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Everything posted by Brutile

  1. But this is only happening with water right? Maybe there's just something in the water's shader that isn't compatible with AMD. If we can narrow it down to a line of code, then it will help AMD to find the issue.
  2. You can lower the volume using this http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/api-reference/_/source/sourcesetvolume-r318
  3. If I'm not mistaken, the mouse pointer is only from the recording software. It records it whether its hidden or not
  4. Not sure how much help I can be with this, but does this happen with just a camera and a CSG floor? You say it happens with the water and day night cycle, so it's possible it could just be an issue with one of these things.
  5. - Some wood chip particle effects would be good. - Maybe the tree could break into wood logs that you can collect. - The tree could have different stages of damage where it would look partly chopped. Looking good so far
  6. But the problem is; the player and enemy both use SetInput to move, and the player has a much higher mass and movement speed, so therefore the player should be able to push the enemy, not just get stuck on it.
  7. Ah, I see. You should use black fog to make it look like the screenshot above. I'm pretty sure Shadmar has made a fog shader you can use.
  8. So... You want light, but don't want light. And you want colored light, but don't want colored light. I'm confused O.o Is it emissive materials you're after, so it only affects the torches?
  9. Terrains will always have the same poly count, as they are using a heighmap, but since Leadwerks uses that anti-texture-stretch thing, it may be slightly move expensive. I doubt it would be worth worrying about though.
  10. The example you specified would look like (you don't need the comments, but I use them so I know which is which): --brush prop = 10 Collision:SetResponse(10, Collision.Debris, Collision.Collide) Just list them out as you need them. By default they should all be set to Collision.None, so you don't need to write them all out, but sometimes it helps to understand what is colliding and what isn't. Then assign the type to your object: self.entity:SetCollisionType(10)
  11. You can define your own collision types http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/11744-defining-new-collision-constantstypes/#entry84834 And yes, the 'prop' object would collide with 'debris' according to the collision chart
  12. I'm not sure how well this would work with physics and collision, but you could probably get away with using Move, Translate, or just SetPosition
  13. I have a player and an enemy. The player has a mass of 10 and the enemy has a mass of 1. When the enemy isn't moving, I can push it, but if the enemy is moving using GoToPoint or SetInput, it doesn't budge. But if it is in the air, I can. Anyone know why? Or how to fix this? It's not a huge deal, but if it's a bug, then it's better to get it out there.
  14. I tried everything to fix this, but nothing worked. I created a test player entity with the same properties as my player and it worked. I was so confused. I ended up re-saving my player prefab to tweak some settings. Still nothing, so I deleted it and put the prefab back exactly how it was. THEN IT WORKED! It turned out to be some bug with Leadwerks, but unfortunately I have no idea how to replicate the bug.
  15. You could try to reduce the camera range. Just make sure any long/large areas don't get cut off.
  16. This is the full script Script.player = nil --Entity "Player" Script.enemyPath = "" --path "Enemy Prefab" "Prefab (*.pfb):pfb|Prefabs" Script.spawnRate = 5 --float "Initial Spawn Rate" Script.spawnVariation = 0.25 --float "Spawn Variation" Script.spawnAmount = 5 --int "Initial Spawn Amount" Script.spawnTimer = 0 function Script:Start() self.spawnTimer = self.spawnRate end function Script:UpdateWorld() local deltaTime = (1.0 / Time:UPS()) if self.spawnTimer <= 0 and self.spawnAmount > 0 then self.spawnTimer = self.spawnRate self.spawnAmount = self.spawnAmount - 1 if self.enemyPath ~= "" then local prefab = Prefab:Load(self.enemyPath) if prefab ~= nil then if prefab.script ~= nil then if self.player ~= nil and self.player.script ~= nil then prefab.script.target = self.player.script end prefab:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true), true) prefab:SetRotation(self.entity:GetRotation(true), true) else prefab:Release() end end end else self.spawnTimer = self.spawnTimer - deltaTime end end It is an enemy spawner that spawns enemies and sets their target as the player. It tries to spawn an enemy and set the script after 5 seconds, so the player script is definitely being loaded first. I'm really not sure why this would happen
  17. I have a script that grabs the player entity as a value: Script.player = nil --Entity "Player" The player gets assigned in the scene properties. This succeeds: if self.player ~= nil then end But this doesn't: if self.player.script ~= nil then end The player definitely has a script, and I've accessed the script the same way by passing it directly. But using the properties panel to set the player, it doesn't work.
  18. I've also noticed this, even with relatively simple scenes. The rendering performance does leave a lot to be desired, even though there are a number of optimizations in the engine. Something just doesn't seem right. You can paint outside walls with the Caulk material. That way they are not rendered or have collision, but keep in mind, doing so may let light into rooms that shouldn't have light going into them.
  19. If you open the monster model (not the prefab) and go into the animation tab, you will see these animations listed.
  20. I tried to code up an example, but in doing do, I decided to just write an entire RTS camera that should do what you want it to do. You can get it here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=617085158 (It may not be available yet, as I only just submitted it) Have a look at the script and see how to do it, or you may find that it does what you want it to do. If it is missing something, just let me know (As long as it's not too complicated)
  21. It should just be a matter of centering the root bone in every keyframe that you have set.
  22. Does you character move in the animation? Make sure the character walks on the spot and doesn't move away from center.
  23. You can also center the pivot in Blender (which is what you are using). It should just be a matter of moving the model to the center of the scene, then with the 3d cursor at 0,0,0, set the origin to 3d cursor.
  24. All the objects in the world will be removed when you change the map (afaik), but if you store variables that aren't in objects in the world, eg. the Main.lua script, these should stay when you change map.
  25. That may be something I could help out with. What would it involve on my part? Would you be specializing in a specific area? I do work full time though, so would only be able to work on it a few hours a day.
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