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Everything posted by Niosop

  1. MinGW is 2.5x slower than VC++? Do you have any benchmarks to show this, I haven't seen that myself, but of course it probably depends on the code. Were you using equivalent compiler options? If MinGW really is that much slower, then why is LE built using it then?
  2. I disagree. Being able to render video to texture would be an excellent feature for middleware. I wouldn't mind implementing it for Ogg Theora video, but don't know enough about the engine to do so. I don't think there's a way to do it w/ the SDK w/o a little more information. Could someone who knows more than me answer these? If we could somehow get a byte* to the actual texture information, would filling the texture buffer w/ a frame update the texture on screen? We can currently create a texture using the TTexture CreateTexture( int width, int height, int format=TEXTURE_RGBA ) function, but what does that give us? What's the format of a TTexture? Actually, is there anything we can do w/ CreateTexture? Seems like we can create a texture, but there's no way to fill the created texture w/ data unless we have the TTexture data format, and none of the other texture functions seem to give access to it. Unless it's just there for copying the color information from a buffer so you can render to texture (remote video camera, reflection, etc)? Anyways, I may be way off, my 3D-fu is weak, but I would love to take a shot at it.
  3. Niosop

    December 8, 2009

    Nice, you just made my night. I can go to sleep and dream about single state, and when I wake up it might not be just a dream!
  4. Niosop


    local coords = model:GetPosition() coords.x coords.y coords.z
  5. Hmm, I woke up sat down to start working w/ the new single-state update and look at all the new blog posts and tutorials that Josh posted. I was actually confused for a second when they weren't there, then I realized that I had just dreamed the whole thing. Can't my subconscious come up w/ anything better to dream about than LWE updates? Am I really that excited about single-state Lua scripting? Well, I guess I am. Entity oriented scripting was what I loved about Unity (along w/ it's asset pipeline), so having the same ability but w/ better lighting in LeadWerks makes me very, very happy. Anyways, to misquote Mad World: "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad, that the dreams in which I'm coding are the best I've ever had."
  6. Niosop


    I would think something like. When in walking state: Check for forward key, if they're moving forward: Do either raycast forward or check for physics collision against the ladder. If it's determined that they're in position to get on the ladder: Switch to a climbing state and position the character on the ladder but above the ground. When in climbing state, if a forward raycast doesn't collide with the ladder, place them at the exit point of the ladder (either marked by a pivot or calculated) and switch back to walking state. If you get a collision with the floor it means they're at the bottom of the ladder, so switch them to walking state and move them slightly backwards. In climbing state disable left/right movement, translate forward movement to upward movement, backwards to down, and disable gravity. There may be better ways, and may even be some built in ladder code in the engine that I'm not aware of, I'm pretty new to LWE.
  7. Another thing you could do is just set the parent of the chunk. Then you won't even have to move the chunk because it will be translated w/ the parent. It will also be destroyed when the parent is (I think).
  8. Niosop

    December 7, 2009

    I'm loving it. Seems cleaner than the original implementation, yet it adds functionality. Can't beat that. When do you think it will be available for us to start playing with it?
  9. Dead people on the ground, flies buzzing around, slowly zoom out to medium distance, then quick turn to show guy up on hill overlooking the carnage. Take advantage of the god rays by having the sun directly behind him streaming around him. Good for 5 seconds of scene anyways....
  10. Should be able to do it via Lua Scripting easily enough. In the Spawn function you'd just have it load models and position them. As long as the mass is set to 0 then you won't have to create joints or anything.
  11. Yeah, just saw that Gonna start looking there more often.
  12. Looks like X and Y are exposed but Z isn't?
  13. Hi, are MouseX/Y/Z available to Lua scripts? I couldn't seem to find them if so.
  14. Niosop


    Is there any way to get a pointer to a texture's data? If so it shouldn't be too complicated to integrate one of the free decoder libraries to decode the video data and write it to the texture memory. Then you could render that texture to a 2D overlay or play it back on an in game 3D object. Same would need to be done w/ the audio data unless you separated it and created a sound from that. Are the texture data and sound data buffers available in LWE? If so I wouldn't mind taking a shot at integrating it, would be nice to be able to add another check mark on the feature comparison charts.
  15. C# as a language is pretty nice. Lack of default arguments gets annoying sometimes, but overall I prefer C# syntax to C++. You can call native DLLs from inside .NET (C#, Boo, VB.NET, IronPython, etc) although you might have to write some wrappers to handle data type conversion. Not having to worry about memory management is nice as well. Mono is a cross platform .NET implementation maintained by Novell. It's what Unity uses so that the same code can run on PC/Mac/iPhone. So in theory, C# (or any other .NET language) is possibly a better choice as far as ease of use. In practice, I don't know what the state of the .NET bindings is, so you might have more trouble fighting with the bindings than just using C++.
  16. I have a bunch of animations I'd like to share between different characters. All the bones in each model are named the same thing. I can export just an armature with no mesh into FBX, and ConvertMesh seems to convert it into GMF just fine, but how would I have a model from one GMF use an animation from another GMF? Edit: LoadAnimation seems to do something, but when I try and play the sequence it looks nothing like what it's supposed to. It might be a problem with my import process. If anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. Thanks, Niosop
  17. I've never touched Lua before LeadWerks (I'm a python guy myself), but the single-state code you posted was simple enough for even me to get. If it makes communicating between entities easier and adds flexibility, then my vote is to go w/ single-state. Niosop
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