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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I believe there could very well be a problem you have found, but looking at the engine code, everything seems like it should be working, and I have found no problems in my own usage. I would like to see an example of the error.
  2. Sorry, the layout just got messed up in the editor because I added some additional controls. The controls are still there, just offscreen.
  3. I fixed the vegetation freeing bug and uploaded the fixed editor.exe in the sync folder.
  4. How many scripts do you have that use this function? It shouldn't be needed very frequently.
  5. I tested on Windows 7 with an ATI 5750 which uses the same driver. Did you install 2.32r2? This has the fix for ATI cards. It was a problem with the way matrices were sent to the GPU, which could cause an error like you describe. The name of the installer is LESDK2.32r2.exe.
  6. The previous three posts did not provide enough information for me to investigate anything. Everything works fine on all systems and operating systems I tested.
  7. This will make it half as fast: float seed = mod(apptime / 200.0 * 0.25,360.0);
  8. I'd like to see this character in motion. He looks very stiff, but that might be simply due to the weighting pose. The detail of course is great.
  9. Please post the texture files you used here.
  10. The oildrum problem is caused by having different copies of the model in the tutorials folder. I copied the missing files and am building a new installer.
  11. Version 2.32 r2 is available here: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/files/file/145-leadwerks-engine-sdk-232 The installer file name is LESDK2.32r2.exe. This one is tested on ATI cards with Windows 7. There was a problem with the way I was uploading matrices to the GPU. This may have affected ATI or some of the budget NVidia cards, even the newer ones.
  12. Can you please write your system specs in your signature? Thanks!
  13. I wouldn't call Crysis "simple", but if you have a team of programmers working within known constraints of a specific game, it is a lot easier to program an engine.
  14. Fixed. That's the maximum supported value.
  15. Leadwerks is not designed specifically for one game. If it were, it would have been a lot easier to write.
  16. You can download a package of C++ tutorials here. They include all files, and are ready to compile and run: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=25 It's a little easier than downloading the individual lessons and copying files to make them work.
  17. What amazes me is what you guys are able to do with it. It's still pretty early in the engine's life, so I can only imagine what people will be able to make, given some more time.
  18. I'll pick up some more hardware tomorrow and do extensive Windows 7 testing.
  19. I think with LE, they will be about the same, since the more intensive stuff is being done internally. In a simple app, script and C++ will even run at the same speed.
  20. I'm putting together a real installer and testing everything thoroughly...please wait.
  21. I need a program I can run and test myself.
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