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Everything posted by Brutile

  1. I have an idea. I'll put into pseudo code, then I'll try to figure it out in code. for all connecting vertices, find the closest point along that line to the hit point. If the distance between that point and the hit point is < 96 / 2 then don't spawn object. Edit: We would also need to ignore the line that goes diagonally.
  2. Try turning the specularity down
  3. This code will do a basic job of doing what you want, but it has limitations. local hitPos = pickInfo.position local surface = pickInfo.surface local canPlace = true for v = 0, surface:CountVertices() - 1 do local vertPos = surface:GetVertexPosition(v) if hitPos:DistanceToPoint(vertPos) < (0.96 / 2) then canPlace = false end end print(canPlace)
  4. Try creating a new project and follow these steps: 1. Create empty project. 2. Create a floor. 3. Create a box on the foor. 4. Apply the default grass material to both. 5. Set the grass material's diffuse alpha to 0 (the 4th value) 6. Download the SSLR shader. 7. Add the shader to the scene root. If that doesn't work, then something is wrong, because I did just that and it works fine. And make sure to pan the camera in different angles, as it's only visible in certain angles.
  5. What are the assumptions being made? Are all the surfaces square? Are the surfaces CSG? or does it need to check for any possible surface? Edit: And what about the model being placed? Is that just a flat plane, or can this be a complex object?
  6. Oh, okay. I didn't fully understand what you are doing. So by my understanding, AABB is only calculated if an object is in the world. That's why you're getting 0,0,0; 0,0,0
  7. I've attached some images that will help to setup the shader. Keep in mind that some materials, such as ones with lots of bumpiness will show less reflection, as they are not flat. Let me know if anything is unclear. Edit: And I didn't even need photoshop or GIMP, or any other software to use it.
  8. You can't expect everything to work out of the box. Some assets require some work to setup for your specific need. And it is a free asset, so don't expect the creator to keep it up to date and provide a detailed documentation. I'm just grateful that they put this out for people to use freely. If this was a paid asset on the other hand, I would expect them to help out. I'm going to install this shader and try to help you out. I'll do my best to understand it and help you use it.
  9. World pick is a bit different: Pick(const Vec3& p0, const Vec3& p1, PickInfo& pickinfo, float radius=0.0, bool closest=false, int collisiontype=0)
  10. Is this what you're looking for? http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/surface/surfacegetaabb-r235 Or do you want something that finds the area of just certain faces of the mesh
  11. If you click the root in your scene panel, you will see some settings. Post processing effects is one of them. This is where you add your effects. As far as I know, you need to add the .lua version of the shader, not the .shader file. It sounds like there is also a custom shader for the material, but I don't know for sure until I try to use it myself.
  12. Leadwerks doesn't use a set FPS value. There is a playback speed when you play the animation, so you can use any. As for the weapon going through walls, I believe you can fix this by using 2 worlds. One world will have your gun, and the other world will have everything else. I did this in a previous project, but can't remember exactly how I did it. I just know it can be done like this.
  13. Usage: 1. Use as very first postprocess shader 2. Use entity alpha or material alpha to control reflection power. Did you do this? And do you have AMD or NVIDIA?
  14. I don't want to replace GetSpeed(), and I don't want to start an argument over what "makes more sense". I'd like to see both available, and for people to choose what they'd rather use.
  15. You would setup your GUI to allow the user to change the values, whether it is using simple textboxes or fancy sliders. You would then save a config file using File System.
  16. It's not on a single face. Look at the inside of the door frame. This was my original question.
  17. Wait... Is the SSLR shader for post processing or for a material? I've never actually seen it before.
  18. Ok, maybe I over exaggerated about it not being useful, but it just makes more sense to say "I want to move this object x meters per second"
  19. you probably added the .shader file to the post processing shaders. You need to add the .lua file for it to work.
  20. Does 3D Coat have rigging and animation? Also, what's the hard surface modeling like?
  21. From what I can tell, no you don't need to be a company. There is a tick box that asks if you are a company, but I don't think you need to tick it to submit the item. Just leave it unticked.
  22. Can the Time class get a delta time added to it please? GetSpeed is really confusing, and isn't very useful. Also, people transitioning from Unity would understand this a lot better. It wouldn't be very difficult, you could just write a small function that returned: 1.0 / Time:UPS() Then you could just go: timer = timer + Time.deltaTime and the time will count up in seconds, regardless of the frame rate
  23. I've had my eye on this one for a while. Might be worth checking out. It's basically the free version of zBrush http://pixologic.com/sculptris/
  24. Just keep in mind, you won't be able to sell anything made in the standard version of 3D-Coat.
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