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Everything posted by Yue

  1. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    sdf At this point I am going to restart the project, I think it is the best thing to do and gradually check the performance. I note that I am with the effects of shadow and terrain defects in Leadwers and I have the concern that if I do this in C++ is much more stable, is it possible? CPU : I7 2600 Ram : 24 Gigas. GPU : GTX 1050 2 Gigas.
  2. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    Quit Terrain. 250 particles emmiter.
  3. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    There are many factors that influence the drop in performance. The first one identified is the particle system, in the game I use about 1,000 particles that the emitter activates under certain circumstances, but apparently even if the emitter does not start, those particles affect the performance, just by putting 1000 particles in the emitter without it starting. In this image the emitter is at 250 particles, and I have removed the rocks. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  4. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    Eventually something points to the particle system, I've turned up the particle max and I get this. The weird thing about it is that the emitter hasn't started, and apparently they are taking up system resources and lowering performance. I use an average of 1000 particles in the storm emitter.
  5. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    Only Terrain and Player.
  6. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    sd Removing PossEffects shaders
  7. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    I'm going to start ruling out everything possible.
  8. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    In this case my approach could be the following, The enemy character controller should be activated exclusively when in a range very close to the player. In my case I have removed two rows of meshes one on each side of the scene. And only the closest ones have the character controller activated. This is bringing me to a point of restarting my project based on these aspects of checking performance. And trying to have the best approach so that it doesn't hurt me in terms of FPS.
  9. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    With character controller in all entities and no shadows.
  10. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    sdf And in this one I have removed the shadows, and I have an fps at up.
  11. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    This is the same scene, only I have removed the character collider from all these elements and the performance goes up a bit more.
  12. Yue

    Common Bottlenecks

    I am here because of bottlenecks in my project. I'm not very optimistic, but in my case I only have one character running on a vast map and I have a deterioration of fps at 30. In the tests I do I have this.
  13. How does the tab work to add a button to a specific tab, for example a button to the sound tab and another one to a tab called audio.
  14. This is stopped abruptly, Leadwerks documentation is broken. I guess ...
  15. Any suggestions, the project does not start. I have restarted the system, and nothing.
  16. How do I recover the value of a Slider? Nothing in the documentation. I need to create a sound volume controller, and I'm sure it's an undocumented command somewhere.
  17. The cake is still in the oven, patience.
  18. I am trying to understand how positioning sound works in the world. The idea is that a fire source produces a sound that it is burning. But for some reason it doesn't work. I only hear the left earphone and it doesn't seem to be related to the entity causing that sound. I attach the sound file. Fire.wav
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