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320 x 240 resolution


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I want to use the visual style of the original PSX and N64 games. The standard then was fullscreen 320 x 240. The lowest I've gotten to work in Leadwerks is 640 x 480. Is there a way to force lower resolutions, or will I need to employ some kind of function that redraws the frames? Maybe that function already exists?





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Superquick mockup (will add to the pack in the ws aswell):


#version 400

uniform sampler2D texture1;
uniform bool isbackbuffer;
uniform vec2 buffersize;

out vec4 fragData0;

const int downgrade = 6; //at original 1920x1080, 6 yields  320x180
void main(void)
    vec4 modula = mod(gl_FragCoord, downgrade);
   vec2 newCoords = vec2(gl_FragCoord - modula) / buffersize.xy;
   if (isbackbuffer) newCoords.y = 1.0 - newCoords.y;
   fragData0 = texture(texture1, newCoords);

HP Omen - 16GB - i7 - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

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havent tried that in the app.lua? taught you can put in there any reslution


I tried plugging in different resolutions and the lowest I got working was 640 x 480. For 320 x 240, the screen flickered a couple times, but no dice.


I think this has more to do with the gfx card than LE.


You're probably right. I had the same problem with Unity. It was my understanding talking to other Unity users that 640 x 480 was the lowest supported display, so I figured it might be the same situation here.


Thank you everyone for your help. I will try some more. Shadmar, if you put together something, that would be so awesome. I'm a coding novice. Most people I know think that that low of a resolution is terrible, but I love it. I generally adjust display settings to get the most pixelation.

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