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Everything posted by Marcousik

  1. As the title tells, do somebody know if we can detect the "Alt"-Key pressed with KeyHit() Funktion, what is the code for the Keys Alt and Alt Gr ? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/key thx
  2. Just a suggestion to try this open world demo-game, pretty good performances for much much used models, LE-Oblivion or far Cry 2 is not so far http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=583447681
  3. to the question 1) the collision checkbox activates the "pickMode" selected on your material to stop the bullet if you shoot with a gun. Without the checkbox activated, "pickMode" from material has no effect. Problem 2) The shape scale problem can be solved using Raycast (pick function) from the player camera; on this way the player movements collision can be detected and stopped ! (with "pickmode" on material and collision checkbox on terrain vegetation checked) By using this, the model doesn't need a shape (none). This may not be a solution as good as using a shape (more physics realistic) but until a better solution be found, it's usable
  4. Marcousik

    Vegetation Update

    Well tested for 5 minutes, in 5 minutes ! This can be summed in one word: Great, simply great. Now making full big map is no boring anymore, like throwing model after model. Pretty nice new feature ! Edit: Only getting a problem with the model shape, not realy repoduced with the new tool: Player is going through my barrels, other shaped trees. Somebody else found this ?
  5. I fixed the warning, so get the new upload. After 1000 tests, I get always same the problem: when creating/building over one vehicle in a map at the same time, the map will crash when calling world:clear(). Some tests demontrated the crash do not always occur, but sadly and strangely nothing stable could be found: Sometimes ok, same test on a new map ---> Bug occurs 2 boxes with both this little script added cause the bug: function Script:Start() self.Creating=0 end function Script:UpdatePhysics() if self.Creating==0 then --Create the vehicle self.entity:SetMass(1000) self.vehicle = Vehicle:Create(self.entity) self.Creating=1 end end function Script:Detach() if self.vehicle~=nil then self.vehicle:Release() self.vehicle=nil end end Fortunatly this is no big problem for my project; I will build and release cars each time the player will get in or out, on this way, if the map has to be changed, all cars would have been released earlier. TryTheStartMap.zip
  6. If I build the vehicle [in start], player falls through the map immediately. I confirm this. Thatswhy I put the car-buid lines in UpdatePhysics(): No player Fall anymore. But strangely I do not get the world to crash... sadly can't tell what changed ... Edit1 I'm in not beta version. Edit2 Too crazy for me: Exactly the same map with exactly same elements in another project and I get the world:clear() crash ! Is there something like a load order that could cause such unstablil results ??
  7. Thx a lot macklebee but I just do not understand my own problem anymore.. I was experiencing crazy game crash with this and for a few minutes, I can't find the problem anymore. Something strange with this. Please try this map: You should see the cars moving with this, and I get no problem to change the map through the trigger. start.zip
  8. Crazy but the bug just disappears ! It seems writing a little modified script for this example just help to find the solutions: I built for this example the cars in function Script:UpdatePhysics() instead of start() and this seems to have solved the problems Have to test this longer..but very well ! Edit Only issue is a warning: << Possible reference count error for asset "d:/documents/leadwerks/projects/test/materials/effects/invisible.mat" >> Well thx for helping.
  9. Okay I uploaded this start map and 2 scripts to add to the project-Template "Advanced FPS" (create a new project "Test" in project manager) in Folders "Test\Maps\" and "Test\Scripts\Objects\cars\" After this, load the start.map (well here the one uploaded) It will show you the bug. The blue box is the ChangeMap-Trigger to terrain.map. The 2 wood boxes are the ingame built cars. Only remove ONE script from ONE of the car, start the game, and the trigger runs ok. 2 different cars, 2 different scripts. TryTheStartMap.zip
  10. Ok: I had this "self.entity:Release()" to see if it would solve the problem. But after all tests I can say it makes no difference, to add or remove this line just does/changes nothing in this example, same issue.
  11. I had this question in my FPS game: The fighter should stop shooting if not facing the player. Well it's makable, just calculate the rotation of your character, and determine so if facing the opponent or not. For example between -45 and 45 he swings the sword, and if >45 or <-45, then SetAnimation(somethingElse). ok ?
  12. I encounter this problem: I attach a script on ONE box creating ONE vehicle, ONE car, in a world, and I want to change the map ingame with the changemaptrigger script, that calls the world:clear() in main.lua Well, there's NO problem doing this, the world gets cleared. BUT when I put 2 cars, exactly the same, this crashes the game as the player goes in the trigger. No importance if the cars are same models or not, and no importance if the scripts attached are the same or not: It crashes. Anyone knows why ? Here is the script attached, creating the cars: import "Scripts/Functions/ReleaseTableObjects.lua" Script.SpeedMax=20--int "Vitesse(2-100)" Script.Reac=1--float "Virage(0-2)" Script.MyMass=1000--int "Masse" Script.Mass=100--int "Roue, poids" Script.Rayon=0.5--float "Roue, Rayon" Script.Epaiss=0.5--float "Pneus, Épaisseur" Script.LongueurAV=1--float "Axes,longueur Av" Script.LongueurAR=1--float "Axes,longueur Arr" Script.LargeurG=0.8--float "Axes,largeur G" Script.LargeurD=0.8--float "Axes,largeur D" Script.Hauteur=-0.5--float "Axes, hauteur" Script.SeeWheels = false --bool "Voir Roues" Script.Inverse = false --bool "Inversé" function Script:Start() --Create the vehicle self.entity:SetMass(self.MyMass) self.vehicle = Vehicle:Create(self.entity) --Add tires local tireradius=self.Rayon local tiremass=self.Mass local tirewidth=self.Epaiss local tireheight=self.Hauteur local material = Material:Load("Materials/Effects/Invisible.mat") self.tiremodel={} self.tiremodel[0]=Model:Cylinder() self.tiremodel[0]:SetScale(tireradius*2,tirewidth,tireradius*2) self.vehicle:AddTire(self.LargeurG, tireheight,self.LongueurAV,tiremass,tireradius,tirewidth,true)--,200,2000,1.2,20,100000,1.5,0.1) self.tiremodel[1]=Model:Cylinder() self.tiremodel[1]:SetScale(tireradius*2,tirewidth,tireradius*2) self.vehicle:AddTire(-self.LargeurD,tireheight,self.LongueurAV,tiremass,tireradius,tirewidth,true)--,200,2000,1.2,20,100000,1.5,0.1) self.tiremodel[2]=Model:Cylinder() self.tiremodel[2]:SetScale(tireradius*2,tirewidth,tireradius*2) self.vehicle:AddTire(self.LargeurG,tireheight,-self.LongueurAR,tiremass,tireradius,tirewidth,false)--,200,2000,1.2,20,100000,1.5,0.1) self.tiremodel[3]=Model:Cylinder() self.tiremodel[3]:SetScale(tireradius*2,tirewidth,tireradius*2) self.vehicle:AddTire(-self.LargeurD,tireheight,-self.LongueurAR,tiremass,tireradius,tirewidth,false)--,200,2000,1.2,20,100000,1.5,0.1) if self.SeeWheels== false then self.tiremodel[0]:SetMaterial(material) self.tiremodel[1]:SetMaterial(material) self.tiremodel[2]:SetMaterial(material) self.tiremodel[3]:SetMaterial(material) end material:Release() self.vehicle:AddAxle(0,1) self.vehicle:AddAxle(2,3) --Finalize the vehicle if self.vehicle:Build()==false then Debug:Error("Failed to build vehicle.") end --Stop the engine self.vehicle:SetEngineRunning(false) --Set the emergency brake self.vehicle:SetHandBrakes(5000) self.CarStop=1 self.BenzinCycle=0 self.BrakeTime=0 self.MyCar=0 end ------------------------------------------------ function Script:Detach() self.tiremodel[0]:Release() self.tiremodel[1]:Release() self.tiremodel[2]:Release() self.tiremodel[3]:Release() self.tiremodel[0]=nil self.tiremodel[1]=nil self.tiremodel[2]=nil self.tiremodel[3]=nil self.vehicle:Release() self.vehicle=nil ReleaseTableObjects(self.tiremodel) self.entity:Release() end
  13. I uploaded today a demo-map to this subject 'shaping and character controller' with FPS view that I would like to use in future project. If interested look at this: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=559812597 You can try to crawl/crouch under the constructions, at a point you have to crawl to do this or the crouch shape won't allow you. or this one, same own character controller in open world demo http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/viewitem?fileid=583447681 enjoy!
  14. "The problem is that the shape is too tall. We should have the ability to add our own shape to a character controller." That's right that's why I wrote my own character controler for my Project, making the shape as I want, adding real crouching or lying or swimming shapes. And using the Physics functions to move the entity.(addforce()...) I make a sphere as foot and add a body as child, you can do the body as big as you want, adding the shape you wantThe result is not as exact as the original character controller but it's very playable.
  15. Marcousik

    Vegetation Demo

    Great great great for a demo >100 FPS nvidia GTX 760
  16. I sadly experimented in others softwares screens freezing since last win10 + Nvidia update .. Maybe I'd better do as you say.
  17. ok thx for answers and Slastraf: your project looks promising, keep going.
  18. I too have no beta and no problem until yesterday, suddenly. I am now able to maximize the window so I can see the editor again, but all was frozen. I'll make more tests with this. Edit: everything runs now fine again.. well But I noticed this error by loading my map: "Syncing Workshop Items... Error: GetFileInfo failed. (15)" This is new. Can somebody explain what that is ? Somebody else having this ?? And I'm still not able to reduce or resize the main editor window...
  19. I think my bug is turning to same problem as here, since last win 10 update. My bug is for now so solved that I found how to get into the the editor but I can't move anything, everything is frozen ! I will work on this later. It was and still is the problem that I can only maximaize the window since the win10 update and can't resize any windows in editor.. something runs wrong
  20. okay bug is so solved that I found how to get into the the editor but for now I can't move anything, everything is frozen ! I will work on this later. It was and still is the problem that I can only maximaize the window since the win10 update and can't resize any windows in editor.. Edit: everything runs now fine again.. well But I noticed this error by loading my map: "Syncing Workshop Items... Error: GetFileInfo failed. (15)" This is new. Can somebody explain what that is ? Somebody else having this ?? And I'm still not able to reduce or resize the main editor window... Edit: ok resize problem is solved. I think now that Leadwerks did not support the energy conserve modus by shutting down Win10 to economize energy. After this the editor window disappeared and did not came back, Well for this a only a very little problem, sorry for the alarm
  21. I'm saying I have a big problem: Can't start LW anymore, what else could have changed in one hour but an update ?? I tried steam verification, beta, vanilla, update Nvidia, but no solution. I'm very perplex I don't know what happens. thx for answer..
  22. No but I cannot start the LW editor anymore, it freezes at directional light.tex I think there was an win10 update Vanilla Win 10 Nvidia GTX 760 ..?
  23. I was editing my game today for an hour as yesterday, decide to make a pause, come back and LW do not start completely anymore... It loads my game (or whatever games; tested with marble game too) and freezes while loading the directional light Icon texture. I'm on updated Nvidia Gra. and vanilla version of LW I checked the integrity files on steam. Steam says the game is running but I can't access to the editor. I can remember there was a Win10 update Any Help ??? thx
  24. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/files/file/471-animated-vegetation-shader/ This link is dead for me. Can we still obtain this somewhere ?? THx !
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