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Everything posted by Niosop

  1. PaintSurface might be what you want. Here's an example function that utilizes it (in Lua, but C would be basically the same): function makeUniqueMesh(ent, meshname) local orig_mesh = ent:FindChild(meshname) local new_mesh = CreateMesh(ent) for surface_index=1, orig_mesh:CountSurfaces() do local orig_surface = ent:FindChild(meshname):GetSurface(surface_index) local new_surface = CreateSurface(new_mesh) for i=1, orig_surface:CountVertices() do new_surface:AddVertex(orig_surface:GetVertexPosition(i-1), orig_surface:GetVertexNormal(i-1), orig_surface:GetVertexTexCoords(i-1,0)) end for i=1, orig_surface:CountTriangles() do new_surface:AddTriangle(orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 0), orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 1), orig_surface:TriangleVertex(i-1, 2)) end PaintSurface(new_surface, GetSurfaceMaterial(orig_surface)) end new_mesh:SetPosition(orig_mesh:GetPosition(1),1) new_mesh:SetRotation(orig_mesh:GetRotation(1),1) HideEntity(orig_mesh) UpdateMesh(new_mesh) return new_mesh end
  2. The UDK has automatic nav mesh generation built in. I haven't looked through the code but I'd assume they basically just said "Go here", where here was changed depending on whether the player was in attack range.
  3. Don't really want to do it for competition, just figure it's a small enough project that it would make a good comparison to help us see where we stand as far as graphics quality, framerates, development speed, roadblocks we encounter, etc. I figure I'll probably do the same game in Unity to get the same comparisons. I know right away that a big thing I miss in LE is Prefab support and a way to de-instance an animated model, but hopefully those will be added soon. One thing that helps a lot in Unity is the combine children script, can help reduce draw calls and increase framerate a lot. Not sure if it would be as helpful in LE as the architecture is different, but I'll try it out and see if it helps any.
  4. Interesting read. Seems like implementing a normal shader that uses DXT5nm might be worthwhile, and adding support for Tangent-Space 3Dc would be nice. http://developer.nvidia.com/object/real-time-normal-map-dxt-compression.html
  5. Read it again He said, "I know how"
  6. Any idea when these changes will be pushed out to us?
  7. This is awesome. Could this be extended to do more than just shadow mapping? Say for more expensive operations like global illumination for static objects?
  8. He just updated his licensing making it more reasonable. http://www.khrona.com/2010/02/08/overhauled-commercial-licensing-for-awesomium/ <$500 for Indy projects puts it in reach for some of us. I still think it would be cool if an engine wide license was negotiated for, I'd be glad to work on the actual integration if the financing was taken care of
  9. No idea. You could check out their blog and see if it mentions it, I didn't notice in the couple of posts I skimmed through.
  10. Yeah, that would be cooler. I may try it myself. I want to try and keep the complexity at about the same level as Dungeon Defense, only a couple enemy units, a couple defensive systems and yourself in a small arena. Then we could record the whole process and compare the results and the code w/ Dungeon Defense to see where LE is behind, ahead, what could be improved, etc. Would be an excellent tutorial for others as well if we documented the whole process well enough. I figure a team of about 5 would be needed to do it in 4 weeks (longer if doing part time). Character modeler/animator - Only 4-5 character models needed, another 4-5 defensive system models. Particle effects, explosions Programmer Level designer/modeler Extra person to help out where needed. Should have a decent grasp of modeling/programming/etc. So if I do it all myself I could expect to have it finished in only 2-3 years. Anybody have some free time and want to team up?
  11. In 2.49, open up a UV window and then either create a new image or load an image. Look towards the end of my blender retopo video, probably around 40:00 to see it, although I didn't really comment too much on that.
  12. Naaa, it's just set up by default for FPS, you have to create your own UTGame, UTPlayer and UTPawn classes and make your own implementation of the camera viewpoint calculation code to get it to be otherwise, or move the camera via kismet, but the kismet way is a little more limited. But there's examples out there for doing that.
  13. Just thought this was pretty cool, especially since it was developed in 4 weeks. Full source code is available (UnrealScript), so it could be useful to get some ideas. http://udk.com/showcase-dungeon-defense.html It would be cool to develop a clone in LE to see where improvements could be made and what roadblocks to rapid development could be removed.
  14. You can't, which is the biggest gripe about using Newton.
  15. Well there's not built in code, but it's simple enough to parent the hand and weapon models to your controller and offset them enough so it looks right.
  16. Linux doesn't use text files for that. It just looks that way because of the "everything is a file" philosophy of linux (which I like). Often it uses named pipes, which appear to be a file and you can use fread/fwrite like a file (although seeks won't work) but it's actually just an in-memory implementation. The whole /proc filesystem is like this, kernel parameters that just appear to be files. I'd recommend using the network stack. Use UDP so you don't have to establish a connection and have the TCP overhead. If you go to localhost ( then it doesn't actually use the network card at all, so you don't get the interrupt overhead of hitting the pci bus or anything. Here's some of your options for windows: Interprocess Communications I'd say sockets or pipes would be the best way to go.
  17. Looked at it briefly and it looks like a lot of work. Which is why he's selling it for $5k per license. If it was trivial I doubt he'd set that price point.
  18. Open Source is a big term, encompassing lots of different licenses. Chromium is BSD licensed, so he can do whatever he wants to it. Apple did the same by taking portions of BSD and integrating them into OSX and selling that. If it was GPL, then he wouldn't be able to do so, but as it's BSD he's totally within the law to charge whatever he wants for it.
  19. Yup. Or actually any object. You just need some other object. Placing an empty and adding verts to that might work as well, I have just always used a plane so that's what I'm used to. I uploaded it to Vimeo then uploaded s slightly clearer version, so it'll be about an hour until vimeo posts it it looks like.
  20. I posted a video tutorial covering mesh retopology, UV unwrapping and xNormal texture baking in the resources section. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/index.html?record=17
  21. Works well w/ Blender. There are several of us (including myself) that use Blender for modeling and animation.
  22. You're going to need some programming skills regardless of the engine you use. I wouldn't say LeadWerks is any easier to use than Unity is, it just has a better rendering engine. Boo is very similar to Python. If your an artist, your best bet would be to team up with a programmer unless you're willing to learn how to program.
  23. Windows 7 isn't a problem. Laptops may be depending on the type of graphics card installed. Laptops tend to have pretty underpowered graphics cards so that would be my main concern. LeadWerks requires a fairly recent and powerful graphics card.
  24. Awesome! Any idea when it will be pushed to the server for us to play with?
  25. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Surfaces#PaintSurface
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