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Everything posted by Admin

  1. This is one device we are very favorable on. I'll leave it at that for now.
  2. Admin

    Open to the Public

    $199 per platform: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/store/
  3. All entities can be either a rigid body or a character controller now. See the physics commands in the entity class.
  4. The fix for the file dialog crash has been uploaded. Please run the updater to get the fix.
  5. You need to generate a lightmapped material for lightmapping to occur.
  6. The OBJ format is not supported at this time.
  7. The file reloading system is some of the most complicated code in the editor, and may still have some errors. Thanks for the report.
  8. When you purchase the Leadwerks 3 Beta, you are purchasing Leadwerks 3.0, just early. People new to Leadwerks will pay the full price. You do not have to pay anything else when the final version 3.0 is released.
  9. In order to fix your problem, we need to be able to reproduce it. Create one forum thread per problem. Do not include multiple bugs or add new bugs in a thread, unless the problems are very closely related. Do not hijack topics or reply with additional bugs in a report. Once the initial topic is resolved your reply will not be noticed and the thread will be closed. Include a complete description of the steps we need to follow to produce the problem. If images are needed to describe the error, upload them as an attachment in your forum thread. If any files are necessary to produce the problem, add them as an attachment in your thread. If your report requires files to reproduce the problem, and you do not attach those files, it will be locked or ignored so that we can focus on those issues that do have complete reports. Incomplete bug reports may be locked without explanation. By following these guidelines, we can spend our time solving your problem instead of trying to guess and recreate it.
  10. Since the original issue is solved, I am closing this report. If you can produce erratic behavior please file a new report.
  11. What is your connection speed? A full install here takes about 20 minutes.
  12. There's a couple ways to approach this: material hooks, shader hooks, or global shader variables. I will have to think about it and see which is most efficient. I don't want any real-time string comparisons to be used. Because this is highly repetitive code.
  13. 1, 2, and 4 are fixed for the next build. I can't understand #3 from your description. Please post a small sample showing the error.
  14. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/entity/entitysetcolor-r162
  15. Please post your map, or at least a screenshot with nav rendering turned on.
  16. Faces with that material will be removed when the BSP brushes are collapsed on load.
  17. It should work. If you can reliably produce the problem again, please file another report.
  18. We don't really have control over this.
  19. There's not enough space for them to pass through that area. The navmesh visualization lets us catch problems like that and easily fix them.
  20. Select the View > Draw Navigation menu so you can see what the pathfinding is doing. Maybe that section is too narrow for a path to form.
  21. The project file looks fine. Most of those odd names are Mac file extensions.
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