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Blog Comments posted by Josh

  1. So you may notice the package files are appearing both in the file panel below and in the tree view as folders.

    just realized that GLTF files could be treated the same way, since they can have texture files embedded in them.. Optional of course.

    crazy possibilities.

    • Like 1
  2. Funny enough, the original Quake on Steam recently received an update. It's the same game, but using a new engine. They did not make any huge changes, but now it is running with actual hardware acceleration and everything is a bit higher resolution. That's exactly the kind of thing you could do with this, an "engine mod" that loads the original game files but renders it all in another engine.

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  3. Not just Valve games, but everything. :)

    I am designing the entity system to be extremely configurable. The properties are based on a bunch of JSON file templates:

            "name": "Spot Light",
            "root": "Light",
                    "name": "Cone angles",
                    "group": "Light",
                    "type": "VEC2",

    There will also be customizable build/launch paths.

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  4. 1 hour ago, reepblue said:

    Besides your will to do so, what prevents you throwing in the Leadwerks renderer in there and replacing the current editor? 

    I'm not going to make a new editor for Leadwerks but I might embed the Leadwerks renderer in the 3D viewport for the trade show. The technical benchmarks are impressive but not very flashy.

  5. I had to add a fallback rendering mode which was quite tricky but ultimately worked. This handles the situation when the hardware has a limited number of shader image units supported. This is necessary on my MacBook Pro, although I don't know what the situation is on newer Mac models. Showing a screenshot on Mac that uses this method to display two different textures is actually quite a feat!


    This was the last real hurdle to release "Ultra 2D Kit". There is more work that needs to be done, but nothing nearly as complicated as Vulkan rendering code.

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    Ultra App Kit Released

    23 minutes ago, george68 said:


    What is the difference between the Ultra App Kit and the Ultra App Kit Subscription?

    Nothing except the subscription will always get the latest updates and the other will get paid updates in longer intervals. Both will get bug fix updates.

  6. I'm going to add one more to the list, Matomo Analytics:

    It's a Google analytics alternative that lets you keep control of your data. You can get the cloud-hosted version with a paid plan, or install the self-hosted version and collect analytics without any data leaving your own website. This will likely also make pages load faster, since they don't have to "phone home" to another site.

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