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  1. can you tell me what graphics cards are compatible with lleadwerks 2
  2. Hi, I am following the camera control tutorial of LE 2 as shown here - http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/Documentation/le2/_/tutorials/camera-controls-r385 When I move my mouse sideways I find a slight frosted glass or watery wave along surface of the brick columns and a bit jittery on the edges of the brick columns. What is causing this ? How can I fix it so that it does not happen in my game ? Thanks,
  3. how do you inport terrain in 3
  4. were do you find the terrain editor in leadwerks 3 I now it sound daft but can any one help
  5. Hello, After placing trees using vegetation tool and activating shadows for the trees, the trees begin to disappear leaving the shadows visible over the terrain. Also the shadows start to disappear sometimes when the camera moves towards the trees! Does anybody know how to overcome all those ?
  6. Hello, In the first LE 2.5 C++ tutorial where it is taught how to set up a project ( either using LE Builder or manually ) and draw a cube on the screen, how come I can see the cube when there is no code present in that example that creates a light ? ! How is this possible ? Thanks,
  7. I'm not sure if I'm setting up the character controller wrong or if it is a bug, but when I set the controller to move in a specific direction, it seems to wander slightly off track. If you compare the character to the lines on the floor model you can tell it's not moving exactly up,down,left or right. I created an example project and have attached it... Keys are W,A,S,D
  8. Hello, I am using Leadwerks 2.5 Each time I try to create a new project using LE Builder for Visual C++ 2008, I get the following error message as shown in the attached screen shot. Ironically the message refers to Visual Studio 2010 which I do not have installed. I only have Visual C++ 2008 Express installed. How can I rectify it ? Thanks,
  9. Hello, The user guide in the Leadwerks 2.5 documentation states in this URL - http://www.leadwerks.../c-programming/ http://www.leadwerks...c-tutorials-r25 But unfortunately the above link does not work ! So from where can I download the entire Tutorials package and install it my computer ? Thanks,
  10. xtreampb

    the stack

    I'm trying to do some debugging. When my code goes to the "un-handled exception, press break to debug" message box, it takes me to the utility and vector source code. I know that the bug is in my code, not these classes. So i'm asking how do i use the stack to debug my code. I know i can see what function threw the error, but does it give me any more information like args passed to it? I've never had to use the stack before now so i'm in-experienced in using it to debug software. Thanks ~Xtreampb~
  11. http://www.restuner.com/howto-insert-trust-info-manifest.htm <!-- Identify the application security requirements. --> <!-- level can be "asInvoker", "highestAvailable", or "requireAdministrator" --> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"/> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> Keywords: privileges privilege elevated escalated uac resource tuner permissions
  12. Hello, I have a problem using Blitzmax and Leadwerks with the build-mode "Threaded Build". Because the Blitzmax compiler can't compile in this mode if i'm importing leadwerks.engine. I tried to using threads in c# and it works fine with leadwerks, it seems like its an blitzmax issue. Is that an knowing issue which can't be solved or is there a possibility to solve this problem?
  13. I'm working on a game engine and winging it as i go along, now i realize this leaves me open for flack from the more seasoned programmars here, but i figured it best to start somewear and go on the advice that people can offer. And if they can provide test code, it will give me something to go on, an encentive. I've started work on the engine but i've hit a snag. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { /*Initializes the main world, before loading entities, physics, etc...*/ int WORLD_MAIN; /*Initializes the default physics designed for the game*/ int INITIALIZE_PHYSICS; /*Initializes the environment, sounds, lights, wind, water splashing, etc..*/ int INITIALIZE_ENVIRONMENT; /*Initializes the world, after checking to makesure everything is in it's default place*/ int INITIALIZE_WORLD; /*Initializes the shaders in the world*/ int INITIALIZE_SHADERS; /*Initializes the scenery, after first initializing world_main, physics, environment, world, shaders, then scenery.*/ int INITIALIZE_SCENERY; /*Initializes the camera in the game*/ int INITIALIZE_CAMERA; /*Initializes the game sound and audio in the game*/ int INITIALIZE_AUDIO; /*The idea for this part of the code, is to create a checker. Which checks through WORLD_MAIN for any errors It's also the first file to be initialized when executing. So this line of code might be edited to fit it's purpose*/ cout << "This may take a few minutes, please be patient\n"; cin >> WORLD_MAIN; cin.ignore(); cout << "Ready!" << WORLD_MAIN; << "\n"; cin.get(); } This code more specifically. /*The idea for this part of the code, is to create a checker. Which checks through WORLD_MAIN for any errors It's also the first file to be initialized when executing. So this line of code might be edited to fit it's purpose*/ cout << "This may take a few minutes, please be patient\n"; cin >> WORLD_MAIN; cin.ignore(); cout << "Ready!" << WORLD_MAIN; << "\n"; cin.get(); The idea behind that specific line of code, is to create an initializer. That checks to see if all the variables are set to their default setting. I think what I'm doing currently is only setting the code up to paste some text to the command screen, this code will be changed if I'm forgetting some variables or integers.
  14. Hello, Can I program with leadwerks engine with "c++ .net" or "F#" now or later ?
  15. I just finished uploading the framework so that some friends can help out with the content and scene. I already have the overall theme and game put together, I just have to make them, and in this case get help with converting models, creating materials, and so forth. The framework is going extremely well. I've been working on it more than I should be to be honest but I did spend most of the day on the important matters. Plus it's Sunday for crying out loud. Anyways, I've changed several things about the framework. Here is a brief overview: Configuration is now available in the engine. This provided the gateway to the rest of the features I had plan for the framework, such as key/mouse binds, and generic configuration information for both the "engine" and "game." The key/mouse bind configuration file looks similar to: forward=w backward=s left=a right=d jump=space leap=lshift+space crouch=c | toggle fire=leftmouse aim=rightmouse grenade_toss=middlemouse | release grenade_cook=middlemouse debugphysics=f6 | toggle use=e It's fairly straight forward but the configuration file can contain basic instructions, such as "release" and "toggle." The configuration class itself provides the rest of the support. Examine the following, which is now accessible to Lua: if input:hit("leftmouse") == 1 then -- fire logic end if input:hit(input.get("use")) == 1 then -- use logic end if input:toggle("crouch") == 1 then -- do crouch end The engine configuration is managed with: config.get("resx") The game configuration is managed with: game.get("difficulty") One last feature I've added is a way to change between behaviors. These behaviors are strictly Lua, a hybrid, and strictly C/C++/C#/BlitzMax. If you provide the file "engine.lua" into the root of the project, the framework will only execute that LUA file after creating the graphics context and managers (config, input, game, etc.). The "hybrid" is a mix of the two. The framework calls upon specific Lua files at specific times. They could be looked at like "hooks." The Lua files are located at: "/scripts/dice" Examples are "update.lua" and "flip.lua." The framework also now handles scenes. It allows Leadwerks to process the scenes at the moment but then each entity in the scene to turn into an actor by the framework. This way you can get any actor: local actor = engine:getactor("myEditorAddedActorName") actor:translate(vec3(0,0,0)) actor:setkey("health", 20) Actors have their own Lua files and due to the structure described above we should be able to swap Lua files on the fly. The plan I will be attempting is similar to the following: local actor = engine:getactor("myactor") actor:setscript("newscript.lua") actor:runscript() I assume it will work, but who knows. Since per entity/actor scripts work the flexibility with the framework is fairly polished. I'm starting on default controller mechanics, soon to get into third person characters, and so on. Once my buddies can help me out I'll have more to test mechanics. Everyone should also check out Scarlet Thread Studios work, it looks to me like an RTS/TPS style framework, similar to Diablo series. Slight modifications can turn that into an RTS, FPS/RTS, and so on. Same with Pixel Perfect's engine Neutrino, which utilizes EKI One, and is turning out fantastic. I've bugged him to lease it but he isn't budging. Sorry everyone, lol. Just playing, Pixel. MG, always awesome work. Thanks for joining up to help with the content. Macklebee, hoping you'll come aboard and help me out with Lua. I'm really not in the mood to fully learn Lua at the moment. I plan to stick with hard-coded mechanics, lol. Read the above, it explains how to force the framework to let Lua control the main loop. Figured that would be your expertise. Awesome hangout session. I never planned to make it, thought it was out of my schedule, so it was kind of unexpected, lol. I had to register with Google+ and everything. It was fun, meant to talk about more, and to everyone else instead of just Josh, but I had to go AFK; turned out to be too long. I hope I'm invited to the next hangout but I don't have a camera. Thanks for reading.
  16. Actors are now in place and working correctly. I actually made a small mistake yesterday and made meshes part of the actor. This incorrect because a mesh should extend an object and be it's own actor type (i.e. class EMesh : public EActor{};). This is fixed and therefore the actor creation has slightly changed, but the shortcut (EActor::Add("ActorName", "mesh.gmf")) still works as expected. Timer I need to start adding actors so there are multiple in-game types of entities. First, I need a timer, because I just love timers. Even if it was just a single timer I'd be happy. They are extremely useful. ETimer::SetTimer(1.0f, TRUE, FUNCTION); A better example: // .. function to execute by the timer void TickSpecial(void) { printf("Tick Special\n"); } // .. looping timer Timers.SetTimer(1.0f, TRUE, TickSpecial); // .. void EGame::Unload(void) { Timers.StopTimers(); } There is still more I want to add to the timers but this is a good start. I'd also like to move them to threads to support multiple timer tasks. Cameras Cameras are interesting and always seems to be a topic around Werkspace. Cameras in this engine/framework are Actors and this should be interesting. Since cameras will extend actors I already have translation and rotation. // .. automatically done but an example[/i] - 0 is the framework camera layer to fetch Cameras.Add("Camera_1", 0); Cameras.Rotate("Camera_1", vec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); Next was to just add helper functions that are provided by LE, such as zoom, project, unproject, etc: // zoom with interp Cameras.SetZoom("Camera_1", 1.0f, 1.0f); // project vector project = Cameras.Project(vec3(MouseX(), MouseY(), 1000.0f); I shouldn't have a problem from here having any type of camera "mode" I would like to have. I will begin working on these once I get to detailed mechanics. Cameras are now working, along with timers, and now it's time to take a break. I may keep pushing forward but shortly I have to return to my other projects until I have time to return. Until next time, and thanks for reading.
  17. Paul Thomas

    And, Hello

    There are several here who already know me, but for those who don't, my name is Paul Thomas. I've been programming for a long time now; I started when I was 16 (I'm now 30) with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and CGI/Perl. Hell back then there wasn't a lot of people who even used the internet at home, lol. At least in my area, I'm sure others, especially in California, were a lot further ahead at that time in terms of technology and the interest in the technology. Through the years I've learned multiple languages from strictly web-based to software based. My interest in computers when I was 16 was to make a game, but at the time I thought it would have been much easier to prototype the whole idea in a web-based browser game. I had completed the browser game, which was the original "Eternal Crisis," and worked nicely. My plan was to update the entire web-based system, polish everything, and officially advertise (I had invited friends to play the game). That's when I learned about a "fried hard drive" and eventually learned about "backup" and how to install a hard drive. Those whom already know me, know what Eternal Crisis is, and my Blogger shows some of the history on that project. I had taken that project, along with another, over to Unreal Engine 3 because it best suit the project. Along the years of learning that engine I was using LE for prototyping ideas and so forth. While I'm not working on my own engine (temporarily titled "3D Dice"), FPS/RPG framework for UE3, or R.A.T.S., I work on my framework for Leadwerks Engine 2.5. I've never shared this framework before, in fact it always felt like I had to pull it out of a shallow grave each time I added to the framework design and programming. I'm a notebook junkie, I plan out mechanics, structures, and so forth on paper, before going over to digital. Old habbits that die hard I guess. Now I felt like sharing the progress, which isn't a lot, but it's a great start to me. It's a great start to me because it actually runs, lol. The state of the framework isn't even close to the final planned and written design, but progress is progress. Always move forward until it's finished, even if you can only pick that project up once every two weeks (by then I/you should probably take a look at your workload and fix it instead of attempting such project schedules; however this isn't vital to me and rates low on my importance scale), if it's updated then progress is moving forward. This is also harder to work with if you don't plan your software before actually programming (unless it's routine for you with available libraries for shortcuts in development). As most programmers should know, the programmers "update" isn't as glamorous as an artists "update" as it's not about visual stimulation but overall program/software flow. In the case of my LE framework (obviously untitled) it's all about providing mechanics and how that is achieved is important especially in the case of LUA access and how everything works together; from configuration/data management, to input binding, and all the way down to AI. Until occupied again by my other tasks I will eventually share the entire framework structure and I will always be showing examples of syntax; cause that's what programmers do. Just to clear the obvious questions that may come from the community: Q) Do I plan to give away code, the framework, and be an open source kind of person? A) No, not really. First of all, you would have to wait, to anyone else at the moment the framework is as useful is a partially finished library. How long you would have to wait would depend on how much time I can spend on the framework and in all honestly it's not much at all (read above, and actually read). Q) Do I plan to sell or lease the framework? A) No, don't think so. I even think that's against Leadwerks terms since it could be deemed an "FPS Creator," which is definitely in the terms. Q) Is my framework really that great? A) Nah, I mostly ramble, and I'm actually writing this to share with long time friends here at Leadwerks. Some won't even visit anywhere else to communicate because they are so used to using Leadwerks for that; it is indeed where we all met. Q) Who are my friends? A) I have none, it was a lie. Now, about this framework. This "framework" isn't the same, exactly, as the framework that comes with LE. The framework that comes with LE handles some dirty work for you when it comes to creating the worlds, cameras for those worlds, shader effects, and helper functions. The framework I'm designing is technically similar to a game engine. I personally consider Leadwerks Engine as a rendering API with physics and this framework uses that rendering API and provides mechanics. The mechanics the framework provides is what makes up the detail of the framework. INI SQL Application Graphics Game The above are considered "managers" in that they only handle what they should be managing. The "INI" only works with INI files, such as a configuration manager. The "SQL" only works with SQLite3, providing helper functions for easier SQL management, and so forth. There are more planned managers than the above, but these are what are completed in terms of programming. The only real interesting portion to discuss about the framework is within the "Game" manager itself. The game manager provides two special classes/managers; "Object" and "Actor." Actor inherits everything about an Object. What defines an Object is a game entity that is never interacted with by the player. Objects are useful as it can be used for multiple purposes without consuming a lot of resources for each "component" or "plugin" I'd like to add onto the framework. For example, a Timer would be an Object. You don't interact with a Timer in a game, but there is a timer running in the background. Example: class ETimer : public EObject { public: ETimer(void); virtual ~ETimer(void); void Initialize(void); void SetTimer(float StartTime); void StopTimer(); }; While working with the framework you would do something similar to: // EGame::EObject // EGame::Objects EObject Objects; // .. ETimer Timer; Objects.Add("Timer", Timer); // .. ETimer Timer = Objects.Get("Timer"); Timer.StartTimer(0.0); // .. Timer.StopTimer(); // inherited by EObject Timer.Unload(); An Actor inherits everything that defines an Object. The difference between the two is that an Actor is something that a player could see, hear, interact with, or can move, rotate, and so forth. If you can see how this is all going, everything starts extending the Actor, such as the character, weapon, or items. Here are some examples of working with Actors in the framework: // EGame::Actors Actors.Add("oilbarrel", "oilbarrel.gmf"); // .. Actors.Rotate("oilbarrel", vec3(10.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f)); // .. Actors.Translate("oilbarrel", vec3(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // .. EActor barrel = Actors.Get("oilbarrel"); // rotate with interpolation barrel.Rotate(vec3(1.0f), 0.1f); barrel.Translate(vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 0.1f); // .. EActor Barrel; // new name Barrel.Name = "barrel01"; // new mesh Barrel.LoadMesh("oildrum.gmf"); Actors.Edit("oilbarrel", Barrel); A quick overview of an Actor: //EActor ID Name Tag Parent Location Rotation Mesh Sounds Particles Each Actor can also have children which are also Actors. This provides another version of parent/child relationships but also provides additional benefits which will be discussed in later blogs. The ID and Name variables are provided by Object and the Object provides more variables, but is listed for importance. When creating an Actor it is automatically tagged for unique identification. In the above example "oilbarrel" is actually stored as "oilbarrel_0" and simply incremented for each Actor that is created. This is identified by the Actors "Tag". The "Name" variable is a forced name, therefore searching for an Actor by the name, with more than one Actor having the same name, the first result is returned. Actors will be automatically created properly for each entity in a scene. The framework will be using a custom scene manager and handles initial Actor creation. Programmers/Scripters can then add to the Actors list with C++ or LUA like the above examples. class MyGame : public EGame { public: void Load(void); void Update(float DeltaTime); // .. void MyGame::Load(void) { Actors.Add("custom_actor", "mymesh.gmf", "force_tag_name"); EActor actor = Actors.Get("custom_actor"); EActor actorCopy = Actors.GetTag("force_tag_name"); actor.Translate(vec3(0.0f)); } void MyGame::Update(float DeltaTime) { EActor actor = Actors.Get("custom_actor"); // interp move with speed and threshold option actor.Move(vec3(10.0f), 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.35f); } }; In upcoming blogs, when I do get the time, I'll post up some videos. Those selected for the invite only alpha testing will get their information on how to use the framework. Friends of mine that didn't get an invite and are interested in alpha testing please private message me; I most likely didn't send you the information because I figured you were busy with your own project(s). Well, out of time. Thanks for reading.
  18. I thought I'd spend a little more time on this integration, using the laptop whilst watching the Olympics. The next phase was to automate the routines for NPC update and compacting the code routines. Ultimately, the idea is that after the scene is loaded, it will be parsed and flagged Dark AI objects, NPC's, Paths and Zones will be set up automatically via information taken from the relative lua scripts. Paths and Zones will be later, collision objects are done, so I was working on how to go about NPC's using this method. As some may have noticed I am using the FPSC Model Pack 53 characters. I converted about 5 or 6 characters to Leadwerks format and all the weapons for this exercise. I will eventually convert them all but I hand "prune" the bones of the rig and that takes longer than I want to spend at any one time on this side project. The FSM is still very basic but the first goal was to derive a current Animation state with each of those states having sub-FSM's to dictate the current behaviour based on the previous state and internal and external inputs. The framework is in place for the animation state which is derived by performing Boolean logic on returned values and strings from the Dark AI runtime and some stubs are in place nested inside for some basic behavioural sub-FSM's. First though I want to able to set up the scene and then place all the Dark AI objects, NPC's, Paths and Zones directly in the editor and then use the load routines to set all that up in an automagic way inside the application. The collisional objects were easy and are done with some simple tick box flagging functionality added to their property scripts. The NPC's a little more in depth , due mainly to the large amount of usable settings! lol. But I wanted to be able to place the model and then assign it some basic attributes to be read on load, this included what weapon to attach. So that was the basic NPC property script setup (wasn't that painful anyway). So using the test scene from Leadwerks 2.5x + DarkBasic's Dark AI [Part 2], and placing a few enemies and some friendly's to look after the player, this is the result of the current stage reached in the integration.
  19. After the first hour and a half I spent on this little exercise, I followed it up with another couple of hours. The basic integration now has an animation FSM. All still pretty crude and basic but a template to build on at some later date. The NPC's Entity script controls the models animation routines and gun attachment, the c++ application interfaces with the Dark AI library, and then uses messaging to communicate with the NPC Entity via lua script. Again this was just more experimentation and practice for me using c++ to build up techniques that will be beneficial later. Special thanks to Pixel Perfect for pointing out the error in my ways with regard to text strings in c++. Anyway this is the result, I just threw in some values for speed and animation blending off the top of my head just to test the FSM functionality, it will need those tweaking, thats for sure. I'd have posted some pictures, but I seem to only have 7k of space left in the blog section, not sure why, as it was over 200MB last time I did an entry here and not just a link to an entry on my off site blog.
  20. If you are thinking about using Dark AI as a cheap option for an AI solution and are wondering how to use both LE2.5x and Dark AI together then I suggest the best way to think about how to interface the two, is to think along the lines of how EKI One works, where you have two parallel but identical worlds running at runtime and the interface is the channeling of information between "identical twins" with one twin in the "AI world" and the other in the "Game world", that is what one "twin" is doing in the "AI world" the other is mirroring in the "Game world", the interface merely opens a line of communication between them so they know what each other are up to. The "Game world" is the physical world in which the player interacts, but the "AI world" is merely a "ghost world" that overlays it. Sounds more complex than it really is. Most of the commands for Dark AI relating to collision objects can be used, except the couple that relate specifically to DBobjects and levels. None of the debug commands are of use as they will probably rely on a DX7/DX9 drawing context and not an OpenGL one like LE2.5x. The good news, the other 128 commands should all work via some good interfacing, which will require a good working knowledge of the LE API and a good understanding of what those Dark AI commands actually do. Although there are some automatic behaviours from which information can be retrieved and used in the interfacing to LE, the best option I would think is to create NPC types/classes and use FSM's in conjunction with the Dark AI command set to create behaviours, it gives more control and should allow a higher level of complexity in behaviour. Just remember, you get what you pay for! You can download a demo of Dark AI working in DarkBasic Pro here, should give you some idea of what to expect. Of course, NPC entities (and objects) can all be tied to the integration with lua scripting allowing placeholder placement in the editor, with settings and values passed to the application for each when loading the scene. As I said this was just an hour and half's work, an experiment to see if it could be used. Blog entry: http://www.leadwerks...-dark-ai-daile/ Demo of DAILE WASD to move the player, mouse look, mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Note: There is no physics collision between the player and the obstacles, this is intentional and was used to check the virtual boundaries worked with the NPC's (that is, although the player could pass through them the AI had to plot a course around). NPC1-3 : Freindlys that will follow the player and defend him. NPC4 : Enemy that defends the circled zone when the player enters it. NPC5-6 : Enemies that are set to chase and attack (and search for) the player and his allies. NPC7-15 : Neutrals who will just move about.
  21. I am currently working with EKI One, working through its format and structure, getting to grips with the lua behavioural scripting side and trying to brush up on my c++ skills, actually brushing up on my c++ skills is an overstatement as I don't actually have any to brush up! .. lol, I have also been going through my Blitzmax code and trying to compile all the game mechanic functions and methods into a single .mod, trying to keep things tidy. Whilst going through my **** drive, I mean, my well organised storage drive, I found some DarkBasic/DarkGDK stuff, which included the Dark AI library. I have never really used DarkGDK, although I did start out a few years back with DarkBasic. So I wondered (as you do), could it be utilised in LE2.5? Having never used Dark AI (which came in a bundle, that I have never used either, but it was a bargain lol) I knew that R.T.F.M. would be in order. If it relied solely on DBobjects and inherent DarkBasic functionality then probably not. I spent half an hour looking through the commands, and an hour later had it working in an LE context. So to answer the question, it seems you can. I'd have upped a better quality image but I am told "You can upload up to 7.74K of files " Its all a work in progress, and probably will remain that way as its certainly nowhere near the solution that EKI One is, but as an exercise it wasn't a bad use of a few hours. I will post a demo in the showcase later for those interested. EDIT : Demo posted here : http://www.leadwerks...-ai/#entry45564
  22. I'm about to attempt to create a simple model in Maya 2013 and texture it using vertex coloring. What I want to do is be able to procedurally texture the model via code and a shader using vertex painting. In Maya I will define the color of the vertex's and then supply the textures in the shader at runtime. For example a 2D plane model: x = a vertex x---x---x | \ | / | x---x---x | / | \ | x---x---x I want each of the verts to have their own color that I can assign a texture to in runtime. In this thread I'd like to ask if anyone has been able to do this successfully from Maya? Any other advice?
  23. Hi all, I'm new to C++ and having a bit of trouble compiling the basic LEBuilder Gamelib project. I added all the include/search directories and now I receive these build errors: Also note: I haven't changed anything to the files. The Error occurs on the last line in the .cpp; RunClass(main). ||=== main, Release ===| C:Programmingprojects_codeblocksbasic_frameworkmainsourcesrcmain.cpp||In function 'int main(int, char**)':| C:Programmingprojects_codeblocksbasic_frameworkmainsourcesrcmain.cpp|32|error: expected ';' before 'app'| C:Programmingprojects_codeblocksbasic_frameworkmainsourcesrcmain.cpp|32|warning: statement is a reference, not call, to function 'main'| C:Programmingprojects_codeblocksbasic_frameworkmainsourcesrcmain.cpp|32|warning: statement has no effect| C:Programmingprojects_codeblocksbasic_frameworkmainsourcesrcmain.cpp|32|error: 'app' was not declared in this scope| ||=== Build finished: 2 errors, 2 warnings ===| the RunClass() definition in Application.h namespace GameLib { #define RunClass(UserApp,...) int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /*chdir(__VA_ARGS__);*/ UserApp app(argc,argv); app.Load(); app.Run(); return app.GetResult(); } the .h #pragma once #include "GameLib.h" // GameLib #define APPNAME "main" #define APPVER "" class main : public Application { public: main(int argc, char* argv[]); // Constructor void RenderActive3D(); // Overridden 3D rendering void RenderActive2D(); // Overridden 2D rendering Cube cube, ground; // Create cube and ground void Load(); // Overridden scene loading and population stuff Material material; // Material for cube and ground DirectionalLight sun; // Create sun }; the .cpp #include "main.h" main::main(int argc, char* argv[]): Application("data",APPNAME" "APPVER) { // TODO: Add stuff here which is done once per application launch } void main::Load() { game.scene.cam.Move(0,0,-2); sun.Turn(Vec3(45)); material.Load("Models/CobbleStones/CobbleStones.mat"); cube.Paint(material); ground.Paint(material); ground.Scale(Vec3(10,1,10)); ground.SetPosition(Vec3(0,-2,0)); } void main::RenderActive3D() { if(Keyboard::I****()) Quit(); double n=AppSpeed(); cube.Turn(n,n*2,0); } void main::RenderActive2D() { Draw::Text(50,50,"%0.0f",FPS()); } RunClass(main);
  24. It was a long time since I used 3D World Studio. I re-installed on my Windows 7 64bit and found that its not running at all. Absolutely nothing happens when I try to run it. Have tested with compability mode for XP SP2, XP SP3 and Run as Administrator. Nothing helps. I have version 3.53. Anyone having the same problem or is there a newer version available?
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