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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I'm saying that even with $17 million in free money they failed to convince AAA studios to use their engine. Their penetration in mobile is also a lot lower than their guerilla marketers want you to think. When we conducted our research we found a much lower percentage of Unity games on iOS than we expected.
  2. They're using it for web and mobile stuff. The fact remains, three years are gone by, and only one XBox game. C4 Engine has better penetration into the console market.
  3. I don't understand why this whole conversation is taking place when you haven't bothered to post the file so we can actually look at it ourselves. How do you expect us to tell you anything useful?
  4. I'm pretty sure PhysX is used more than any other general-purpose library. For source code licenses, our target market is medium-sized studios. I don't want to pass extra licensing costs onto them or have any additional restrictions on what they can do with the source. Unity has gone the route of licensing a lot of third-party middleware to try to turn a mediocre engine into something professional studios will license. That approach has failed. There is a total of one XBox 360 game that uses Unity, to date. When a studio licenses source code from us, we should be the only company they need to deal with, because we either build our own technology or use open-source libraries.
  5. Sounds like you have a memory overwrite error somewhere else in your code. Look for uninitialized pointers.
  6. I like it. It looks a little more cartoonish and less grainy, but it's a different kind of "cartoonish" than WoW and Diablo. It's like a really good painting of a Dr. Seuss book.
  7. You can create shapes with arbitrary dimensions, or you can generate one from the AABB or polygonal geometry. It's really easy to set up scenes in code. You've just got to try it.
  8. You can also do stuff like this: Model* model = Model::Box(); model->BuildShape(SHAPE_BOX); Model* cone = Model::Cone(); cone->BuildShape(SHAPE_POLYMESH);
  9. When you add the shape to the model, an instance of the shape is created. You delete the original shape when you are done with it. When the model is deleted, it's instance of the shape will be deleted, and the ShapeBase object the two instances share will be deleted. This makes memory management easier because you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting a shape, texture, or other asset and creating invalid pointer errors in objects that use them. Here's an example that might be more intuitive: Model* model = Model::Box(); Material* material = Material::Load("mymat.mat") model->SetMaterial(material); delete material; The material asset won't be released from memory until the last instance is deleted. This could be done by deleting the model, in this example.
  10. When choosing a physics simulator, I had a few requirements: -We did not want to pass on any costs or licensing strings to professional studios that license our source code. We've managed to develop the entire engine either by writing our own technology (like built-in hierarchical occlusion culling), or when appropriate, by using open-source libraries (like Recast pathfinding). We do not want professional studios to have to deal with other vendors' costs or additional restrictions. -I anticipate additional platform support in the future, like Linux and Windows Phone 8. Relying on a closed-source binary would limit where we could take the new engine. -In the past, Leadwerks Engine has received significant interest from flight sim companies who wanted the worlds to go beyond the restrictions of 32-bit floating points. One of the most promising Leadwerks Engine games in development is a helicopter flight sim. Support for massive worlds beyond anything we've seen before is part of my plan for future development. Both Bullet and Newton 3 are free and open-source. PhysX and Havok and closed-source and would incur additional costs and restrictions I have to pass on to source code licensees. They would also limit which new platforms I could support. I talked to the technical director of PhysX on the phone last year, and he told me that PhysX was designed to handle a maximum of about 40,000 physics objects in a scene, total. I've made scenes in Leadwerks Engine with over 4,000,000 vegetation instances. Bullet has soft bodies, and Newton 3's soft bodies are still being developed. However, Newton has support for instanced static geometry, which is how we are able to have millions of trees and plants in a scene. With these factors in consideration, it seems clear that Newton 3 is the best way for us to go. I am doing things a little differently this time: -The new scaling features in Newton 3 are being built into the system, to handle scaled matrices. -I'm not relying on the serialized physics shape format, which kept changing with SDK updates. -The engine is ready to support new features like real destruction and soft bodies that are still in beta development in Newton 3. -Physics are updated asynchronously, meaning they always run on one or more threads in the background. Even on mobile platforms. Of course with the modular architecture in Leadwerks3D, the physics module can be swapped out with one written around PhysX or any other library. Enabling physics on any entity is very easy: Model* model = Model::Box(); model->SetScale(2,1,1);//physics will automatically scale with the entity Shape* shape = Shape::Box();//create a physics shape model->SetShape(shape); delete shape;//We're done with this, delete it model->SetMass(1); model->SetScale(4,1,4);//we can still scale the entity, no problem
  11. (They don't require cygwin or a separate USB driver.)
  12. I assume you can get a wave height for any XZ point, right? So just get the vertex global position, calculate the height, and all your tiles will line up to each other, because they are all using the same equation.
  13. Wow, I finally tried this out. The screenshots do not do it justice. This is the best ocean water I've ever seen, in any game or demo.
  14. ASUS has some good ones. Of course the Mac can do iOS stuff, and Android development is a bit easier on them.
  15. I can't wait to try this out Monday. I've never seen crested waves in realtime graphics.
  16. 32 people joined our first hangout, thanks for participating!
  17. It was the first time I got to see our wave data in-game. Thanks Shadmar, for your help. Still needs a lot of tweaking, but I am confident we can have awesome ocean water in Leadwerks3D. Plus, it looks like you will soon have better ocean water in LE2 thanks to Shadmar.
  18. I had a go at this earlier. My main changes were I lowered the amount of sky reflection, increased the contrast of the direct lighting, made the specular reflection more focused, and got rid of the rough appearance of the surface.
  19. Ah, I missed that. Yes, Roland guessed first, although Rick's answer is more complete.
  20. I sent these. Good advice.
  21. Those waves are supposed to be basically like surface ripples, like this:
  22. That's what happens when you have a really really high refraction level, things start looking like bubbly glass. I think the wave area is much too big, but I look forward to trying it myself. Sometimes it's really good to have a second set of eyes on these kinds of things.
  23. Rick is correct! Physics are running on Android. What you're seeing is the printout from LogCat as an object drops due to gravity.
  24. I will continue to fix bugs in LE2 as they are found.
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