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Everything posted by DudeAwesome

  1. http://www.allegorithmic.com/technology/substance-engine superawesome to push AAA graphics straight forward into the leadwerks creation/dev pipeline by using substances. its also xplattform compatible just think about the cool stuff that could be created with substances like dynamic effects for the workshop. would be amazing
  2. dont forget the silencers
  3. not really important but just to have one more information about polygon count. in one of my computer graphical lessons there was a chart that said the polygon count will be increased by 25% per year for AAA Stuff (in relationship with increased hardwarepower) so if 10.000 is a good default value this year, next year its ~ 12.500 and so on
  4. then use CurveAngle. I used it also for smooth turn rotation but there is maybe some kind of bad behavior (depends what you are doing) eg. if you have a line between 2 points (lol obvious) the entity will face B if A is startpoint. this is right and working well but if you have walls or a labyrinth the entity is facing the endpoint all the time by walking to trough the labyring (it looks like the entity is using wallhack ). So if your entity is moving into the labyrinth you have to create more points because your GoToPoint == LookAtPoint. you can also seperate both points and calculate the look to directions with the MoveDirectionAngle
  5. I think the best and fastest way is using tesselation for models. So you dont have to care about the polycount and have to edit the models all the time and do the reimport stuff again and again. just increase the tesselation. I would like to quote mitchel from valve here: Jason Mitchell von Valve: „Uns interessiert die Möglichkeit, Objekte zu erstellen, die auf- und abwärts skaliert werden können. Wir wollen ein Modell einmal erstellen und es dann auf Filmqualität skalieren können… und andererseits soll die Qualität von Objekten abwärts skaliert werden können, um das Rendern in Echtzeit auf möglichst vielen Systemen zu ermöglichen. " my translation: Jason Mitchel valve: "We are interested in the opportunity to create objects that can be scaled up and down. We like to create a model once to scale it up to cinema quality.... otherwise it should be possible to scale down the quality to render the objects in realtime for much systems as possible. source: http://www.nvidia.de/object/tessellation_de.html edit: also take a look into Rastars awesome work with a terrain tesselation. so the terrain is upscaled all the time in your area but the area far far away is downscaled. blog: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/blog/117/entry-1171-teaser-from-tron-land/
  6. peer 2 peer integrated? dafuq? never heard about that. use raknet for networking.
  7. mhmm not have used GoToPoint a lot yet but never noticed jittering. also Input stuff works smooth for me. the Leadwerks 3.1 game demo also use that functions and everything is fine. do you have a screen or small video what exactly you mean?
  8. what exactly you mean? to turn the entities smoothly to the directions? I if yes http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/math/mathcurveangle-r603 http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/page/documentation/_/command-reference/math/mathdeltaangle-r593 but you have to calculate the angle to the GoToPoint-Point from the entity
  9. yeah its superhard SetParent you need to read the docu for this and edit one line of code!
  10. is there a way to use functions from the 3 frameworks in the 3.1 lua/cpp version without reimport every framework again? The frameworks should be integrated in the engine I guess and I would like to use some functions from newton, openAL/GL to create some own functionality. Maybe I´m wrong but importing e.g. openAL again into leadwerks would be a semi optimal just because I want to do some more advanced stuff with my audio files.
  11. DudeAwesome


    mhmm I dont know what I see there in the videos. I see a level. a fps controller and a robot. I think the coding time should take <1 day. gfx looks all like the same. what is this for a gametype?
  12. Hi guys, me again. I´m thinking about bullet time. Think most of you know the matrix movies. there was also a HL2 Bullet Time Mod ( ) and I´m thinking about to add something like this into my prototype but I have no clue how I can realise this in theory with the leadwerks api. It should be possible to slow down the 3d objects (not all. player moves normal) and slow down the audio (maybe use pitch here) any clue how I can manipulate the "Time" ?
  13. can you use the code tag to format your code? it helps to read the code
  14. yeah shader docs would be very helpful.
  15. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/8744-leadwerks-30-day-trial-where-is-it/#entry67623 he answered march not maybe march. march. so ~2 weeks
  16. 3.1 indie edition (lua only) is out. the standard version should be available this month. but I doubt that all bugs are fixed until the release this month
  17. yeah "just" wait... some day it will be available
  18. yougroove this question has been asked so often here, please. self.window = Window:Create(title,0,0,x,y,Window.FullScreen)
  19. You Need a function that returns which Key was pressed. There is no function for this in the API for now so you have to Check every Key in One Loop by yourself (KeyHit()) I would do it this way: i have a file (i like xml) with the default Key configuration. You need a file here because this should be persistent. A Script reads the file and sets the command for each Key. If you want to change the configuration You Need to overwrite the configfile and read it again
  20. 3. there is! If you install the game you see a leadwerks banner. No clue how to change this
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