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Everything posted by VeTaL

  1. Just wanted to quickly add this feature: planning to build a demo this holidays Anyone care to share?
  2. Yeah, something like that btw, is there a default material for non-textured chaacters, but with skinning? Just to use it in combination with U3D
  3. Tried to do this, got my bones moves, but not polygons... looking like i'm missing something simple SoulHigh_Attachtest_pers.rar
  4. VeTaL

    GPU texture paint

    And, as i understand, its bad choise for instanced buildings?
  5. http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3543-gpu-texture-paint/ Continue with example
  6. // I only use Fortran because it's faster Looking like i know, who will select this one I think that samples are missing: it will be nice to have a sample of simple editor, for example... with loading/moving/saving models
  7. But with crawler this sample is ok
  8. While reading this document ( http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=23232 ) found some screenshots with ugly render... Got an idea that it would be cool to set 1 parameter to "low-end render" and see fast result with OpenGL1... and then, set that line to "hi-end render" and see full version with all posteffects
  9. //Need to have a near-finished game then you present it to Valve and they decide whether they will put it on Steam. If you're accepted, you sign an NDA and they give you Steamworks. Thanks for info
  10. Was trying to paint subj. Wanted to use this as 1) drawing blood on the armor (see Dragon Age: origins) 2) drawing different types of light armor on body (see Dungeon Siedge 1 (probably 2-3 too, but its good to see this effect in DS 1)) So, now i have 2 types of textures: TTexture originTex = LoadTexture("color.dds"); TTexture colorTex = LoadTexture("color_red.dds"); But have that strange atrifacts Press 1 to set 1 texture, press 2 to set second one.
  11. Looking like yesterday i tested "..\Content\Models.pak" *tired*
  12. Em... well, i managed this to work, but after moving Models.pak to bin folder. if Models.pak in in ..\Content - i still got a zip error i'll test this on small project - looking like its bug
  13. Any info about how to get Steamworks?
  14. i have 5 folders: Models, Maps, Sounds and so on... wanted to compress them in one pak - get "zip error" Wanted at least to compress Models - the same error again 0_0 tried to rename to SetZipStreamPassword("Models.pak","12345"); all the same
  15. Again the same trouble... Added usual Light folder to Content.pak which is renamed ZIP-file. Password is 12345 Got in console Added SetZipStreamPassword("Content.pak","12345"); to different places in code - no effect wth... Content.pak
  16. VeTaL

    River Editor

    Any chances of sharing this?
  17. //Is there a cookie-cutter way to do such a thing? Or does every one, from indie to big name AAA studios, just reinvent the wheel everytime they need a gun to fire at other entities/actors/whateveryoucallthem? well, Newton allows you to get hited entity eithry by ray or the physical bullet.
  18. //eg I will convert my Sceneloader to Blitzmax and export the functions via dll. Any chance to get normal C++ DLL?
  19. In that post i was talking about something like this TVec3 restPos = EntityPosition( m_handRest, 1); TVec3 handPos = EntityPosition( m_handTrigger, 1); float diffx = handPos.X - restPos.X; float diffy = handPos.Y - restPos.Y; float diffz = handPos.Z - restPos.Z; AlignToVector( m_entity, Vec3(diffx,diffy,diffz),3 ); TVec3 pos = EntityPosition(m_entity,1); trigPos = EntityPosition(m_triggerBone,1); diffx = pos.X - trigPos.X; diffy = pos.Y - trigPos.Y; diffz = pos.Z - trigPos.Z; trigPos = EntityPosition( m_handTrigger, 1); trigPos.X += diffx; trigPos.Y += diffy; trigPos.Z += diffz; PositionEntity(m_entity, trigPos, 1); Source
  20. Thanks for links, i'll look through them. //if you are just after the texture, could you not just use a combination of pick.surface, GetSurfaceMaterial(), and GetMaterialTexture()? err.. what? )
  21. VeTaL


    Yep, there were some problems with rendering
  22. VeTaL


    For now, i'm using 2 GUIs: 1. ImGui (taken from raycast lib, and, to be correct, from Chris Paulson's Game ) pros: its extremely simple, fast and code-driven. negs: it doesnt support skins, so it cant be end-user UI add: in combination with _raise/_event system (i tried to find, where i got it, but wasn't scusessed), it makes creation of debug panels extremely simple: 1) its needed to inherit from GameObject: PlayerManager : public GameObject 2) its needed to define 3 virtual functions virtual void UpdateEvent( float gameLoopTime); virtual void RenderEvent( float gameLoopTime); virtual void RenderGuiEvent( float gameLoopTime); 3) its needed to define RenderGuiEvent, which would be called every frame while drawing gui void PlayerManager::RenderGuiEvent( float gameLoopTime ) { imguiBeginScrollArea("Player debug", 800, 10, 200, 200, &_debugScroll); if (_controller) { _playerPos = EntityPosition(_controller); sprintf(_debugBuf, "playerX: %f", _playerPos.X ); imguiValue( _debugBuf ); sprintf(_debugBuf, "playerY: %f", _playerPos.Y ); imguiValue( _debugBuf ); sprintf(_debugBuf, "playerZ: %f", _playerPos.Z ); imguiValue( _debugBuf ); imguiSeparator(); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } and thats all! 2. CeGui (i already had realization, but also nice tutorial was found here) pros: it supports skins and layout editor cons: its not so simple and flexible, it contains its own realisation of XML-parser, input and a lot of garbage add: after some additional work (well, you can just close your eyes at the structure of CEGUI and use it as "black box"), you can get nice UI for end-user. What are you thinking about it?
  23. Troubles with picture, as for me PS: its ok now
  24. Yeah, crawler is a star nowadays xD And what about scripting in C# ?
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