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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Tested it on both my system, interesting enough my older test system featuring an aging geforce 780gtx card handled the test just fine. And of course my development rig featuring a radeon RX 6600 had no problems.
  2. Since I'm diving deep into the physics scene, I've got one more question.. In the screenshot, I have physicsdebug on. I need to know if theres a way to check the state of a physics object? Like in the picture the engine colors the active state orange and the sleeping state blue.. What method is available to detect the objects state in code. ty !
  3. Thanks Josh! Now I can't wait to get off work and go try this.
  4. Greetings, I've since resumed my original project 'defendTHSI!' and I find myself faced with a physics dilemma. I've never been one for deep physics implementation, always just enough to get by with what was needed at the time so my skill in physics development pretty much stayed at a moderate to low understanding. Until now... I've been developing my skill in physics over the past 6 months and I've enjoyed and marveled at what Leadwerks is capable of. My current situation requires me to develop a bobble-head type effect. The screenshot will illustrate what I'm trying to do. This model is a non-animated static model, its a bobble head with a skeleton ontop.. I wish have the attaching arm and the head bobble as bobble heads do. So far Ive tried numerous configurations but I'm yet to achieve what I'm after. My question is the order of the physics pieces. The picture shows my latest configuration and it's as close as I have come to getting it right but it is still way off from acting like a true bobble head. Can any physics minded person point me in the direction I need to go to get this type of effect. ? exp: ( https://www.presentermedia.com/powerpoint-animation/bobble-head-figure-pid-10808 ) I'm using the kinematic as my base, for position and rotation without breaking the physics, the hinge to monitor restraints and the ball to apply the motion effect.. but this does not seem to be correct. I've pretty much transitioned my entire project over to all physics based reactions, I've got controllers built for drone, 1st, 3rd person, tanks, planes, helicopters, ceiling fans and more... but this one I cannot get right and it's bugging the *** out of me lol.
  5. Alienhead


    I finished my 'Code a game in 60 days' entry for the syntaxbomb competition game today. I got a few extra days so I'm going to do some tutorial pages just for brownie points. Anyways, in about another week I'll release a link on here if any of you guys would like to try it out. We had 3 themes to choose from, as you might be able to tell I picked the 'You are the Villain catagorey" The story line: | "The story line.. as it was recorded.. We had it made.. we were collecting treasures from all around the world. Then we got relaxed, we started taking the small details for granted. That's where our downfall started. It wasn't long after that my henchmen started getting popped from all corners of the earth. Luckily for me I had the brains to get out of sight. and I did just that ... Now some years have passed and my financial means have all but dwindled. I must devise some plans to spring my loyal henchmen from their locked up state so we may continue our crime spree. It won't be easy as they are scattered throughout many different prisons. Not to mention they aren't the brightest bunch. I'll have to devise their escape plans and see to it myself that they follow each and every move to the letter."
  6. I think I know exactly what your wanting to do. This will set the object to the angle of the camera, and start it moving.. Change it to fit you needs. force = Vec3(35, 0, -7000) local v = Transform:Vector(force, camera, nil) bullet:AddForce(v.x, v.y, v.z) bullet:SetVelocity(0,5,0)
  7. Just wanted to say that I absolutely love LE's environmental probes. I haven't really had the need to dive into them with my past projects but this competition project I really really needed lightmapping.. After wasting a few days trying to make a shader understand I wanted two UV sets, I gave up, after all I'm on a time scheduled with the competition. So I started playing HARD with lighting and probes in LE.. I can honestly say that I don't need or never did need lightmapping. LE does it with static probes and does it awesomely. I want to show a few screen shots but I won't, don't want to tip my hand. It'll be downloadable and playable in 3.5 more weeks anyways. Well done Josh, LE keeps impressing me again and again..
  8. Alienhead

    Scfi - tower defense

    it's incredibly unrealistic though - as it obeys hardly no laws of physics. Gameplay has a way of doing that to simulation/concept demos. The asteroid has artificial gravity dampers
  9. Alienhead

    Scfi - tower defense

    Concept of an actual orbiting asteroid around a giant sun, camera roll and proper light rotation for orbital gameplay. After I'm finished with the game competition I'm going to return to this project and build a tower defense style game on top of the mechanics. ( unless Ultra is out, then I may have to reboot it )
  10. Homemade, but with artifacts
  11. Quick question, I've been trying to get this to work on and off for a few days now but seem to be 100% stuck, I'm setting up a few lens flares from the editor in my scene. They show fine in the editor, but when running the game they don't show up. I've check all the usuals trying to determine why, but as I mentioned, I'm stuck ! Any suggections on what to check ? I suppose I could always use some sorta sprite trick to replicate the effect but I really love how LE's lens effect looks. I want it ! Doh, just noticed I misspelled villain in that screenshot.
  12. 2 weeks into the competition so far.. My idea is finally starting to materialize and actually feeling somewhat like a game. Over the next 2 weeks I'll have the game mechanics finished leaving me a solid month for UI and polishing. Onward march !!!
  13. is the path data generated when calling :GotoPoint stored in an accessible table or a pointer? If not is there any way of accessing the path route when called?
  14. Working on my competition entry, I'm kinda stuck on something, and I may end up ditching the idea before I spend to much time on it. . I was wondering if anyone may have derived a solution to detect when a player ( or any entity mesh ) is in a shadow volume ? Think back to the game Thief, when hiding in the shadows was possible via Lightmapping but I haven't found a way to do it with these real time lights..
  15. I'll try to paint the scenario. Say I have a rather large city I'm constructing. I'm using Navmesh very lightly to update goto positions periodically. I have about 10 cops that patrol the city on foot. and about 30 citizens that wonder around. Here's my question regarding optimizing: Would it be best to run the Ai script on each object independently ( just attach a script to the cop/citizen ) or construct a main logic function that handles the cops/citizens within a single control loop? What is the price of running 40 character scripts VERSUS one main loop that controls them all ? I would rather have them running independently but later down the line if it proves to be more optimized running them in a control loop I'd go that way. Just wondering if anyone else has faced this question before and If you had any feedback? Thanks.
  16. Hmm a leadwerks engine competition sounds cool too. Lemme get finished with the syntaxbomb competition first though !
  17. I'm offically entering the SyntaxBomb 'code a game in 2 months' competition... The theme this year is 'You are the Villain'. I got something in mind for this one hehe. I'll be waving the Leadwerks flag with my entry, so wish me luck !
  18. I just ran across this little jewel when I was looking up how to create circular planets in a terrain creator app. This app is so cool, and it's free up to 1k resolution I believe. It can be used to make heightmaps, export fbx, create gorgeous skyboxes. It even has a plugin node to create game maps( gui ) from terrains created within. https://quadspinner.com/
  19. Alienhead


    Is there any way to assign a texture to a 2nd UV set in a model without breaking into the shader? I'm using paint 3d to hand paint some mesh and it says it blends to 1st and 2nd uv layers. I wanted to import this into LE even If I have to assign the textures manually to the 2nd layer.
  20. Alienhead


    This screenshot makes me want to create some sorta 'bigfoot' hunting game
  21. Alienhead


    Outstanding !
  22. I'm going to do a video later this week.. I'm having a lot of fun making effects in LE. This one uses a 16x16 plane, vert positions saved to a tree, 2 random verts are selected per sequence... then as simple as connecting the dots to get a realistic electrical shock effect. I'm considering using the animation models bone positions as a start point then randomly arc outwards to the plane pivots.. but for now this is more than I had hoped for. I'll leave it at that.
  23. I plan on moving to Ultra but it'll be after I finish this current game. I'm in to deep to worry about any porting at this point. I started this project back in March, so about 7 months now. It's went through some major face lifts and design changes since the original base game I had laid out ( original ).. I really have 2 main projects I switch back and forth between to prevent staleness but this one is my love and the project I plan to see to completion. I'll probably carry my zombie tower defense game over to Ultra when the time comes ( zombie TD ). Thanks to Leadwerks modular design It's pretty easy to carry over scripted logic between projects.
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