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Everything posted by VeTaL

  1. Tried DevIL loader (http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/OpenGL+Image+Loader+Using+DevIL+Image+Library ) - still the same result: have an exception and cant see button picture, only text
  2. Wow, you had almost saved my day! Extremelly simple and well-commented code. Okay, now i have clear picture without gray blooring (but without button: for now i used "leglBegin(NULL); *** leglEnd(false);") But i still handle exception if (mSizeInBytes != (size_t)bufferSize) { destroy(); MYGUI_PLATFORM_EXCEPT("Data size is mismatch with input array"); } Edited: i think, i need to do something in constructor, as const MyGUI::IntSize& siz = mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->getViewSize(); returns 0,0 to me Edited2: yeaah I added mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->setViewSize(1024,768); to the constructor and now i can see text now xD now, i need to enable textures and fix crash in destructor Edited3: and what is leglBindTexture() for? Edited4: Looking like i'm closer and closer: just need to debug void OpenGLRenderManager::drawOneFrame() and compare my and working version
  3. Original post is here ( http://www.ogre3d.org/addonforums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13968 ), maybe someone from this forum had already tried to use MyGUI with LE and faced the same problem: Have 2 questions: 1) when i'm trying to render something (single button or simple example), i got this: Is it familiar to you? What can be the reason? 2) i catch exception when shuting down MyGui. Call stack: 1) i got something like that on my laptop even when i was trying to launch your examples. When i tried them on computer, examples works fine, but when i tried to launch mygui in my engine, this happens again. Constructor is: MyGuiManager::MyGuiManager(void) { Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput m_gdiplusStartupInput; Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&m_pGdiToken, &m_gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); mPlatform = new MyGUI::OpenGLPlatform(); mPlatform->initialise(this); mPlatform->getDataManagerPtr()->addResourceLocation("..//Assets//MyGUI_Media", false); mGUI = new MyGUI::Gui(); mGUI->initialise("MyGUI_Core.xml"); mInfo = new diagnostic::StatisticInfo(); mFocusInfo = new diagnostic::InputFocusInfo(); MyGUI::ButtonPtr button = mGUI->createWidget<MyGUI::Button>( "Button", 10, 10, 300, 26, MyGUI::Align::Center, "Main"); button->setCaption("exit"); button->setVisible(true); So i hope to see a simple button, not a halfly-blurred screen. 2) Text of exception: Test_d.exe has triggered a breakpoint It happens here: if (mSizeInBytes != (size_t)bufferSize) { destroy(); MYGUI_PLATFORM_EXCEPT("Data size is mismatch with input array"); } MyGUI::OpenGLVertexBuffer::create() Line 100 MyGUI_OpenGLVertexBuffer.cpp //because you are trying to shut down MyGUI after render or in the middle of render process. Quite strange. the main structure is like this: while(!AppTerminate() && !_isQuit) { TimeManager.Update(); InputManager.Update(); *** MyGUImanager.Render(); } So it shouldn't want to destruct while rendering. Destructor is: MyGuiManager::~MyGuiManager(void) { mGUI->shutdown(); delete mGUI; mGUI = 0; mPlatform->shutdown(); delete mPlatform; mPlatform = 0; Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown(m_pGdiToken); } Update function is: void MyGuiManager::Render() { if (mPlatform) mPlatform->getRenderManagerPtr()->drawOneFrame(); }
  4. VeTaL

    Decals again

    btw, there is usable PlayerController class inside
  5. VeTaL

    Decals again

    This is my solution and video of crash: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heo9ow3L8-0 I create that cube to be sure that linepick works correctly: after second click in another point cube moves there, but decal may be left on the first point. Idk why ingame video is looking too fast, but you can note that decals are not visible and no errors (except final crash) Uploaded wrong archive... 0_0 Also, got crash while load EXE file... what is going on with my notebook? Re-uploaded archive, get it from fresh 2.40 (even with new newton.dll)
  6. VeTaL

    Decals again

    I tested this code //m_decalPos = TFormPoint(Vec3(pick.X,pick.Y,pick.Z), NULL, pick.entity); m_decalPos = Vec3(pick.X,pick.Y,pick.Z); TMesh _Decal = CreateDecal(pick.surface, m_decalPos, 20.0/16.0, 32); EntityParent(_Decal , pick.entity, 0); PaintEntity(_Decal , LoadMaterial("abstract::dev_decal.mat")); AddMesh(_Decal , pick.entity); and sometimes got a crash _Decal is "badPtr", sometimes right after starting level, sometimes after 20 shot.
  7. VeTaL

    Decals again

    Continue developing weapons... I saw some threads about decals, tried them, but engine cant find "bullethole.mat" ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/2786-decals-on-surface-from-bullets/ ) or cant render "dev_decal.mat" (i found this material in Decals folder, but can see nothing after shooting) I would try to make my own decal material from this http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/439-are-decals-working-in-2-3/page__view__findpost__p__4152 but just interested: is there "official" way how to create decals in 2.40?
  8. PS: Newton 2.25 features looking nice, especially about multithreading.
  9. Looking nice, macklebee. I just want to implement both type of bullets: raycast and physical... So, i'll try Newton 2.22, but its strange that Josh didnt add it to Leadwerks. //It also fix a bug with continue collision when convex shape has a center of mass far away from the geometrical origin. "Has a centre of mass far away". I saw this note, but didnt think that its important as my bullets have center of mass inside.
  10. http://www.adrianboeing.com/pal/index.html#intro Wow, very interesting project.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwrPA7n9ISg When i fire cube into scene objects, cube collide with oildrum, fall on the floor and lay still. When cube dont collide with oildrum, it falls through floor. PS: i forgot to enable debug mode: physic bodies are in 10 times smaller than graphic cubes.
  12. As i remember correctly, in Newton, there is function that adds additional calculations for fast-moving bodies, like bullets. For example, if i fire little entity now (like bullet), sometimes it fells through walls and level (but sometimes not). It was called like LongCollisionMode, or something like that, i really forget it
  13. thanks to Deluvas for his time, trouble was in old assets that i used in my main project (i think that, because i created new test scene and got sprites to work)
  14. Heeeey... How can i get access to transparent world in Framewerk?
  15. Had the same problem too, also their official e-mail sends me errors about delivering mail.
  16. I have some ideas about creating virtual disc and loading assets there in second thread, and then load from virtual disc to Leadwerks, but now sure that it would work and haven't enough time: i may show demo with sawless world this weekend. So i would very appreciate to Josh, if he would write Leadwerks functions for loading from memory, it may takes not more than some hours.
  17. Damned... Josh, but what about second solution in post #11? I load asset from harddrive to memory in the second thread in engine format, and then i "register" it from the first thread, but this would take some miliseconds (as just copying from memory to memory) and no troubles with GC?
  18. This is a part of TerraDyne ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/1950-dynterwerks-editor/ ) This is what i achieved, but sometimes i catch crashes ( http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/3034-setmembit-error-membit-already-set/ )
  19. This is what i achieved, but those random craches...
  20. Oh thanks, thats it I think, i'll add here mouse clicks and selection of the nearest vertex and post on forum. But in general, i think its a good idea to have possibility to select vertexes in Model Viewer and get info about its number.
  21. But the center of the gun is not affected by animation, so i would have static spot. I just want to get the coordinates of the bullet-firing point using not bones, but vertexes. But i have no idea how to find number of needed vertex (maybe i need to make little standalone application, where i wound run through all vertexes, highlight current one and cout current number)
  22. I also want to say thank you, i tested this crosshair, it looks good
  23. I'm using just a standard smoke files... Looking like i need to go back to framewerk from framework.
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