultra Engine... all these screenshots
  21. Hey guys.. I finished up my command console integration this week. Thought I'd post a small demo. The console lets me control nearly all aspects of the game, from graphics, to script assignment and for development I'm able to command enemies from the console then save the commands ( if I liked the outcome ) so I can easily assign them back to an enemy on startup. This makes scripting Boss'es much easier and I can add characteristic details I never thought possible by just staring at a code editor. Anyways, this demo shows graphics and some shader control, I'll post a demo on controlling mobs and other game aspects later this month. This is a NON-GAMEPLAY demo.
  22. I'm guessing that the Publisher scans the script files for filenames.. so using something like this in code : img_per = {} for t=1, 100 do img_per[t] = Texture:Load("Imgs/ui/per/"..t..".tex") end gets bypassed.. I see now.. phew.. all working again.
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