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Everything posted by reepblue

  1. Finally tried your shader. Works on AMD hardware running the 19.9.2 driver. This looks like something that can be used in a real game; terrific work!
  2. Ok, Looks like I've updated my driver since then. 19.9.2 works fine. This was an AMD issue.
  3. I don't think there is anything you can do as a shader artist. The implementation of how to alter the shader to get different results is a job for the actual game programmer.
  4. I tried this again and it seems to be working now which is weird. I check again to see if full screen causes this or not. I recall just making a box and plopping a decal to produce this.
  5. Brushes get collapsed into the scene tree to improve performance. Once a brush has a script attached to it, it's left as a model. Josh can go into detail about what actually happens, but it's not wise to attach a script to a brush to change it's apperence. I would look into how I could read the material file and adjust the material accordingly. It would probably have to be in the MapHook function I have been meaning to try your shader for the longest time but now I want to see if I can read custom values from a mat file.
  6. Only downside attaching a script to a brush is that now the brush will not collapse with the scene.
  7. I still want to try this with my hardware. I'll let you know when I do.
  8. AMD as in the vendor of the card. With my RX480, not everything works like it should.
  9. Really awesome. My only concern is the shader with AMD because that's always a concern. But good work from what I'm looking at.
  10. TL;DR: You can do a locomotion VR Player, but you need the C++ libraries due to one member being exposed. I didn't write any lua code, the code below is all C++; which can be converted to the lua syntax easily. The good news is I've done exactly what you have in mind. The bad news is that It's not possible in Lua due to one member not being exposed which is: static Quat headsetrotation; You need that member to apply the character's controller's rotation based on where the player is looking in the real world. Other than that,the only other tricky part is updating the VR offset with the player's location. We have CenterTracking called when a button is pressed to correct the center as we use Seated VR for this implementation (Seems the A and B buttons with the Index don't work in 4.6) if (VR::GetControllerButtonHit(VR::Left, VR::TriggerButton)) { VR::CenterTracking(); } Vec3 playerpos = GetEntity()->GetPosition(); auto cameraposition = Vec3(playerpos.x, playerpos.y, playerpos.z); VR::SetOffset(cameraposition + Vec3(0, m_flEyeHeight, 0)); m_pCamera->SetPosition(VR::GetOffset()); Then you move the character controller with this: playerMovement.x = Math::Clamp(VR::GetControllerAxis(VR::Left, VR::TouchpadAxis).x, -1.0f, 1.0f) * m_flMoveSpeed; playerMovement.z = Math::Clamp(VR::GetControllerAxis(VR::Left, VR::TouchpadAxis).y, -1.0f, 1.0f) * m_flMoveSpeed; I only did this in 4.6. I'm tempted to try this with the 4.7 beta as Seated VR is said to be fixed (And hopefully buttons on the Index work).
  11. I've done some locomotion experiments in C++. Just set the VR tracking space to Seated and move the character controller with the analog sticks. Time is really tight during the week, but I can try to write you something in Lua quick on the weekend if you'd like.
  12. Take a look at VRPlayer.lua under Scripts/Objects/Player.
  13. Yeah, it seems the only new/harder part is creating a Sprite layer for the window I/O passing a window pointer to a GUI object. Everything so far seems comprehendible.
  14. Opt into the beta and there are functions supported that'll do this. Just note that it's still a beta so you encounter some bugs. Also Josh hasn't updated in in quite a while. ?
  15. I see your really focused on the GUI now. I'm taking that as you want to get started with the new editor; which I will not stop you. ?
  16. As you may have known, I've been dabbling with input methods for a while now using SDL2. Since then, I've learned how to do similar functions using the Leadwerks API. The goal was to make a inout system that's easily re-bindable, and allows for controllers to "just work". My first research of a goof system comes from a talk at Steam DevDays 2016 as they discuss how to allow integration with the Steam Controller. My thought was: "If I can create my own Action System, I can bind any controller with any API I want". The SDL experiments was a result of this, but they ended up being sloppy when you tried to merge the window polling from SDL into Leadwerks. The next goal was to remove SDL2 out of the picture. I've created functions to allow reading and simulations of button presses with the Leadwerks Window class. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool InputSystem::KeyHit(const int keycode) { auto window = GetActiveEngineWindow(); if (keycode < 7) return window->MouseHit(keycode); return window->KeyHit(keycode); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool InputSystem::KeyDown(const int keycode) { auto window = GetActiveEngineWindow(); if (window != NULL) { if (keycode < 7) return window->MouseDown(keycode); return window->KeyDown(keycode); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InputSystem::SimulateKeyHit(const char keycode) { auto window = GetActiveEngineWindow(); if (window != NULL) { if (keycode < 7) window->mousehitstate[keycode] = true; window->keyhitstate[keycode] = true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InputSystem::SimulateKeyDown(const char keycode) { auto window = GetActiveEngineWindow(); if (window != NULL) { if (keycode < 7) window->mousedownstate[keycode] = true; window->keydownstate[keycode] = true; } } The simulate keys are very important for controllers. for this case, we would trick the window class thinking a key was pressed on the keyboard. The only direct input we would need from the controller is the value analog sticks which I haven't touch as of yet. Using JSON, we can load and save our bindings in multiple Action Sets! { "keyBindings": { "actionStates": { "Menu": { "selectActive": 1, "selectDown": 40, "selectLeft": 37, "selectRight": 39, "selectUp": 38 }, "Walking": { "crouch": 17, "firePrimary": 1, "fireSecondary": 2, "flashLight": 70, "interact": 69, "jump": 32, "moveBackward": 83, "moveForward": 87, "moveLeft": 65, "moveRight": 68, "reloadWeapon": 82 } } } } You may want a key to do something different when your game is in a certain state. For this example, when the Active Action Set is set to "Menu", Only KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN, KEY_LEFT, KEY_RIGHT, and KEY_LBUTTON will work. You can still hover over your buttons with the mouse, but when it comes time to implement the controller for example, you'd just call GetActionHit(L"selectActive") to select the highlighted/active button. If the state is set to walking, then all those keys for Menu gets ignored in-favor of the walking commands. All keys/buttons are flushed between switching states! Here's example code of this working. "Interact" gets ignored when "Menu" is set as the default action and vise-versa. while (window->KeyDown(KEY_END) == false and window->Closed() == false) { if (window->KeyHit(KEY_TILDE)) { if (InputSystem::GetActiveActionSet() == L"Menu") { SetActionSet(L"Walking"); } else { SetActionSet(L"Menu"); } } // Under "Menu" if (GetActionHit(L"selectUp")) { DMsg("selectUp!"); } // Under "Walking" if (GetActionHit(L"interact")) { DMsg("interact!"); } } Only things I didn't implement as of yet is actual controller support and saving changes to the json file which might need to be game specific. I also want to wait until the UI is done before I decide how to do this. As for controllers, we can use SteamInput, but what if your game isn't on Steam? You can try to implement XInput yourself if you want. I tried to add Controller support with SDL2, but people reported issues. And then, what about VR controllers? What matters right now is that we have room to add these features later on. All I need to do is use the GetActionHit/Down Commands and the rest doesn't matter.
  17. That seems to be a legacy feature before the model viewer could generate shapes. Don't use that.
  18. There has been some discussion regarding on how to set collision shapes for your models. For 95% of models, you should be building shapes with the Model Viewer as described here. In some cases, the model artist might want a custom shape to be made. In this post, I'll be going over how I import models into Leadwerks, and building custom shapes. A few notes first. I use Blender; Blender 2.79b to be exact. I haven't get got the hang of 2.80 and until the new engine's art pipeline is fully online, I don't see a use for it. Leadwerks 4 uses Blinn-Phong rendering so the PBR stuff makes no sense for Leadwerks 4. So for this, I'll be posting screenshots from 2.79b. I should also mentioned that a feature I use in my process isn't present in the Linux build of the editor, which is the collapse tool. (Tools->Collapse). Doing the collapsing via a terminal will cause the models to crash the editor. This seems to be a known bug, as you don't see that feature in the Linux editor. Lets say you created a tube model such as this one and you want the player and objects to go into the tube: If you tried to make a shape doing the Concave settings, not only it'll be really slow to generate, but the results will not be good. We could make a shape based on the wire frame, but this is a high poly model. What we need to do is make a new mesh, import both models to the editor, collapse them both, build the shapes for both, and delete the low poly model while making the high poly read the low poly's generated shape. First to get it out of the way, apply the scale and rotation of the model. This will make Y forward and the scale will be (1,1,1) when you import it into Leadwerks. Next we need a low poly model. This is the same proportions as our high poly. Apply the scale and rotation as the same as the high poly. I also set the max draw time to solid, but this is optional. Next, name your High poly and the low poly you're going to be using for the shape appropriately. Now lets, export each object as a FBX. For this my high poly is going out as tube.fbx, and my low poly shape is going out as tubeshape.fbx. Here are my export settings: If you saved the files in a Leadwerks project while the editor was opened, the editor would have auto convert the files to the .mdl file format. Open the high poly model (tube.fbx) and first collapse it and give it any shape. (Give it a box shape to save time.) you need to assign a shape to the high poly so the mdl file is linked to a phys file. Do the same with the low poly, but you're gonna set the shape as poly mesh. Close the model viewer, and then go into the directory where the models are placed. We are now going to delete the box shape of our high poly, and trick it into loading the low poly shape by renaming the shape file of the low poly to be what the previous shape of the high poly was. In other words, we are making tubeshape.phy into tube.phy. Before: After: Notice the time stamp and the size of tubeshape.phy from before being the same as tube.phy in the after screen cap. This should be your end result. Notice that the shape isn't sold but now a tube. Objects can go into the tube with no issues. Now, there is another way that uses limb names to generate physics automatically. However, there are a lot of issues I came across using this method such as the shape not being parented to the model when the model moved via physics or a joint. With this way, you have a custom shape, the model is optimized because it doesn't have any children nodes, and everything is clean and tidy!
  19. Try to use R16 and import it with the terrain editor. Then place your rocks with the vegetation system.
  20. Then you build a new one. I can show you how I do my shapes sometime. Shapes without collapsing models for me doesn't produce great results for my purposes.
  21. I mean using the collapse feature in the model editor. It removes all child nodes.
  22. Don't have time to look at this right now but it's worth asking if you yourself created the collision or these are editor generated shapes. Are the models collapsed? I have issues with non-collapsed models myself.
  23. Please do this so I can stop using aabb for triggers. Also ensure physics objects are compliant as they didn't work as intended in LE4.?
  24. Renamed my class GameSpeaker. I think I'm going to remove SetSourceEntity() in favor of a function within my BaseActor class.
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