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Everything posted by Admin

  1. Have you got an example I can run?
  2. I think the brushes aren't set up for z-sort rendering, so they don't get blended properly. When they are loaded in the engine, they are collapsed and converted into model geometry, which does have the z-sorting built in. This should be fixed in the near future, but it's relatively minor.
  3. We have cancelled plans for this for the present version, to keep costs down. The store page says "digital download only" so there is no confusion.
  4. Try camera->SetDrawPhysicsMode(true)
  5. The full price at the public launch is higher. Leadwerks 2 developers will still be able to purchase at the reduced price through April 30.
  6. The demo has some missing functionality.
  7. It's my fault, it's uploaded now...new editor build. You can set the camera range in the properties panel. I don't recommend 0.01,1000...use 0.1 and the smallest far clipping value you can.
  8. Using Inno Setup, I added these lines at the end of the script: [Run] Filename: "{app}\Editor\Tools\oalinst.exe"; Parameters: "/s"; StatusMsg: Installing OpenAL... Filename: "{app}\Editor\Tools\vcredist_x86.exe"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; StatusMsg: Installing Visual C++ 2010 RunTime... The installer seems to work now. I can see the VC redistributable running for a couple seconds, and I successfully installed this on a machine that previously failed with an OpenAL error. I will build this functionality into the Leadwerks 3 install maker for Windows.
  9. Leadwerks ADT does include Eclipse.
  10. Thanks. I added that file to the installation instructions shown after your order. I recommend starting with the example Darkness Awaits project and trying to compile that first. Then I would create a new project and try that. It sounds like most people have gotten through the process pretty easily now...you have no idea how difficult it is to set up otherwise.
  11. Set the blend mode to alpha in the material editor.
  12. Hmmm, it works fine here. I don't think the slashes actually matter in our code.
  13. I just tried it, and it worked correctly. Is the file where you expect it to be?
  14. The prefab we made already has that setting adjusted. It's because the model itself faces in the negative Z direction.
  15. There's actually a NetworkDriver class in the engine, and an implementation using ENet (ENetNetworkDriver). It's almost exactly like the LE2 networking commands. It's actually what the interpreter uses to communicate with the debugger. But it's not documented because I think network support needs to be more fully featured.
  16. Do you mean simple projected shadows, like what Source Engine uses?: Those are extremely easy for me to add, and they run fast on all hardware. We actually had those in Leadwerks 1: XD If enough people ask, I can add that when I do terrain. It's not hard to implement.
  17. Yeah, you actually can do that, because it creates the APK on your hard drive. You'd probably want to try it on an a device, but yes, it would work. As long as you stick to the Leadwerks command set you are safe for cross-platform compatibility...I never thought about that, but it would be interesting to see someone put an App in Google Play without ever having run it on an Android device!
  18. Our next step will be based on what the Leadwerks 3 users need. Terrain will definitely be included in 3.0 (at no extra cost). Here's the scene load command: http://www.leadwerks...ap/mapload-r510 My end goal is to have graphics better than Leadwerks 2 with the Leadwerks 3 tools. The only question in my mind is whether we go straight back into graphics and release that in Leadwerks 3.1, or whether we do one more update that improves the tools further, and release the OpenGL 4 renderer in Leadwerks 3.2. My guess is we can improve the tools a little bit still, but we're reaching the point of diminishing returns in that area soon, since what we have now is pretty darn good.
  19. I think Lua is good for simple behavior and learning. For performance you will want to write demanding code in C++. We made Darkness Awaits in pure Lua just because it's easy to understand, but in reality you would probably use C++ for the AI and player, just because it would allow you to have more characters active at once. Most games will probably use a combination of C++ and Lua. C++ for the main code, Lua for simple things like doors and game level interactions.
  20. It's not always possible to automate everything, but we can make the most common tasks so they are automated 90% of the time. Why wait? Buy now so we can make it even better.
  21. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/user-guide/creating-materials-r689
  22. If you have multiple objects selected, and their values are different, the properties shown in the properties editor will be undefined (blank, in the case of text fields like that). If you only want to select the top-level entity in the barbarian model, you can select it from the scene tree. You can also select the Edit > Ignore Groups menu item to choose only the one entity you click on in the viewports.
  23. There are templates for C++ and Lua projects.
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