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Blog Comments posted by Josh

  1. That's what the final effect looks like. Something like that, probably a bit better.

    My initial implementation used a volume texture and lately I've been moving it into a sparse voxel octree. This uses much less memory and should provide faster performance. It's hard to implement, so my screenshots probably look like they are taking a step backwards, but the final result will be better than the earlier work.

  2. Thin walls can be a problem, but the same is true with shadow maps. Light leaks can and do happen with the GI calculation, but I've got a good balance of settings that is nearly perfect.

    The hardest thing to do is very dark interiors with bright outdoor lights. The buildings from the Zone are actually perfect for testing, because they have a lot of thin walls and interior spaces that see no light.

  3. I found with shadow maps, the shadows must be updated every single frame or you get a flickering effect. I think what I can do is store a small voxel octree for each dynamic object, instead of adding it into the voxel octree of static objects. The lighting shader will transform each ray to local space around the object and calculate a raycast for each object it intersects.

    • Like 1
  4. It just occurred to me that since only the terminal nodes store color data, and have no children, the colors could be stored in the child member, bringing the data structure size down to 32 bytes. So multiply all the SVO memory consumption values by 2/3.

    struct SparseVoxelOctreeTreeNode
    	uint32_t child[2][2][2];


    • Upvote 1
  5. The more empty space there is, the more memory the SVO saves. When I changed the grid resolution from 256 to 512 in the above scene, so the entire building was enclosed in the grid area, the SVO used 42 Mb, but two 512x512x512 RGBA images would require 1 Gb of VRAM.

  6. The problems of image-based techniques go away, like shadow acne and adjusting the resolution of the shadow map. Transparency and particle shadows would be easy to implement. Voxel lighting will probably end up being faster, since you are only calculating shadows along surfaces at a low resolution. No matter what, you distribution of lighting data is much more efficient since it is following the scene surfaces instead of rendering to an image and then gathering pixels from that image.

    Right now I am storing all voxels in a DXT5 compressed texture. I need to create an octree structure and send that to the GPU instead. Then data size and raycasts would be very efficient.

    I can't think of any reason not to do it this way, other than it is hard to implement. Moving objects will be a little tricky because I am not sure how fast the polygon-to-voxel step will be.

  7. If you want to play a funny joke on someone, tell them to run this script:

    function f()
    Notify("You cannot close the program!")
    return false --cancels the event

    You can even paste it in all as one hilarious line:

    function f() Notify("You cannot close the program!") return false end ListenEvent(EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE,editor.mainwindow,f)

    Your coworkers will love it!

    • Haha 2
  8. Here is a simple example that adds new functionality:

    function myfunc() Notify("HI!") end

    When you close the window a message box is shown.

    So you can actually code new features into the editor, as you are using the editor. :cool:

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