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Everything posted by Yue

  1. A concrete question would be, if a car is created from a server, it is seen by all clients, if it is created from a client, none of the other clients will see it? It is that I have API of writing code from the client and from the server. Something confusing for me.
  2. Hello, someone with experience please clarify how client server programming works, I'm looking at how it works, programming from the server, and programming from the client.
  3. The first download link has been updated, the scripts are public. If you wish I would appreciate that if you use this you put me in your credits of your project. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them. The improvements of this update, is the option in the menu option to switch from Windows to full screen.
  4. I have made an update on the loading screen, in this case I have used the Leadwerks GUI progress bar, mars is a 3D model. I think it looks much nicer from my point of view. One interesting thing about all this, is that I have focused on the learning process that now I feel like I am not stuttering with leadwerks, I am already speaking fluently. To explain this, before, I used to plant a problem, and a possible solution, this process to a certain extent is usually exhausting, it is necessary to learn concepts, and later to apply them. Now, I already have the problem and the solution and I know how to implement it, so the process is not of learning but of development. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  5. The scripts are available, it is a transition system between three worlds, one which is the menu, a loading world and a level world. The three worlds are initially created when the game is launched. With the R key, the option to change resolution is being implemented. Download Alpha 0.2
  6. Yue


  7. In my experience, it is important to position the elements based on the width and height of the screen to be worked on. And you go about positioning images or using the Leadwerks UI, albeit with flaws such as not being able to drag and drop elements into an inventory. However the results are usually nice, and the point is to keep in mind that when you make the resolution change the context is cleared and you have to initialize it again. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  8. Is it the texture in the corners with something white?
  9. Yue


    In this, not knowing whether I'm talking to humans or to an AI
  10. You have a sample project, I can test for you to confirm the problem.
  11. What does not exist in the documentation is not viable in the engine. Hinge joints can be tried.
  12. My attempts to make a vehicle, have been focused with joints, but I always get stuck on something.
  13. I believe that if it must have wheels, it is a vehicle, however those wheels can be hidden by means of an invisible material.
  14. The commands are not documented, and I think it must be because they do not work well, what is not documented seems to be not guaranteed to work.
  15. Script.chassis = nil --entity "Chassis" Script.wheel0 = nil --entity "Wheel0" Script.wheel1 = nil --entity "Wheel1" function Script:Start() self.vehicle = Vehicle:Create(self.entity) self.vehicle:AddTire(self.wheel0,false) self.vehicle:AddTire(self.wheel1,false) end function Script:UpdateWorld() end function Script:UpdatePhysics() self.vehicle:SetGas(5000) end Hello, try this simple.
  16. Script.enabled=true--bool "Enabled" Script.health=100--float "Health" Script.teamid=1--choice "Team" "Neutral,Good,Bad" Script.cameraangle=35--float "Camera Angle" Script.cameradistance=5--float "Camera Distance" Script.camerasmoothing=4--float "Cam Smoothing" Script.acceleration=200--float "Acceleration" Script.friction=2--float "Tire Friction" Script.springDamping=10--float "Spring Damping" Script.spring=300--float "Spring" Script.springRelaxation=0.1--float "Spring Relaxation" Script.Brakes=200--float Script.reverseorientation=false--bool "Reverse Axis" Script.tiremass=20--float "Tire Mass" function Script:Enable() self.camera:Show() self.enabled=true end function Script:Hurt(damage) self.health = self.health-damage end function Script:Disable() self.camera:Hide() self.enabled=false self.started=false end function Script:FindTires(entity,tires) local n local count = entity:CountChildren() for n=0,count-1 do local child = entity:GetChild(n) local name = string.lower(child:GetKeyValue("name")) if String:Left(name,5)=="wheel" or String:Left(name,4)=="tire" then local model = tolua.cast(child,"Model") if model~=nil then table.insert(tires,model) end end self:FindTires(child,tires) end end function Script:Start() self.vehicle = Vehicle:Create(self.entity) self.camera = Camera:Create() if self.enabled==false then self.camera:Hide() end local aamode = tonumber((System:GetProperty("antialias"))) if aamode ~= nil then self.camera:SetMultisampleMode(aamode) end if self.entity:GetMass()==0 then self.entity:SetMass(100) end self.camera:SetDebugPhysicsMode(true) local tires={} self:FindTires(self.entity,tires) local n,tiremesh for n,tiremesh in ipairs(tires) do local steering=false tiremesh:SetSweptCollisionMode(true) tiremesh:SetFriction(0.1,self.friction) tiremesh:Translate(0,-0.2,0,true) local pos = Transform:Point(0,0,0,tiremesh,self.entity) if self.reverseorientation==true then if pos.z < 0 then steering=true end else if pos.z > 0 then steering=true end end tiremesh:SetElasticity(0) tiremesh:SetMass(self.tiremass) self.vehicle:AddTire(tiremesh,steering,self.spring,self.springRelaxation,self.springDamping) end end function Script:Collision(entity,position,normal,speed) if speed>10 then if entity.script ~= nil then if type(entity.script.Hurt)=="function" then entity.script:Hurt(speed*2,self) end end end end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.enabled==false then return end if self.health<=0 then return end local groundspeed = self.entity:GetVelocity() groundspeed = groundspeed:xz() groundspeed = groundspeed:Length() --Acceleration local gas = 0 local window = Window:GetCurrent() if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then gas = gas + self.acceleration end if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then gas = gas - self.acceleration end if self.reverseorientation==true then gas = -gas end self.vehicle:SetGas(gas) --Brakes local brakeforce=0 if window:KeyDown(Key.Space) then brakeforce=self.Brakes end self.vehicle:SetBrakes(brakeforce) --Steering local angle=0 if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then angle = angle + 35 end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then angle = angle - 35 end local angledamping = Math:Min(1,groundspeed/30.0) if brakeforce==0 then angledamping = math.sqrt(angledamping) angledamping = math.sqrt(angledamping) end angle = angle * (1 - angledamping) self.vehicle:SetSteering(angle) end function Script:UpdateWorld() if self.enabled==false then return end local currentposition = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local currentrotation = self.camera:GetRotation(true) self.camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)) local modelrotation = self.entity:GetRotation(true) modelrotation.z=0 self.camera:SetRotation(modelrotation) --self.camera:SetRotation(0,0,0) if self.reverseorientation==true then self.camera:Turn(0,180,0) end self.camera:Turn(self.cameraangle,0,0) self.camera:Move(0,0,-self.cameradistance) local newposition = self.camera:GetPosition(true) local newrotation = self.camera:GetRotation(true) if self.started==true then self.camera:SetPosition(Math:Curve(newposition.x,currentposition.x,self.camerasmoothing/Time:GetSpeed()),Math:Curve(newposition.y,currentposition.y,self.camerasmoothing/Time:GetSpeed()),Math:Curve(newposition.z,currentposition.z,self.camerasmoothing/Time:GetSpeed()),true) self.camera:SetRotation(Math:CurveAngle(newrotation.x,currentrotation.x,self.camerasmoothing/Time:GetSpeed()),Math:CurveAngle(newrotation.y,currentrotation.y,self.camerasmoothing/Time:GetSpeed()),0,true) end self.started=true end --This function will be called when the entity is deleted. function Script:Detach() self.vehicle=nil self.camera:Release() self.camera = nil end
  17. Disabling antivirus, Intel I7 2 24 gigs ram. Generation, GPU GTX 1070 8 gigs of vram.
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